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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@RGbrown  I was thinking the same. 

Hopefully it is not the old stash. That'd be pretty worrisome. 

Anybody tried these yet? 


Just checked their site... this is what it shows:


Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 6.45.41 PM.png

So, who knows. I just don't know for how long that message has been there, is this something new, or old. I, honestly, stopped caring long time ago after they left without a word, no explanation whatsoever about what was going on, leaving us all just hanging. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Hi @RGbrown,


We do not have any information regarding this. We recommend staying tuned and continuing to check your email notifications for the latest information on new products and promotions. Thank you!



Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@RebeccaBT  There is no way to check if the samples are from some ancient stash, or if they are new? Because it would really not be ok to have the ancient batch that is probably no bueno anymore floating around like this. ( The last of my FS product stash went bad two years ago. )

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When you're waiting for a launch and life kinda happens so you think to yourself "it's okay I'll pick it up later" and it sells out on 3 days after launching. Hope there's a restock *ughhh*

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Which launch?  Maybe we can help;) @niki172 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@heartsmyface it was the Ciate x Jessica Rabbit collection. They still had it in stock on their website so I just bought it from them. Had to add on an item to get free shipping. I was waffling on the lipstick as well and now it's oos on Sephora too :P. Oh well - thank you so much for offering to help 💜. I tracked down the Dior blush (from the spring line) I was looking for as well so no in search of unicorns at the moment 🙂

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I've had stress dreams about this happening @niki172  The panic is real. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@michelleshops oh I've had those as well with a launch I've tried to stay up for. Life's kinda crazy right now so I took a more laze fair attitude about it, and it bit me in the butt 😅. Also kinda waiting to see if Sephora/Ulta will have sales soon as well so that didn't help lol!

Truth! 😭 Jeffree Star x Morphe brushes 😭 I hesitated be...

Truth! 😭 Jeffree Star x Morphe brushes 😭 I hesitated because I don't really need them but it would've been the perfect pick-me-up to myself

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When one of your eyes look noticeably better than the other. 🙄😜 really need to practice my technique more! Happened tonight with both eyeshadow & brow pencil. Wasnt even in a rush!😟

@sonnydee 🤣🤣🤣. I feel like that happens to me a lot. I...

@sonnydee 🤣🤣🤣. I feel like that happens to me a lot. I have the two separate vanities in my bathroom and go turn on the lights to the other side to see if I'm seeing shadows or one side is actually darker or lighter than the other.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The spammers are getting more creative with their headlines 🙈Screenshot_20190305_011504.jpg


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@SpaceLlama  That is too much!  They are making progress.  Just hope not to see another day when the boards are completely run down by the spam.

My favorite so far (which I absolutely regret not screens...

My favorite so far (which I absolutely regret not screenshotting) was where the spammer typed out a recipe and inserted their links throughout.

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

My newest first world problem is digging too hard into my Pat McGrath eyeshadows because I forget you only need a teensy bit to get tons of pigmentation. I feel so wasteful wiping it off the brush, but I don't need bronze up to both eyebrows!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I think my worst is that I cant stand bad skincare advice being given to the masses, or when people recommend products that are so not worth it or harmful. Granted everyones skin is different but there are key things to note like how certain ingredients dont work well together or shouldnt be used together, or when people are being to rough on their skin, or not to be too specific but when beauty gurus or celebrities swear by certain moisturizers which literally have the lamest ingredients that dont do anything (la mer). I also hate when I order a medium neutral shade online and it turns out to be either way too light or way too dark. I also hate when my foundation ends up creasing or my mascara smudges under my eyes which almost always happens.  The worst however is when a product works for literally majority of people and has the worst effect or no effect on me, its pretty defeating lol.

RE: Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Yes! Especially when people give bad DIY tips like I had someone tell me rubbing lemon juice on your face is good like NO! or the tooth paste on acne thing it’s like just buy a spot treatment you can legit chemical burn your skin so badly from putting toothpaste on it! Or a girl I worked with would talk about how people who use a different moisturizer for their face & body are stupid like nope not walking around with body butter on my face! I just get so bothered by bad skin care advice lol.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

If people ask for skincare advice on a forum they’re going to get recommended products that have worked for the respondents who had the same issues.  It’s not bad advice if it doesn’t work out.  It just wasn’t helpful for you specifically.  Skincare is a very individualized thing and it’s up to everyone to figure out their own routine that works.  The general advice is there to give people a starting line.   @ab0s 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

What absolutely drives me nuts is when "beauty gurus" give "reviews" on skin care, and it seems like they're doing a different product every other day (or in one case, EVERY day.) It is absolutely impossible to review skin care like that, particularly when you're fake reviewing masks with actives in them. You can't judge anything in a day, and if you have a reaction, how can you tell WHICH product caused it?

The greed is incredible when it comes to these fraudulent reviews. One fake reviewer in particular NEVER replies when you ask her how long she used any of these products. I wish there was a way to take down a channel like that. It's pure BS.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

That’s a frustrating one for sure.  Like, show me a couple empty tubes or tubs and THEN I’ll take you seriously.   First impressions are one thing, but to tell someone to go out and buy skincare cause you liked it the two times you used it is just wrong.  @Harobedb 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@ab0s To foster more discussion, instead of bashing on people who give misinformation, just let them know and provide the correct info or what you think is correct or better? Heck I gladly welcome critiques since I know I'm prone to making mistakes. But I get what you mean about the cringe-worthy skincare advice like putting lemon and baking soda on your face, "parabens are bad" (only if you're allergic/sensitive to them) from sensationalized news, or "all natural ingredients are good for you and all chemicals are bad for you".  


In skincare, there's also a luxury aspect to it, so there will be people who are willing to pay more for a product because of branding, packaging, formulation, etc. Take Creme de la Mer, which mostly consists of mineral oil and petroleum jelly. It's more of an occlusive since the texture's so thick (fragrance is quite strong too), but it still does work for some people. I agree that it's over-priced since mineral oil and petroleum jelly are cheap ingredients. It's more of a luxury item.  


Lol I get you about the holy grail items. Farmacy's cleansing balm is popular but it gave me chemical burns because of the citrus oils. Many people on r/skincareaddiction praise the CeraVe moisturizer, but it broke me out. Same with Drunk Elephant's LaLa Retro Cream. At least experimenting with different products helped determine the ingredients I'm allergic or sensitive to.

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