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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

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So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When you order the wrong thing.  I previously posted when I dropped my favorite UD single on the bathroom floor and it broke.  I looked at the name so I could remember to replace it as I loved that color.  When the UD singles went on sale for the 21 Days of Beauty, I realized I had forgotten the name, but though it had astronaut or space something in it.  Went with Space Cowboy thinking that was it, but nope, not right.  I should have gone in store to check.  Oops.  I got the Moondust formula and it was very glittery.  Realized the one I loved must not have been Moondust as it didn't have that glitteriness.  Which means I ordered the wrong formula and I'm pretty sure they won't let me exchange the Moondust for the regular eyeshadow at the sale price.  Boooooo.  I loved that eyeshadow.  I'm not feeling $20 to replace it as I have a couple palettes.  I'm hoping maybe the PMG singles might have a similar shade, which I would be willing to splurge on since I love her products.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh no @sprocketta , how frustrating! I can't think of any singles that have to do with space, but Space Cowboy makes me think of the Midnight Cowboy family of shades (also includes Midnight Cowboy Rides Again and Midnight Cowgirl). Think you'll return the one you bought, or try to make it work?

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@tastelikewater On second thought, I'm going to give it to someone else.  It was a good deal and I don't want to make Ulta pay for my mistake.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@tastelikewater I'll have to return it.  It's WAY too glittery for me.  I feel bad that I made a mistake and will have to return something I had swatched.  I don't like returning used products if I can help it.  I feel like the waste is all my fault on this.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

So not a beauty pet peeve, but I have been having some avocado issues lately. They will seem the perfect ripeness, but when I cut them open there are black spots throughout. Not to be dramatic, but it’s so disappointing. The other day, seriously all three in a row that I cut into had black marks throughout. I got to eat no avocados. 😞


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@PrettyPaint  I understand your pain. I love Avocados and it is always a disappointment when you think it is right time to cut it just to find out it is a bit too late and it is already marked with those dark splotches.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@PrettyPaint The struggle is real. Finding that perfectly ripe avocado isn't always easy. Love avocados by the way, in my food and my skincare. <333

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Mmmmm I do too @PenelopeBT . And so good for you! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

ugh that is really annoying @PrettyPaint  - they are so expensive too it's frustrating when they are wrong

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I found some frozen diced avocado at Fred Meyer (Private Selection house brand), bagged up just like they do their berries. I haven't tried it yet but I am very hopeful.


I have been pretty unhappy in general with produce in the past year or two, most especially disappointed by the quality of onions, potatoes, jicamas, and lettuces. I can't remember ever having such a bad run with produce. I think that food handling is to blame in a lot of cases. I've seen ready-to-eat salad products which seem to be packaged improperly, with green leaves leaking out of their plastic clamshells. The seal just can't be good and there is no way they can stay fresh until their due date, so they start turning brown and/or slimy before their time. I see that with bagged salads too, so I assume manufacturers aren't getting good seals on the bags, and/or they are just pushing it with the expiration dates.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@gingerleigh  I didn’t know you could even freeze avocados! I would love to hear what you think of them. Yes, I have been having problems with lettuce as well. I buy lettuce in the tubs, but I feel like more often than not half the leaves are rotten. Maybe I should plant a garden. 🙂

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@PrettyPaint  I read some reviews of other brands' frozen avocado, so I already know I should only bother trying it in guac or smoothies. It sounds like it will have the same sort of taste from citric acid that repels me from any kind of shelf-stable iced tea. Since I only like unsweet plain iced tea, there is nothing to cover up the citric acid taste. There will be plenty of other flavors going on in guacamole, so I am still hopeful that this will work out and I will have on-demand avocado. Still working my way through a bunch of clearance single-serve Wholly Guacamole cups I bought and froze, so it will be a couple weeks before I get around to trying the frozen avocado! Those little guacamole cups freeze just fine.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@gingerleigh  Gotcha! That makes sense! I can see how it would work mixed with other things, smashed, etc. I had also never tried freezing guac before, so that’s good to know! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Frozen diced avocados are great to toss in a smoothie @PrettyPaint

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@eshoe  Thanks! I will definitely try it in the near future 🙂

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

That is so frustrating when that happens @PrettyPaint ☹️

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@PrettyPaint I’ve never had that happen, the black spot issue. After a quick google it seems there’s no concrete answer. Some say it’s due to over exposure to cold temperatures/excessive handling in transit and that you can simply cut the black out and eat the green. Others say that it’s over ripeness and the black is the oils in the ‘cado staining the flesh. 

Most Organic stores where I live sell unripened Avocados. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@GG84 @PrettyPaint That's interesting! When I'm in NorCal, I'm more likely to see black spots in avocados. In SoCal, almost every one I buy has been perfect, no matter what store I buy from.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@RNGesusPls  Oh wow, that’s interesting! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@RNGesusPls  Mine have been perfect too, I mean except for the worm 🐛 incident where I had to temporarily break up from Avacados for a few weeks lol

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@GG84 I still remember that post and am always on a lookout now. 

3 Replies