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Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hello beautiful Beauty Insider Community members! 


We’re starting this thread for you guys to report any issues and weird things that you are seeing or ask any questions. We have a number of issues logged that we are already working on a fix for, so this is a work in process.


Some things to note as you are reporting issues:

  • If you are looking for a thread and can’t find it, please post here. We’ll need to manually move some threads that got lost in the migration to their correct groups.
  • If you are reporting a bug please be specific about the issue you're seeing, how you got there (“I clicked here and it did *this*”), the device you're using and which browser you're in. 


Some tips:

  • If you are looking for a thread that you commented on in the old community, go to the front page of conversations and click the “My Posts” tab. This is where you will find all of your conversations activity, including your heart count.


It’s good to see you all and thanks for being patient!


Whenever reporting a bug we need as much info as possible or our tech team cannot reproduce the issue and verify it's actually occurring. If they can't see the issue they cannot fix it. You cannot overshare details, test on too many devices or share too many screenshots... The more detail the better!

Re: RE: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I've found clicking on 'Conversations' sometimes helps automatically signing me in again. I refuse to use the mobile app, it just isn't built with user interface in mind @scott1201

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I am consistently having trouble signing into BIC. Clearing cache and cookies doesn’t help. It is like sometimes all of a sudden I can sign in after a few days and then get locked out again.  Basically whenever I have some spare time and want to hangout with lovely ladies here, I can’t sign in 😏

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@fatimamummy SERIOUSLY! I keep getting kicked out and it’s making me want to stop trying after so many attempts 😕 I did clear my cookies from both my iPhone and my Mac and I’m having less issues but I still find myself signing in every few minutes 😡😡

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I don't know why this makes me giggle like crazy, but it does. That has to be the funniest error message ever"things went wrong". I agree 100% :p"things went wrong". I agree 100% 😛


Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Ohhhh @KatieBT I'm at a loss and confused, lol. I've been having trouble with the BIC and system lately, as in the past couple days. I'm sorry to complain! The issues range from the app itself to the website, which is funny because many times when I click on a conversation, product, or subject under my profile/account tab (where it states your name, points, and status in a black box at the top) it will randomly pull up the app if I had been using the web browser, or vice versa. It seems super random? Btw, I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S6. When I can actually use my computer to access, it doesn't seem to have as much trouble besides occasionally telling me that I cannot access a page or that there's been an error. Mostly, I've been having trouble in the BIC with all of posting, replying, editing, and deleting. Sometimes it will let me do these things and a lot of times it pops up with a window saying "Permission denied," or will just refresh as if my attempt went through but shows the normal page as if I did not. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I hope I provided enough details and that my explanation isn't too long, but I apologize if it is! 


Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@KemoLove are you having sign on issues or are not able to post while you're already signed on? 


I work on everything community-related (Conversations, Gallery, Profile) but the website issues you're seeing would be something I bring up to the site team. Can you clarify?

@KatieBT ~ Sure, sure, thank you! 😙 It happens while I'm...

@KatieBT ~ Sure, sure, thank you! 😙 It happens while I'm signed in, but also signs me out often at random. If this may help... I have found that if I haven't accessed BIC in a little while (in about an hour or more), I run into a lot less issues if I sign out and sign back in first before trying to read or post things. Let me know if I can clarify anything further! Again, thank you for trying to help ❤

Re: @KatieBT ~ Sure, sure, thank you! 😙 It happens while I'm...

@KemoLove I've been having major issues as well - but on my desktop.  I will be signed in, then when I go to click on "Conversations" it will sign me out.  Long story short, I think it may be a system error.  I posted in CS and the mod said she would forward it to the IT department.  I've had to resort to using an incognito window on my desktop - for some reason that works.  I guess we can all be frustrated together!

Re: @KatieBT ~ Sure, sure, thank you! 😙 It happens while I'm...

@KatieBT I'm continuing to have problems staying signed in when I got to use even when I open an Incognito window.  I e-mailed Sephora the latest error message I got, and they rec'd that I change my password.  I changed it, but it didn't help.  😞  I miss my BIC!

Re: @KatieBT ~ Sure, sure, thank you! 😙 It happens while I'm...

@greeneyedgirl107~ So sorry you are having troubles too! Hopefully they have gotten better by now ❤️

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Notifications don’t seem to be working for me currently. Anyone else? 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@PrettyPaint I haven't been receiving e-mails about my tags's been spotty at best.  

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback


They're down for me too

(Not that you'll get a notification that I tagged you 😒 )

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@RGbrown @PrettyPaint are your notifications working correctly now? 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

They have been working fine today @KatieBT. Thanks! 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback


Yes, they are working now. Outages seem to be intermittent...I haven't noticed one in at least a couple of days. 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Thanks @RGbrown. And no, I didn’t get your notification! 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback


I got yours, so hopefully they'll keep working 😀

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Got yours this time too! @RGbrown. Thanks! 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@KatieBT I can’t sign in via laptop either. 😩😩😩 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Did anybody have problems with check out page? It is extremely difficult to checkout. Basically it keeps asking me to update info (shipping address, shipping method,etc) while none of those change for me? Clicking back and forth multiple times before I was able to confirm order. Happen to me twice this week 😭

5 Replies