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Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hello beautiful Beauty Insider Community members! 


We’re starting this thread for you guys to report any issues and weird things that you are seeing or ask any questions. We have a number of issues logged that we are already working on a fix for, so this is a work in process.


Some things to note as you are reporting issues:

  • If you are looking for a thread and can’t find it, please post here. We’ll need to manually move some threads that got lost in the migration to their correct groups.
  • If you are reporting a bug please be specific about the issue you're seeing, how you got there (“I clicked here and it did *this*”), the device you're using and which browser you're in. 


Some tips:

  • If you are looking for a thread that you commented on in the old community, go to the front page of conversations and click the “My Posts” tab. This is where you will find all of your conversations activity, including your heart count.


It’s good to see you all and thanks for being patient!


Whenever reporting a bug we need as much info as possible or our tech team cannot reproduce the issue and verify it's actually occurring. If they can't see the issue they cannot fix it. You cannot overshare details, test on too many devices or share too many screenshots... The more detail the better!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Has anyone else noticed that when you mark something as spam it disappears immediately?

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

One more thing...


I would really love it if we could have the option of hiding the Live Chat button. Why? Because it makes uploading photos a complete pain. When you are inserting a picture, the Live Chat button completely covers the "DONE" button. The only way to work around that is to zoom out by 80% (sometimes 90% if I'm very careful about where I click). Note: I'm using a PC laptop and Chrome browser.


Normal webpage. See how the Live Chat is in the way? If I try to add a photo, I will end up opening the Live Chat instead.Normal webpage. See how the Live Chat is in the way? If I try to add a photo, I will end up opening the Live Chat instead.Zoomed out 80%. Live chat is out of the way and I can finally upload my photo.Zoomed out 80%. Live chat is out of the way and I can finally upload my photo.

@KatieBT @candacebt @ShiraBT


Also, I hope that you all have been receiving tag notifications. If not, then that's another thing that needs to be fixed... 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I have the same problem. It's annoying af.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Ugh @lmi82 this started happening to me too! It drives me bananas! I couldn't even find a workaround and just don't post as many things as I want😔 I think it mostly happens when I use Chrome on my MacBook.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

There is a lot of recent feedback on this thread, and it is pretty disheartening that there has been no response from any of the mods tagged. At the very least, you could acknowledge what people have been posting.  


If this thread is not checked anymore, can you please tell us where to submit our site feedback? 




@KatieBT @candacebt @ShiraBT

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@KatieBT Hello! Any update on why some threads STILL don't show up on the main feed even if they've been recently posted in? And pushing @RGbrown's suggestion that the number of responses to a thread show up in the results when searching, that would be a huge help in figuring out which thread is the active/main thread.


Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Also, is anything going to be done about users who create weird religious posts?


This is a beauty forum, not a prayer group.




@KatieBT @candacebt @ShiraBT

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@lmi82 Girl, this is weeks later (because I lost track of this thread), but I totally flagged one of those posts as spam. I come here for makeup and Jensen Ackles gifs, not weird religious stuff!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

thank god someone mentioned this 😄

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@KatieBT@candacebt@ShiraBT   why are some threads still not showing on the main feed and why aren't we getting any updates? I saw a deal on the Sephora website this morning and posted in 3 threads... NONE of them showing up on the main feed. Finally I posted in a 4th knowing that one is on the main feed. So what's the point of sharing this info if no ones sees it?  Sephora doesn't want to make money now? Why aren't we getting any types of updates anymore? Why are we being ignored? This is truly frustrating. It doesn't feel like a community at all and I have to agree with the girls below... BIC has become a spam community full of influencer posts.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hello Sephora mods!

I'm writing to see if there is an opportunity to create functionality that allows users to post Influenster related threads in a central location (a custom group).

The creation of a customized group would allow users to post their threads and any subsequent discussion in a centralized location. It would also give users the ability to subscribe to or filter out this group based on their group preferences.

Thank you for your time. 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Is something going to be done about these influenster posts? Oh, and the Armani Beauty complimentary sample ones, too. They are basically spam and bring absolutely nothing to this community. These people should be writing reviews instead of creating all of these threads.    


Also, I would love to hear if you saw and/or are doing anything with the feedback below about the duplicate thread names. That is a major problem as well. 




@candacebt @KatieBT @ShiraBT

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I NEVER pay attention to influenster post/reviews.  Studies have shown that people who participate in such programs often feel bought off and obligated to say what they feel they are expected to say--only positive things.  Not everyone, but many of those "reviewers" just say something nice and fast to fulfill their promise of doing a review.


Just seeing influenster reviews has made me NOT buy something just because the reviews were essentially bribed.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Are you guys still working on improving the functionality of this? It's still really hard to find relevant threads here - I scroll through looking for something specific that's updated a lot (e.g. active promo codes thread) but all I see, on every single page and multiple times on every page, are the same questions about oily skin and dry hair posted over and over, a million new threads on Fenty Beauty, spam posts where all someone's posting is "hi" or admitting they're posting something just to improve their ranking or talking about some random personal problem. I'm sick of having to weed through all of the junk posts just to find something with actual substance. I don't remember seeing anywhere near this many spammy, non substantive posts on the last iteration of the forum. I don't know if the layout is confusing people or if there is less moderation than before or what, but it's extremely annoying to see the same junk posted over and over and over especially when it makes it hard to find threads that are actually useful.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I concur.  The previous community layout was easier to read and posts were easier to find.  Also, it seems that there are many repetitive threads, spam and people posting a random "just posting for points."  I think posts of people posting just to post" adds no value to the community.  Spam is a big turn off.  The numerous threads about one product should be merged by a moderator into one brand thread.   Quite simply, we are taking time out of our day for what we hope is an enjoyable experience.  It's hard to enjoy the experience when it takes ages to find threads you are interested in or have activity to want to participate in the community.

RE: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hi all! I'm back and griping again. (Yay!!!) But seriously, can anyone explain the change in mobile reviews? They're much less user-friendly. All the usernames of the people who wrote them are gone. So if you liked a review they wrote you can't click on it and follow them around the site and get ideas of other products you want to try. Randomly someone who has a BIC profile will sometimes show up - but mine doesn't. I love writing reviews for the products I buy but I don't like doing it in the dark. Is Sephora planning on changing this? I'd also prefer to set the default display at "most recent" and keep that preference as permanent. Here are a couple of examples where no name or just one author name appears. (None of these are mine - just stuff I was looking at. Thanks.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback



I'd like to know what is being done about duplicate thread names? I keep seeing threads pop up that have the same names as others and most of the time they aren't even about the same subject. It makes it hard to find the ACTUAL thread in that chaos. If people who are used to the community can't even find the proper threads using the search how can new comers figure this out? Also what is being done about people posting the exact same thread in 4-5 different groups? How come there is no organization??? It feels like a free for all chat from the 1990's. People just posting in the void... no more community. 😞

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@veronika23 Nothing is being done about this problem. Scroll down the first page of this thread and you'll see countless posts where multiple mods are tagged and there isn't a single reply to anyone's inquiry or concern.


There's your answer. 

RE: Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

They. Could. Not. Care. Less.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

My feedback is not directly related to BIC but to the Sephora online shopping user experience...

  • We should be able to zoom in or get a closer look at the pictures uploaded by users when they review products. You could implement a "pop-up" box when you click on the uploaded pictures. (similar to when you click on the Quick Look function when you hover your cursor on a product).
  • I miss the old Q&A system on a product page. I feel like bringing back the Q&A page for each product would reduce the amount of redundant threads on BIC.
  • My current online shopping experience feels too bland and boring. I just dislike the whole black and white everything theme. I understand that you might be going for a minimalistic approach but minimalism doesn't have to mean minimal colors. For example, I think the stars on the product reviews page should be red. 
  • Certain graphics on the website is a little pixelated probably because of the image compression process. I think the graphics are saved as .jpeg file instead of .png file? (Example: the graphic for the "Get 50 points by completing your community profile" is not of HD quality)
  • The Sephora website on Safari browser is still pretty buggy. I cannot rate other people's reviews while I'm on the Safari browser. 

Sorry if I'm nitpicky. I just feel like my shopping at Sephora has gone way down after the site change and the change from BeautyTalk to Beauty Insider Community.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Is there an easy way to see Followers and Following? I can see the numbers on my profile page but can't click on them. 
