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Tom Ford Updates

Tom Ford Updates 

updated 10/16


New 40 Lipsticks for sale (US): 





New 50 Lips and Girls for sale (US): 


Holiday Soliel Collection, 2017 



Available Now at Neiman Marcus: 

Holiday Soliel Palette: Violet Argente

 Orchid Soliel Collection:

Available on Tom Ford Direct: 
1 lipstick: Orchid Soleil
1 Highlighter: Nightbloom- Soliel

Re: Tom Ford Updates

oooh gorgeous ❤️

Re: Tom Ford Updates

😮 I quite like it !! Really pretty on you

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Disco Dust video for those interested:


Re: Tom Ford Updates

convinced me that i need to add this to my TF list hah! it kind of reminds me how golden mink is to cognac sable and disco dust to honeymoon 😄 more subtle than super glam!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

You're totally right.  It's more the look you want....

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Love the video. I have the feeling I will have lots of uses out of this quad. I will test drive Honeymoon and Last Dance next 🙂

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Thanks! Can't wait to hear!!!  This one, for me, is such an easy every day one...I know I'll get a lot of use.

I didn't get Last Dance so I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Anonymous Insider

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Wow, imo it looks prettier on you than how Honeymoon did (not that it wasn't pretty). It's relatively subtle, but looks fun enough. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I was going to send you a message...but hadn't gotten to it yet.  I agree..not that Honeymoon wasn't pretty (on me) but I think this one looks better too.  Subtle is the word.

Anonymous Insider

Re: Tom Ford Updates

and I don't think it's "boring" at all! I have a feeling that I'll really like it too. Above all, it makes your eye color pop!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Agreed.  It is subtle but also elegant and flattering. The tiny, barely visible micro glitter adds a lot.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

So my order of honeymoon came in from Nordstrom's. While taking to the SA I asked if she had any samples of that new fragrance for summer and she said no, however she did have a deluxe sample she could send me. Holy mother of samples Batman!! I will definitely do business with this SA again! (Standing next to honeymoon for size comparison). The bottle size remind me of an OPI nail polish.


Re: Tom Ford Updates

Wow!  Great sample!!!  Hope you love honeymoon.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I do! I only played with it a little last night, but you can just apply one shade and get out the door in a hurry and still look great! It's so buttery soft - glad I was able to get my hands on one.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Glad you love it!  Agree that it's lovely!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

My TF SA moved onto another job so now I'm dealing with the counter manager at Holt's on Bloor. Anyone work with her before? Thoughts?


I emailed her on Monday at noon and had not heard anything back from her until this afternoon. This is after I had to text my old SA to find out what was going on and she texted the counter manager. 


First impression was not good. Let's hope I still get info on upcoming releases and a good amount of samples like I used too. If not, I'm going to need a good SA recommendation for Nordstrom Vancouver.


On a happier note, it's my birthday at the end of this month so the BF said to use his Amex on the new collection since I keep talking to him about it. LOL

I ordered all the new quads, the SS16 shade and illuminate, another cheek brush and Flush blush. Had to not over do it since I know he will surprise me with something else. lol

Too bad the cream eyeshadows aren't in yet....


Soo excited now after seeing all of the new looks and swatches that were posted today on this thread! Thanks everyone!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Happy birthday! Pls let me know what you think about the SS16 shade and illuminate. Flush is my favorite TF blush 😉

Re: Tom Ford Updates

That would be really helpful if you can PM me your SA's details 🙂


My SA now works at Louis Vuitton. Glad it is better for her careerwise but it sucks to lose a good SA!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Flush is a gorgeous blush! Great pick 🙂 


I don't have any experience with the other Bloor SAs, aside from just picking something up in store on a whim. So far, I've been happy with Nordstrom. My SA is nice and helpful. I think getting contact info from njattana would be a good idea! Then at least you have that option. 


I've also been purchasing from the HR website at times. It is convenient, usually speedy shipping, and sometimes good samples. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Disco Dust.  Pretty shades for me.



Re: Tom Ford Updates

I ended up keeping this quad after swatching it at the store. It's really pretty combo I think. I was wearing it yesterday and liking it so far 😉 I prob won't wear the glitter shade next time. 😉 Should I get the Stary Night quad next lol?

11 Replies