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Post in Beauty Confidential

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@SuzieQJ @Carmenatty  If you live in the US, I’d be happy to send you some of the gwps I have stocked up.   I’ll never get through it all. Let me know and I’ll pm you pics or you can tell me colors, products you are needing. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @Indy701 , 

Thank You So Much Indy, so far you’re the only other one, she does live in the US, I’m in Canada, although that won’t stop me!  I wonder if no one is seeing this because it’s already on page 2.

❤️❤️❤️’s, SuzieQ. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @Indy701 , @Carmenatty , @veronika23 ,

Yes I know, I have lots I’m never going to use also, I wonder, should she tell us what she uses, so at least if we send stuff we know at least some is what she uses?

❤️‘S, SuzieQ. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@SuzieQJ  @Indy701  OMG you guys are so generous and awesome😢I'm overwhelmed.This is a true blessing.I appreciate you guys.❤

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @Carmenatty , @veronika23 , @Indy701 ,

It was only a few weeks ago, someone had a post going about what to do with their gently used makeup, there may be something we can do!

❤️‘S, SuzieQ. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@SuzieQJ  anything will help.I'm olive skin with warm undertones.I appreciate's winter so i get kinda pale.20190129_191002.jpg


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I’m sorry @Carmenatty 😔 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@faeriegirl thank you.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Carmenatty Oh no!  That’s awful and expensive.  I got my sister a beauty case with a built in combination lock after my niece did something similar. It’s not big but the most expensive things can fit in. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Indy701  thanks☺

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Grrrrrr.. Labels that don’t peel off cleanly! You jerks!Labels that don’t peel off cleanly! You jerks!



RE: Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hello @sister13 try olive oil or make a drug store run and get a “orange product” to remove oven grease that has over time turn to gum. I use it on items with a stick that refuses to come off and my oven hood.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13, for stubborn labels, I warm the area up with a blow dryer first. This tends to make the adhesive looser and it's easier to peel off. You could start at the bottom, warming the label and slowly peel up.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Totally agree @sister13 !!!


Curse you labels that don't peel off cleanly!!giphy


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13 Ugh I have no patience for labels that don’t peel off correctly. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

This! Just yesterday i went through this nightmare with an acrylic organizer. Uggggh @sister13 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13 That’s annoying. Have you tried nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol?  About 70% of the time those work for me if I have nothing else. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Be careful when using nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol to remove the sticky mess left from labels. Some plastics can be damaged by it and leave a horrible mark. I had a hand mirror years ago that was a pearly pink plastic and the nail polish remover ate into the plastic...eeeek!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Not yet, I was just so annoyed at how extremely sticky it was, and how much effort it will require, it’s really stuck on there!  It I will persevere, thanks @Indy701 ❤️❤️❤️

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ugh @sister13 I can’t stand when that happens 😔 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Thanks for commiserating! Ugh, so annoying! @faeriegirl  💜💜💜
