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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @GG84 ,

No, it doesn’t happen with all liquids, first time ever.  The sweat is all around the outside of my face, just past where I put the foundation, like around my hairline etc. , trust me, it’s so bad even my guy said go back to using the one I used to. It’s like putting on your makeup on a really hot day, only it’s x 20 worse & it’s winter?  Do some foundations make your skin unable to breathe?

Do you use liquid or powder, or both?

Thanks so much GG, ❤️

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I'm devastated.I know it can be replaced but my grandson ruined ALL my makeup😢Brand new stuff that i have purchased for xmas.Starting all over again is going to be a challenge since I'm not working due to an injury😢

my sister stole alllllll my make up. now I just met her f...

my sister stole alllllll my make up. now I just met her four years ago because I was adopted. it was the same feeling Ive gotten when I've accidently erased all my pictures on my camera from a family vacation. That must of been terrible esp because you got all the Christmas deals!! If it's any help, I started over too. Now I have more than a mom of two who doesn't go out much needs lol like so much more. I feel your pain though!!!! btw my son took my origins moisturizer and spread it alllllll over my mirror and trust me that's nothing compared to what has happened to my old and new make up! #CantLiveWithThem #CantLiveWithoutEm

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @Carmenatty , @veronika23 , @faeriegirl , @Indy701 , 

Hi All, I’m wondering if there is some way we could help @Carmenatty , any ideas anyone?

Thanks, SuzieQ. 

Just in case anyone can help @Carmenatty ?

@StephanieBT , @kevinbt , @HelenBT ?

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@SuzieQJ @Carmenatty  If you live in the US, I’d be happy to send you some of the gwps I have stocked up.   I’ll never get through it all. Let me know and I’ll pm you pics or you can tell me colors, products you are needing. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @Indy701 , 

Thank You So Much Indy, so far you’re the only other one, she does live in the US, I’m in Canada, although that won’t stop me!  I wonder if no one is seeing this because it’s already on page 2.

❤️❤️❤️’s, SuzieQ. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @Indy701 , @Carmenatty , @veronika23 ,

Yes I know, I have lots I’m never going to use also, I wonder, should she tell us what she uses, so at least if we send stuff we know at least some is what she uses?

❤️‘S, SuzieQ. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@SuzieQJ  @Indy701  OMG you guys are so generous and awesome😢I'm overwhelmed.This is a true blessing.I appreciate you guys.❤

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @Carmenatty , @veronika23 , @Indy701 ,

It was only a few weeks ago, someone had a post going about what to do with their gently used makeup, there may be something we can do!

❤️‘S, SuzieQ. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@SuzieQJ  anything will help.I'm olive skin with warm undertones.I appreciate's winter so i get kinda pale.20190129_191002.jpg


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I’m sorry @Carmenatty 😔 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@faeriegirl thank you.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Carmenatty Oh no!  That’s awful and expensive.  I got my sister a beauty case with a built in combination lock after my niece did something similar. It’s not big but the most expensive things can fit in. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Indy701  thanks☺

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Grrrrrr.. Labels that don’t peel off cleanly! You jerks!Labels that don’t peel off cleanly! You jerks!



RE: Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hello @sister13 try olive oil or make a drug store run and get a “orange product” to remove oven grease that has over time turn to gum. I use it on items with a stick that refuses to come off and my oven hood.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13, for stubborn labels, I warm the area up with a blow dryer first. This tends to make the adhesive looser and it's easier to peel off. You could start at the bottom, warming the label and slowly peel up.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Totally agree @sister13 !!!


Curse you labels that don't peel off cleanly!!giphy


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13 Ugh I have no patience for labels that don’t peel off correctly. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

This! Just yesterday i went through this nightmare with an acrylic organizer. Uggggh @sister13 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13 That’s annoying. Have you tried nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol?  About 70% of the time those work for me if I have nothing else. 
