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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I'm not even getting notifications either @angel7594 I've seen people reply to me and heart my posts, but it doesn't show up in my feed.

when people spend so much $$$ on makeup to cover skin imp...

when people spend so much $$$ on makeup to cover skin imperfections & don't use toner, or exfoliate, or moisturizers, OR sunscreen! like, Iknow it's not my business but GWORL work smarter not harder 😭

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The APP!

- Half the time I can't select comments, posts

- I can't expand to see the entire comment

- Read replies to comments? Yeah right!

- Can't look at my notifications even with the bell!

- It keeps updating while I'm in the middle of reading something and I need to scroll to find the post I am reading


Basically I've given up on the App 😔

Anonymous Insider

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ditto that.  The only reason I use the app is to check if something is in stock at one of the 3 free-standing Sephora locations in my area.  Even that gets buggy.  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Aaliaa The app is a disaster. They’ve had 6 freaking months, and it’s still crap. I just use a browser, even on my iPod, because the app sucks so bad. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I just wrote a very detailed product review in the Sephora app, and received a message saying my submission failed, try again later! Arghhh!! 😞

@angel7594 That's always the worst surprise! I have lost...

@angel7594 That's always the worst surprise! I have lost so many reviews this way 😢

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ugh - That is super frustrating, @angel7594!   So sorry it happened to you! 😞


I agree with @bakeamuffin about copying reviews before submitting, just in case they don't go through.  I even do this on my desktop computer.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

This only happened to me once, but it was frustrating to take the time and thought to write the review when it doesn’t accept it. I started to select and copy my review before submitting so that if there’s an error I can just paste what I had already written. Sorry this happened to you @angel7594!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Luckily I did save the review before trying to post it, so I will attempt to submit again later. I just wish all the website glitches would be fixed.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I hear you! The glitches are very redundant and annoying. I really hope everything is smoothed over in the coming weeks! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Made an order 4 days ago and it still hasn't shipped. It is still in the "pending" stage. I understand that the holidays may have added to the delay but a notice would have been nice. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@m26430 I have an order from a few days ago that is still in the pending stage and I just received an email advising the order was cancelled due to the product being out of stock.  So frustrating that it took 3 days for them to realize it was oos!  


I hope your order ships soon! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I had one previous order ship over the weekend, which surprised me a little bit, and one is still processing. I’m guessing it’s just been slow for the past few days due to the holidays but I’m hoping everything will be back up running smoothly this week.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I don't believe Sephora processes orders on weekends and public holidays, but hopefully it will ship in a few days! @m26430

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

You’d think the holiday rush would be over by now.  I guess a lot of people are using gift cards?  @m26430

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When Sephora shows me list of “samples you have tried” !! Well.... I have not because I have not received correct/ chosen samples in last 4+ months and many a times have not received any at all. Complained the first two times and after that gave up, not worth the time. If I really really want to try something, Stores in my area don’t give out foil samples but they are mostly ok to make a sample if I specifically ask for it (except for couple of SAs  gave me wired untrue reasons to not make one) .

But showing these (the original ones I wanted and did not get) on my list page is like mocking/teasing 😃80F10263-379C-41F3-B55C-7D934FF0EC08.jpeg


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh that’s just rubbing salt in the wound!  @naturalooks15

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@naturalooks15 I agree. That list is totally irksome! It should be editable. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When you receive a beautiful eyeshadow palette (Tarteist Pro) and expect it to perform (like my ABH Modern Renaissance) and then you start using it and find that the colors don't blend well and look patchy/muddy. 😞 . I wish I would have read the reviews before using and exchanged it for something else!!  Now I'm stuck with this big palette whose only good shadows are the shimmer ones.  What a waste!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@b3autygrl that really gets me too!  i feel like in recent years more and more eyeshadows are coming out that swatch really well on the back of hand, but don't apply well on eyes at all!  grrr
