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Post in Beauty Confidential

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

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So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@gonerogue I’ve had the LANEIGE - Water Sleeping Mask sitting in drawer untouched for a year, and I finally used it out of desperation. I’m kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner because it’s really good. This whole time I’ve neglected it because I thought it was supposed to replace moisturizer, and I think my night cream is better. When I saw it was meant to be applied on top of moisturizer I gave it a shot and I had no itching last night 😊

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@suzyo I don’t know how I feel about ❤️-ing this since it's making your face itchy except to let you know I’m sorry!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

1. Things I want keep selling out right before I can grab them, and it's 80% my own fault for trusting they'll be there "until my next paycheck."


2, I haven't had many chances recently to dress up or do fun makeup, so I was really looking forward to NYE, but now I have to get my wisdom teeth removed that day instead, so while everyone else has fun glamming up and drinking champagne, I'll be laid up on the couch recovering.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I hope you're feeling better. I totally get the whole 'ready to party' thing, except something happens to ruin it. Don't worry; there will be more party opportunities in your future, and at least you won't have your wisdom teeth to ruin it! 🙂

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Annalily11 Ditto on the paycheck thing. Hope your extractions go smoothly. It's a bummer not to glam it up, but you can have fun at home as well. Maybe do your glam celebration a couple weeks after NYE. You probably will have an easier time getting reservations and spending less.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Annalily11 I hope your extractions and recovery go smoothly! Remember, you can make popsicles out of wine... I’m just sayin’. 😉 


I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled when I was in my 30s, and only because the top right one cracked the bottom right one open one night. During extraction of the bottom right one, the root broke, and I had to wait a few days for the leftover rogue root shard to migrate up to my gum line before the dentist could go back in to remove that shard. I decided to have the remaining 3 wisdom teeth pulled, which helped reduce a lot of pressure in my jaw and related headaches. Without knowing why you’re having yours removed, I’m sure this will be good for you in the long run. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh no @Annalily11!! This past year I had a wisdom tooth removed Canada day/fourth of July long weekend. On the bright side - it was the most restful long weekend I’ve ever had! I feel SO much better though, I’m sure you will too ❤️❤️

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!  I had mine out years ago, and it sucked at the time, but two weeks later I felt soooo much better!  Keep in mind that you can have lots of popsicles--use them to make your lips pretty colors!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh no @Annalily11 I’m so sorry you have to miss out on NYE😔. Hopefully it goes well and you will have a speedy recovery.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I have a lack of grey eye shadows in my collection,I wanted a grey for a look I was doing and must have checked a dozen palettes before I found one.

I think I may have 4 shades of matte gray in my entire co...

I think I may have 4 shades of matte gray in my entire collection and all of the browns known to man. It might be time for the gray eyeshadow challenge.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

My BITE mini got busted! Thank goodness for duct tape 🙂



Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

LOL @pocketvenus duct tape fixes everything!!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@cianniNow I don't have to peek into my purse to grab this colour, I just feel around for the duct tape 😂

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The creativity of these freaking spammers. Just how much ROI are they getting from spamming here? It must be something if they keep doing it. They now embed their links in the photo gallery, change the title of their posts to "Have you tried this mask?" Nope male enhancement link inside. And now today (I think an untelated one) spamming to promote their Instagram. 

Seriously, there should be something in place where a mod has to approve the first few posts of a new account. Yes, it would mean their post doesn't go live right away - but it would deter so much of this. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I was so bummed when I saw I got a private message and it was spam! I'm also up late night and see so many spam threads; it's obnoxious. The crappy thing is it seems if someone already marked them, you can't mark them again to hide them from your feed.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I agree.  I'm on the east coast and an early riser.  I probably mark 5-6 each morning as spam.  What really gets me are the thinly veiled threads started by people who are obviously trying to get people to look at their blog.  Posts like "What eyes should I do" and that's it. 

Sometimes I want to be snarky and tell them "If you don't know, maybe you should rethink blogging."  I don't, because I know some on these boards don't speak English as a first language, and I don't want to hurt someone who is truly trying to ask a legitimate question, but not able to express themselves well enough to get their point across.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@GG84 I saw that instagram one! I looked her up and I'm guessing her followers are bought, because the ratio of comments to followers is way off, lol. I'm wondering what the heck she's peddling? Like for a price, your followers can be bought too!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@suzyo Right? I looked her up also! I think she legit just wanted more followers and hers are bought for sure. I'm so sick of it. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When I have a long, wiry white eyebrow hair that is smack in the middle of a bunch of good, dark hairs, is difficult to separate while doing my brows, and I grab and pluck a good hair while leaving the white one behind, still attached to my eyelid!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Ispend2much6 I kinda like my random silver brow hairs. I only have 3 of them (that I’ve noticed so far) and sometimes it’s kind of annoying to have a single white hair in a field of black brow. But I accidentally gave one brow a very noticeable gap while trying to pluck a single gray hair, and it seemed like the missing black hairs took a year to grow back. So I just leave the silver hairs alone now. 😂

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