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Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hello beautiful Beauty Insider Community members! 


We’re starting this thread for you guys to report any issues and weird things that you are seeing or ask any questions. We have a number of issues logged that we are already working on a fix for, so this is a work in process.


Some things to note as you are reporting issues:

  • If you are looking for a thread and can’t find it, please post here. We’ll need to manually move some threads that got lost in the migration to their correct groups.
  • If you are reporting a bug please be specific about the issue you're seeing, how you got there (“I clicked here and it did *this*”), the device you're using and which browser you're in. 


Some tips:

  • If you are looking for a thread that you commented on in the old community, go to the front page of conversations and click the “My Posts” tab. This is where you will find all of your conversations activity, including your heart count.


It’s good to see you all and thanks for being patient!


Whenever reporting a bug we need as much info as possible or our tech team cannot reproduce the issue and verify it's actually occurring. If they can't see the issue they cannot fix it. You cannot overshare details, test on too many devices or share too many screenshots... The more detail the better!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@GeorginaBT thanks!!!  I knew you'd be able to rattle some cages!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@greeneyedgirl107 that's an awesome idea! 💡

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@GeorginaBT @TeamBIC 


Just got this error trying to send a PM to a new user; is this a new thing or a temporary glitch? I've never come across it before and have sent several PMs to new users before, so I'm curious if there are now requirements for new accounts to meet before gaining PM privileges or if this is just a hiccup and I should try again in a bit. Thanks so much!





Side quest while I'm here, something I've been meaning to ask for a bit...can I get more characters on this post again or did the last bump max it out? I tried to add some more info a few days ago and had to whittle it down because I've already hit the limit. That chart is character hungry I guess, but it's soooooo helpful and I'd love for this to be a long running resource I can maintain for years to come ❤️

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hi @RGbrown! Thanks for asking about this, and you are correct as this is related to a recent update. Community members with the “Window Shopper” rank do not have Community PM capabilities. Window Shoppers are the newest Community members who have yet to engage in the BIC. Hope this helps! 😊


Regarding the post limit, we’re currently at a character max – maybe there are parts of your nail polish post that can be abbreviated to save on characters? 😮

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback


Thanks so much!

For clarification though, the user in question isn't a Window Shopper, they are a Newcomer (with one post). I totally get restricting PMs for new users, but are there any notes on what it takes to gain the privilege? I understand that Ulta problems are none of Sephora's business 🤣🤣 but some folks sign up to get a PM with a link to an Ulta spreadsheet, but now I have no way to send it to them.


So my nail brush thread is at the max-max-max allowed, no way to increase the limit again? Y'all gave me a little bump back in Sept, but it didn't take long to fill it up again obviously. I will work on a way to whittle it down then...there's more I'd like to add, but currently can't. Might split it into a 2-post format or something. Thank you!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Oooh, let me send you a PM to look into this further @RGbrown! Thanks for the extra detail here. 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback


A few times I've been put onto the wrong site ( American vs Canadian) and from complaints in the threads it's possibly happening to others.

Some people see Canadian prices and think you've dramatically raised the prices on them etc.. they don't realize it's just the currency difference.

Your probably well aware of the issue but just in case posting it here. Thank you 🙏


( From the google app on my pixel phone)

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hi @CynthieLu Sorry to hear that! I'm sending you a PM to gather more information.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hi @TeamBIC , I just wanted to let you know that my gallery is showing no photos even though I have uploaded quite a few. None of my past photos since before the Gallery reconfiguration are showing up anymore, and since the reconfiguration I have not been able to upload any new ones (I go through the process of uploading, tagging, etc. & get a popup that says they should show up in 72 hours, but then they never appear). I did try again today to upload some photos so I will update if they do show up later.


Edit: screenshot on the app:



I am using the app and the mobile site on Firefox and an android phone (Samsung Galaxy S8), as well as the desktop site on Firefox on a Dell laptop (XPS 13 9370), if that helps at all.


Also, today the app wasn't letting me reply to posts, but I uninstalled and reinstalled and that problem seems to be fixed for now (not the first time I have had this issue).


Thanks for all you do!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@GeorginaBT  update: the photos I uploaded the other day actually posted this time! It is still only those 4 that are showing up - even though at the top of the page it says there are 53 photos, it only displays 1-4 results. I am still hoping my previous photos will return from purgatory at some point, but I'm happy I can at least post to the Gallery again! 🎉


Another screenshot from the app, in case that's useful:


Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Thanks for this detailed report @caitbird - super helpful for our tech partners! 🙏 We've passed this along to them to look into; unfortunately several members are seeing this Gallery issue, but every example helps! 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@GeorginaBT  no problem, and thank you!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I'm happy to report I can upload photos again to my gallery. 🥳 Thank you sooooo much!  @GeorginaBT 

My older picture uploads (pre-glitch) have disappeared from my profile but I'm so thrilled to be able to post to gallery again. Many thanks! 🙏🙏

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Great news @CynthieLu! 🥰 Thanks so much for sharing. Our tech partners are looking into Community members' older Gallery posts disappearing, and we hope to have a solution there for you soon too! 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Howdy @TeamBIC! I’m here via phone right now and noticed a bug on the Community landing (home) page.


OS & browser: iOS 16.7 & latest version of mobile Chrome. 

Location: Community home page ( 

Task attempted: open the “Filter” drop-down menu that’s beside the “Sort by” drop-down menu. I don’t think I’ve ever used it before and was curious to see what it does. 

Expected result: menu should open. 

Actual result: nothing happened when I tapped the word “Filter.” Then I tapped the downward caret symbol and nothing happened. I tried tapping all around both word and symbol, in case I’d mistargeted the first couple times, but it seems that menu is inactive. 




Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Not that I love hearing about bugs on the BIC, @WinglessOne, but always love and appreciate your detailed reports... 😅💛 Thanks for this! We'll pass it along to our Forum vendor partners. 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@GeorginaBT  😂 I can’t help it, I was once an IT employee and manager. Our QC team drilled the art of detailed bug reports into our heads. 


Thanks for passing along the info! Something tells me that menu’s not even supposed to be there; I don’t see it at all on the desktop view (well, using my tablet with Chrome in desktop emulator mode). 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@TeamBIC I am starting to see some of my recent reviews on my profile page 😊

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@TeamBIC I uploaded a photo the other day and it finally shows my username. The only other things are that my gallery doesn’t display the older photos and there is still a username issue with the ones that I posted a while ago. Baby steps. 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@SportyGirly125 Woo!! So happy to hear it 😊 We've made some improvements in the last couple of weeks, and are still working with our Gallery vendor partners to ensure more Community members' uploads are going to the right place and are attributed to the right username. 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hello @TeamBIC ! I deleted and installed app today. Since then I have not been receiving my regular email notifications I usually receive when someone tags me. Can you please help? 🙏

3 Replies