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Tom Ford Updates

Tom Ford Updates 

updated 10/16


New 40 Lipsticks for sale (US): 





New 50 Lips and Girls for sale (US): 


Holiday Soliel Collection, 2017 



Available Now at Neiman Marcus: 

Holiday Soliel Palette: Violet Argente

 Orchid Soliel Collection:

Available on Tom Ford Direct: 
1 lipstick: Orchid Soleil
1 Highlighter: Nightbloom- Soliel

Re: Tom Ford Updates

OMG that's so cool! Maybe talk really nice to him and he'll send you off with some freebies 😉 lol

Re: Tom Ford Updates


Re: Tom Ford Updates

1. I am rewatching 'A Single Man'. The impeccable imagery.. Colin Firth.. 😍


2. Pink Glow (swatched) showed up on ebay for $100ish! I snapped it up. It is shipping from Ireland. I hope it is legit and that it will come in one piece..

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I'm going to have to watch that movie--I've only heard good things!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

'A Single Man' is total eye candy.  Everything is so stunning.  I can watch it over and over...Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Nicolas Hoult, that house....So many pretties.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I actually just watched that last night, LOL.


I came away from watching it thinking it really was a very Tom Ford kind of aesthetic.  

I also have a soft spot for Nicholas Hoult and was pleasantly surprised to see him show up in it.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Yes the visuals are, as you said, so Tom Ford 😄 I like all the actors that appear as main characters. Nicholas Hoult has grown so much from his About A Boy days 😄

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I'm in love with Hoult as Nux (Mad Max). He's so endearing.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Wait, whaaaaaaaa?  He was the About a Boy boy???? 😮


You just blew my mind.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Lol yes I thought that was why you had a soft spot 😅

Re: Tom Ford Updates

LOL @TriesToBoClassy - no, not at all! 


I have always thought he was cute since he did that zombie movie a few years ago... (Warm Bodies?)

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Re: Tom Ford Updates



^ THIS grew up and got with THIS v


Re: Tom Ford Updates

I still haven't seen A Single Man! Maybe I should watch that this weekend :D.


YAY for Pink Glow! I LOVE that palette. It's gorgeous :). Enjoy!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

In that movie C. Firth lives in my platonic ideal of a house 😄


I can't wait to try that palette ❤️


Re: Tom Ford Updates

I bought a box/label-less pink glow for a few dollars more than that shipped. I can find no evidence that it's fake and every evidence it's real. I think occasionally people sell testers or sell items they don't use without really trying to recover what they paid

Re: Tom Ford Updates

@kethry70 my pink glow was same.. the seller told me she bought a stack from the warehouse direct..she said they came no pouch/label/boxes probably didnt meet QC standards externally like the boxes were damaged etc..



Re: Tom Ford Updates

Yay! That's great to know. Thanks for helping appease my worries. How do you like it?

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I like it a lot! It's super pretty - esp the darkest shadow.... The celestial is a little too glittery for day (for me) but still like it 🙂


mine came from NY and wasn't the kind of thing the seller normally sold - it was a one off

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I hope I can make the darkest shadow work on me, I usually shy away from deep reds like that but the looks i have seen online are so pretty! Looks like this palette would also work well with Pipa(? the moisturecore lipstick you wore a couple days ago) 😄

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Probably - I actually did use the 2 non-celestial shadows that same day... I need to try it with an all pink glow look now that you say that 😄

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