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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Thx @Asche. The company caused panic for sure ... we just don’t know when we’ll be next 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@blackkitty2014 I hope your job is safe and feel for your friends. I was laid off four years ago on the day before thanksgiving. It was awful. A few months later I got a better job with more money. Six months later they realized laying off 85% if the team was stupid and asked some of us to go back. We all declined. 


I hope your friends have the same luck and end up with something better.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Thanks so much @Indy701 Heart

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh geeze, I misread that and thought you had been laid off @blackkitty2014! I'm sorry about your coworkers, that is really tough. 😞 I hope you'll be alright.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I haven't been able to come to the community board for about two weeks? The app and the desktop give me these errors and I can't navigate whatsoever. It happens at random when I try to look at a product too.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Do you get a Bad Request error? Because that's what happens to me almost every time I click on a product. It's so incredibly annoying.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

JenniferOhJenny wrote:

Do you get a Bad Request error? Because that's what happens to me almost every time I click on a product. It's so incredibly annoying.


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Blackwhiskey What browser are you using when you go to the website via desktop?

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

gonerogue wrote:

@Blackwhiskey What browser are you using when you go to the website via desktop?

Google chrome

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Blackwhiskey That's odd. I find Chrome works best for me in comparison to Safari or the app. Have you tried the "clearing your cookies" trick?

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I have the same issue.  I get a Bad Request message but only when I try to click on a product.  I've had to clear my browser's cookies a couple of times now.  And I'm also using Chrome.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Seriously Sephora you need to limit the amount of special LE items that an individual can buy (for example say 2 Natasha Denona Lila palettes instead of 15) this way you will nip resellers on Evilbay in the bud. Ijust went thru this with the Givenchy LE holiday lippie. I'm pretty surethe seller bought all the lippies that she had for sale (15+) off of your site as no department store that I have called (quite a few) receivedthat many in their shipments that they received. I really hope that this peeve is seen, and taken to heart. I bet that there are a LOT of ladies that would love to see this happen as well. It gives so many others the chance to buy the pretty things that they would like to have at MSRP instead of having to go thru a reseller.

RE: Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Yes! That’s seriously annoying when people buy up all of them just to resell. The rest of us beauty addicts want some too, leave some for us!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@niki172.  They really do need to limit them!  All the Fenty holiday is at 5 instead of the usual 10.  I think 5 is a good number. 3 would be ok too... Just thinking like you buy 1 and 2 for friends or buy 1, a backup and 1 for a friend.  But Givenchy needs to push out more products too! It's always a s*** show with their releases.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Glad to know they're limiting the Fenty line @veronika23! I think 3 is a reasonable number. You are correct about companies putting out so little stock as well though. You have a super pretty case that's all glittery of course we're going to want that - it's our version of cat nip!!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@niki172   hahahahaha our version of cat nip! 😂😂😂😂

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I hear ya.. I've run around to so many stores seeking out LE items 😞 It's extra frustrating when the product sells out so quickly that the SAs don't even know what you're talking about.


...but I also have a theory that Sephora and other retailers won't ever make this change because the status quo is advantageous to the business. Resellers --> larger sales, little/no product returns, and oftentimes one shipment (vs handling damaged/lost packages).

I came back to fix my post, but I'll just put it here. Th...

I came back to fix my post, but I'll just put it here. The seller has 21 to sell....

Re: I came back to fix my post, but I'll just put it here. Th...

I'm sorry...21?!?!

Image result for annoyed gif

wow...@niki172  Smiley Indifferent  

Re: I came back to fix my post, but I'll just put it here. Th...

@ZombieMetroAnt IKR?!?!?!. The whole thing is just messed up. I seriously think limits should be put on LE items. Now you walk into a store that's first come first serve (even though I don't think you should clear the rack). I know Sephora can do this. If Colourpop's website has the ability to put a limit on how many number of their LE palettes you can buy so should Sephora on LE items. Especially those that you know are going to be hot ticket items.

RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When you get really excited about the samples that should be coming with your Sephora order, only to open the box and see that they gave you three different items that you have no desire to ever try or buy... Or worse, they just leave out the samples altogether. You’re losing money, Sephora!!! If I try a sample I was excited about, I usually buy it!