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Tom Ford Updates

Tom Ford Updates 

updated 10/16


New 40 Lipsticks for sale (US): 





New 50 Lips and Girls for sale (US): 


Holiday Soliel Collection, 2017 



Available Now at Neiman Marcus: 

Holiday Soliel Palette: Violet Argente

 Orchid Soliel Collection:

Available on Tom Ford Direct: 
1 lipstick: Orchid Soleil
1 Highlighter: Nightbloom- Soliel

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Thank you!  That's a great description. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Omg, you are simply the best. Thank you for posting this so quickly. Hm... This will be interesting. I do love the old formula so I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Is it easy to apply on the eyelid with the new texture? You look beautiful regardless. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Yup. I actually just put up my initial thoughts on my blog... Google beautydeux. Application was fine. I used the same technique as Colour Pop products actually. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

One of the things many of us liked about the formula is the texture - light and fluffy. Can I also complain that the logo is too busy? It's a nice color, but I'm wondering if I would really use it. Thanks for pics.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

You may use it.... it's a pretty color, but I do wish the formula was different. I guess the bonus here is you could also use it as a blush. Feeling my eyes right now, it's pretty much set- so it's not tacky or wet like other cream blushes. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I remember reading Really Ree's post on this, and she said it would be a whole new formula "based on lipstick technology", rather than TF cream shadows. Do you find it similar to a lipstick texture? I have a hard time imagining that, which is why this hasn't tempted me yet. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

hmm, I can see why they say lipstick. It is similar to that. If I had to pick a formula today, I'm picking the old formula. However, this is a pretty product, and one that will get used. It's very wearable. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I agree, I really love the fluffy, cream formula. Naked Bronze has been my go-to ever since I bought it because it applies and wears so well. I'd love to see more cream shadows in the old formula! 


Not sure how this colour would look on me, to be honest. I feel like my skin tone just isn't quite right for it! But I love how it looks on you. Very pretty for the fall!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Definitely not what I was expecting, but the swatch looks lovely :). What are you wearing on your lid (below the crease)?

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Thanks! I'm wearing Viseart Sultry Muse in the outer corner and on the lid. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

My AW15 cream shadow shipped! That was faster than expected! I hope the highlighter is as fast! 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I was also surprised - my cream shadow and highlighter both supposedly shipped - crazy! 🙂

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Surprisingly, my shadow is on a fed ex truck right now. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Darn, you ladies are killing me. Should I or shouldn't I order with That is the question 😉 I think I should wait to hear your thoughts:)

Re: Tom Ford Updates

If mrsbaine gets her eye shadow today, you shouldn't have to wait long :). Please post photos!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Oooh, for delivery?

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Wow, that was fast. Please give us a review once you receive them

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I will! They should arrive Saturday - can't wait!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Mine too I believe. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

I hope everyone who receives it this quickly can do a little review! I want to buy the cream color and highlighters but am worried that the cream would be a dud for me 😞 lipstick technology and my oily eyelids may not be a great combination. 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Hi Ol3chka! I'll post when I receive. I'm not really sure what to expect from the cream. I'm concerned about how the color will look with my brown eyes, but - I had to try :P.

16 Replies