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Post in Beauty Confidential

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Rumor is warehouse staff are taking them to sell.

Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@JessLess Same here! I'm the weirdo who wants the perfume samples, yet I never get them. Usually hair or foundation stuff...which I never use.

Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how much people hate their play box or haven't received it yet. And people threatening to unsubscribe or stop shopping at Sephora completely for one reason or another. Reach out to CS and calm down. You pay $10 a month and they have to cater to a large audience, they can't accommodate your shopping/returns history, allergies, or very specific shade. Cut them some slack. Everybody just love everybody. Rant over.

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@Lazybeautybeast I wish I could give this a million likes. I tend to be a problem solver. If there is something I don't like, I get rid of it. I don't tend to complain about the issue until it magically disappears. But to each their own! I think all the negativity going around is just going to discourage newcomers from staying because they will think this is a "Sephora-venting forum".

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@gonerogue@Lazybeautybeast   yeah it is super frustrating to see the same thing over and over again... I hate messes and it drives me absolutely nuts to see disorganization... so to see all the repeat threads instead of stuff going into the proper threads just drives me nucking futs. 😄

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@gonerogue It’s also the reason why so many long term members are no longer logging onto the forum on a regular basis. It’s become the centralized location of Sephora complaints which makes logging on a chore rather than a pleasant experience.

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@trishavt i agree! I used to be active on these boards for a few years now, but ever since the change - i have to say my involvement on the boards is limited - just because there is SO much going on now on the BIC platform..  I wish it would go back to the good ole days of BT. 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

I just wish they would all keep it in one thread! I suppose people always want to be heard and have their anger justified but it wouldn't be so bad if everyone posted in the October thread. It's the millions of new posts complaining and asking where their box is that are so annoying! 


and I agree, its a $10 its not going to suit everyone every time I feel like there should be more understanding of the fact that they are catering to a big audience and only have a select number of products and shades to send out. 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

Posts like those are so dramatic. When I got pissed off at Loose Button for the continued crappy Topbox boxes, I simply went into my account page and unsubscribed. No complaining, threats, drama. Eventually I realize that I rarely use any of the samples I receive from boxes, so I unsubscribed altogether. Just because I wasn't enjoying the samples doesn't mean the boxes suck. They're just not for me.


Getting the wrong foundation colour sucks (even if you have dark skin and got a light skin sample), but really, I don't expect to be really able to wear any sort of subscription box foundation because my skin undertone is so hard to match. And complaining about getting a fragrance sample and the whole box sucks because of that? Oy.

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@k617 I did something similar to that. But all I said was boo because I didn't get the perfume I wanted, it was no big deal. I don't see a point in making a super big deal out of it. As for the wrong foundation colors I see it as something to try when you aren't going out in public so you can at least see if the foundation formula works for you. But all these separate threads about it are so annoying. 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@k617 I remember when the complaints were of getting perfume vials...and then Sephora switched it up for a month and the complaints were of NOT getting perfume vials. Whatever they do, they just can't win. Feel kinda bad but I stay subscribed because I enjoy everything I get and use my samples when I travel 😉

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

Right? I subscribed to Play for a few months. I decided I'd rather use the money to buy things I knew I would like, so I unsubscribed. I didn't post a rant about it, I just...unsubscribed. Idk, I just don't think every single thing is worth having a fit about.

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

It's been so much lately! I've been really surprised with how infuriated some people are over a $10 a month subscription. I look at Play! as a little $10 surprise. I spend that on coffee each day... if it means more to you than that, you shouldn't do it. 


Buckle up @Lazybeautybeast; it's about to get bad later this week when people realize they didn't get friends and family codes. Last year I was persona non grata for calling out begging. This year, I'll just sit back and watch. 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

Oh @mrsbaine I remember that! It (the complaining) was legit ridiculous, and this year it's only going to be worse because people start new threads constantly. I did receive one last year and it was the sweetest surprise and made me so happy! But I don't expect to get one this year and that is just fine :). I'm on a bit of a necessary no-buy anyways!

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

I am putting myself on a no buy too. I have to! 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

I don't understand the F&F code freak out. I'm just chilly waiting for the vib/rouge sale to come along - it's not as if the world is going to end if I buy my items a few weeks later. 


I wasn't part of the community last year so I missed it but now i'm definitely not looking forward to that. 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@mrsbaine I remember that!!! The begging and also you responding, lol! 


I also get beyond annoyed at people complaining about their play box and comparing it to boxes where they get full sized items. Those full sized items are always of drugstore or cheaper brands.... Why or HOW anyone would expect a full sized item sold at Sephora for $10 a month really baffles me. 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

LOL! Yup! I was bored last year; I have a lot on my plate this year so I can't find good meme's for them. 🙂 


I don't understand why people expect more for the $10 price tag. It's weird to me. I've actually been pleasantly surprised that it hasn't hit crazy levels yet this year. No one is saying how it's "not fair" or "please, I need the Natasha Denona palette before it sells out or I'll die". 

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

Oh man yea, the F&F'll be the same in December with people here just to look for those $20 (or25?) off coupons we get for Xmas.

Re: Currently annoyed by the influx of BIC threads about how...

@Lazybeautybeast, wish I can heart this over and over and over and over again! 😄


I'm newer to the community (2ish months), but all this en...

I'm newer to the community (2ish months), but all this entitlement and negativity this last week is too much. Relax! I'm glad I'm not the only one, @angelKiss24
3 Replies