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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

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So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@moxiepancakes I always have this problem. Usually I wake up with sheet marks on my nails 😞

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ugh, yes @suzyo. Sometimes if I fall asleep on my stomach and stick my feet over the bottom edge I am lucky enough to wake up with nails that aren’t embossed by my sheets.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ugh I hate when I do that @moxiepancakes😞

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

On Trac. 


Off Trac. 


On Trash. 


Sephora, please stop. When you use their service your customers are helpless and at their mercy. There is nothing we can do. Their CS is unreliable. 3 of 4 of my last deliveries had issues, and this last one has gone missing despite being said it was delivered (at 10:40 pm???).  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I was so glad to move out of an On-Trac city. Lots of bad experiences with them, but the very worst was their delivery of my Modern Renaissance palette back in 2016. I saw the "delivery vehicle" as it drove by -- that's all it did was drive by, slowly enough to throw my box into my yard. It was an old, decrepit-looking station wagon, and its driver had what I assumed was an aged relative sprawled in the back seat. The rest of the space in the car was filled with brown boxes of various sizes.


I had watched as my Sephora box was tossed over the gate onto the concrete path. The palette was broken, and I figured it would be, but to find out for sure, first I had to open the box. I did so pretty hesitantly because it had greasy fingerprints on it, and also some ants. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@alexasteph 95% of my packages that have gone missing were "delivered" by OnTrac as well. Absolutely horrible! I hope you get replacements or a refund!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@gonerogue Sephora is sending me a replacement package thankfully (through UPS). After a lengthy conversation with the On Trac CS rep, there are about 6 different ways a package can say “delivered” when they truly weren’t... and awful delivery drivers isn’t one of those reasons of course. Apparently in this case, the driver called in the delivery and didn’t use the hand scanner, so they “predict he thought he delivered it by mistake and will find it on the truck Monday morning.” He better find it with the other package they’re scheduled to deliver on Monday. Seriously, how are they still in business. Have you ever read reviews?? Apparently food shipment companies use them! At Sephora it seems to be their 3 day shipper, so I’ll have to double check what the new perks look like for that. If the 2 day is $15 vs the free 3 for Rouge I’m paying the $15. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2


I don't know how Sephora chooses when to use OnTrac vs UPS (and I admit I don't know if 2 day vs 3 day might play a role in that...could be), but I think since OnTrac services your area, you may never be fully clear of them unless you choose the USPS Priority option at checkout. (And now I wonder if free Priority falls under Flash or if it will be part of the free Standard shipping...Flash, I'd have to guess 🤔)


I know I've seen so many complaints that I'm shocked any company still ships with them...they must be dirt cheap for Sephora to keep replacing shipment after shipment...

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@RGbrown Just based on my own anecdotal evidence, it does seem 2 Day is UPS and 3 is On Trac. I was reviewing the Flash Shipping and it’s still one foot in 2 one foot in 3 day for Rouge. I’ll have to take a closer look at it when I place my next order.  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@alexasteph Good to know. We don't have OnTrac here (thankfully), and IIRC all of my orders always say 2 day, so that may very well be it. I hope you're able to figure a reliable way around them! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I started using Differin a couple of weeks ago, and it's making my face itchy 😞

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@suzyo Oh no 😞 Maybe a good moisturizing mask will help bring some hydration back to your skin??

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@gonerogue I’ve had the LANEIGE - Water Sleeping Mask sitting in drawer untouched for a year, and I finally used it out of desperation. I’m kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner because it’s really good. This whole time I’ve neglected it because I thought it was supposed to replace moisturizer, and I think my night cream is better. When I saw it was meant to be applied on top of moisturizer I gave it a shot and I had no itching last night 😊

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@suzyo I don’t know how I feel about ❤️-ing this since it's making your face itchy except to let you know I’m sorry!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

1. Things I want keep selling out right before I can grab them, and it's 80% my own fault for trusting they'll be there "until my next paycheck."


2, I haven't had many chances recently to dress up or do fun makeup, so I was really looking forward to NYE, but now I have to get my wisdom teeth removed that day instead, so while everyone else has fun glamming up and drinking champagne, I'll be laid up on the couch recovering.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I hope you're feeling better. I totally get the whole 'ready to party' thing, except something happens to ruin it. Don't worry; there will be more party opportunities in your future, and at least you won't have your wisdom teeth to ruin it! 🙂

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Annalily11 Ditto on the paycheck thing. Hope your extractions go smoothly. It's a bummer not to glam it up, but you can have fun at home as well. Maybe do your glam celebration a couple weeks after NYE. You probably will have an easier time getting reservations and spending less.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Annalily11 I hope your extractions and recovery go smoothly! Remember, you can make popsicles out of wine... I’m just sayin’. 😉 


I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled when I was in my 30s, and only because the top right one cracked the bottom right one open one night. During extraction of the bottom right one, the root broke, and I had to wait a few days for the leftover rogue root shard to migrate up to my gum line before the dentist could go back in to remove that shard. I decided to have the remaining 3 wisdom teeth pulled, which helped reduce a lot of pressure in my jaw and related headaches. Without knowing why you’re having yours removed, I’m sure this will be good for you in the long run. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh no @Annalily11!! This past year I had a wisdom tooth removed Canada day/fourth of July long weekend. On the bright side - it was the most restful long weekend I’ve ever had! I feel SO much better though, I’m sure you will too ❤️❤️

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!  I had mine out years ago, and it sucked at the time, but two weeks later I felt soooo much better!  Keep in mind that you can have lots of popsicles--use them to make your lips pretty colors!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh no @Annalily11 I’m so sorry you have to miss out on NYE😔. Hopefully it goes well and you will have a speedy recovery.

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