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Post in Beauty Confidential

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

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So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Samtian - they were extremely swollen during pregnancy and went down but feet can change permanently from what I've read. It won't be extreme but maybe 1/2 to 1 size different. For me, I was lucky to wear size 5 and sometimes had to search for 4.5 shoes. My order was all size 5 and like I mentioned in my post, my left foot just wasn't cooperating and must be a tad bigger.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@ShortErica  Well that sucks! Add that to my long list of reasons to never have kids.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

So I tried them on again this evening and now 2 of the 3 pairs fit. Now I wait and see what tomorrow brings @Samtian. My feet are crazy I guess.

ughhhh that stinks @ShortErica! I guess I'm in the minori...

ughhhh that stinks @ShortErica! I guess I'm in the minority my feet never changed with any of my 4 pregnancies. Besides being swollen of course.

Re: ughhhh that stinks @ShortErica! I guess I'm in the minori...

@sonnydee - my mom was so worried with how swollen my feet were during the end. And I was a c-section and pumped with fluids so my entire legs looked crazy for a few weeks after too. It's not much of a change but just enough that it made me shoe order disappointing instead of exciting.

Re: ughhhh that stinks @ShortErica! I guess I'm in the minori...

C section x 4🙋‍♀️. I'm high risk. My first pregnancy, I got preeclampsia, my feet looked liked bear claws-i could hardly even wear flip flops. Sounds like you retained alot of water. Me too. It really bites. Maybe it was the brand? I know I can go between 6 or 6.5 depending on the brand. @ShortErica 

Re: ughhhh that stinks @ShortErica! I guess I'm in the minori...

It is Nine West which I used to never be able to wear because the 5 was a bit big. And I was in Dillard's last month and the lowest size they have in any brand was a 5.5 and they were all big. But I put one of them on today and they are snug on my left foot but not as I remembered when they first arrived. I was feeling a bit feverish and maybe that impacted it. I was so glad not to have had preeclampsia and was worried I would. You are one tough mama @sonnydee!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2


This happened today.  Luckily only one lipstick died a horrible death.  Farewell Nars Yu.  I loved you and neglected you and now you’re gone.  

ON the bright side, a little rubbing alcohol and a few paper towels later and things are good as new (save for the paper paul joe joe case that’s been stained now).  

RE: Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I need this kind of organization in my life!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@heartsmyface ,

I think your little one wants to be an artist!   And you need padlocks on your makeup drawers.  Farewell Nars Yu.  😞

You do have a beautiful collection, so well organized!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I can get behind that!  And thank you.  I just recently did a lipstick rotation pulling the lipsticks i want to use this season up into the drawers on the counter and replacing the slots with what I was using all fall/winter,  I’m really getting back into pink nudes.  @tsavorite 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2



Love this! Thank you for sharing:) You are giving me inspiration to organize my collection.

❤️ Melissa

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@heartsmyface What an amazing collection!




Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

For the record, I “liked” this post but I don’t like-like it; I just wanted to show moral support. Those moments are heart stopping! Glad the damage wasn’t too bad @heartsmyface !

😲😢 dang offspring! so sorry @heartsmyface they are so q...

😲😢 dang offspring! so sorry @heartsmyface they are so quick when they want to be!

Re: 😲😢 dang offspring! so sorry @heartsmyface they are so q...

Ugh, it wasn’t even that he was quick.  I sometimes get into a meditative state laundry folding and normally it works out alright.  My luck was out.  @sonnydee 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@heartsmyface oh no... how did this happen?  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

My mini me tiny human decided he was feeling artistic.  I walked up with a pile of laundry to put away and he was all like ‘uh oh!!!’ Yeah.  Uh oh.  @missjeanie 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@heartsmyface  oh no.... lol I shouldn't laugh... but I am.. only because I can totally see this playing out in so many homes!  I can just picture the mom look your mini got! Thankfully not all was lost!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Mine did that once with pink nail polish 🤦‍♀️

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ahhhhh, please tell me it wasn’t on the carpet! 😬 @faeriegirl 
