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Ulta GWPs

This thread will be for Ulta GWPs only.  Share ulta promos here.  


Please do NOT post requests for the spreadsheet in this thread.  Please post requests for the Ulta GWP google spread sheet in this thread:


A list of in store coupons is here:


Let's keep this thread on topic!


Ulta points refresher (because yes, it is that complicated):



Item #1 - $53.50

Item #3 - $108.50 (and is eligible for a certain item/brand 5x multiplier)

* There is also a 5x all purchase multiplier and you are platinum so you get 1.25x

Total Spent - $162

Base Points Earned - 162

Platinum .25x Earned - 41 (162 * .25 = 40.5, and rounding up)

5x All Purchases Earned - 648 (it ends up being 4x because you don't count the base points)

5x Item/Brand Earned - 434

Total Points Earned - 1285


Links are not allowed.  In lieu of links, please read this:



Please add product id numbers and sku numbers so people can find items on ulta.  

Just to clarify, there is an item number that Ulta lists on the website, right under the picture of the item.


The product id is the number given to the item in the URL.  So Ulta's site follows this formula of having the url and then the very last part of the url is "productId=xlsImpprod" followed by an 8 digit number.  If you use that "productId" number you can get to the page of any item on ulta. 

It's not a search, but the direct url to the page. 

Click on any product, and then view the url in the address bar.  It will look like this: ulta's website (not using the actual domain because BT admins don't like that) /prep-prime-fix?productId=xlsImpprod15921204  Replace the 8 digit product id of the item you want to see with the id of the product you're looking for.


My very unofficial Ulta point multiplier to approximate percent discount chart:

(This is a number where I use the multiplier to divide by 2000 to see how many dollars I would have to spend in order to redeem a $125 reward.  E.g. 2000 points divided by 1 point multiplier means I have to spend $2000 to get the $125 reward.  Adding how much I had to spend ($2000) + the reward ($125), and then using the reward ($125) to divide the total purchase ($2125), I get a discount of approximately 6% based on the total purchase.  Note: the total purchase is based on the concept that you are spending just enough to reach the next $125 reward and combines the reward value with how much money you had to spend to get that reward.


Total Purchase21251725145811251014925792740696625596569525401392375367360347341336325320315


Re: Ulta GWPs

@ClassicallyFab  I'm kind of suspicious like that when I read those conflicting reports that seem to change weekly.  For the record, I am NEVER giving up my coffee. 🙂

Re: Ulta GWPs

😂 Lol! Same!! @Ispend2much6

Re: Ulta GWPs

Aargh- losing hair stinks. A derm did a biopsy on me about 5 years ago, and told me i have androgenic alopecia. She gave me steroids creams, etc. Ends up, so it seems, that my hair loss was due to a bout of illness. Ugh. It's scary to lose our hair! Now, my hair is fine, I just have a lot of it, and the 1/3+ that I lost grew back really wavy. . I go through periods when I lose some, like after I get really sick.

It's cool that the shampoo is working!! How exciting!

Just remember, if hair breaks, it needs protein. If it's rough and brittle, it needs moisture. Too much protein can actually make hair dry out, so keep that in mind, as that's obviously counterintuitive. If a wet hair strand stretches more than it should, then breaks, it need protein. If it doesn't stretch much, it's moisture that you need. @RGbrown I didn't always realize that, lol. Ya live, ya learn. 🙃

Re: Ulta GWPs


Thank you! I didn't know that care has never been my forte. It will help me fine tune my routine immensely!

Re: Ulta GWPs

@RGbrown Had the same ones, thanks! Don't find them particularly exciting either, but you never know 🙂

Re: Ulta GWPs


So so true that you never know...hidden gems are everywhere! I actually really appreciate that about Ulta...there's almost always some incentive to check out new stuff instead of sticking with the same old same old. I'm gonna poke around both of these brands and see if anything piques my interest. 👍

Re: Ulta GWPs

@RGbrown @ohheyitscindyk yes! This is what I love about Ulta too. Always discovering new brands thanks to gifts with purchase (Always like to maximize so I see what brand has the best one) and point multipliers. Not sure about that lotion applicator though haha 

Re: Ulta GWPs

@RandeeJ9 Yes! I love looking through the GWPs to get some extra goodies. Hahaha it's not great quality, but it gets the job done (when your boyfriend refuses to help you lotion that one area of your back that you can never reach)!

Re: Ulta GWPs

@RGbrown Yes, that's the great thing about Ulta! Plus, I've found things that I never knew I really needed- a lotion applicator? Certainly, with these short arms & my lack of flexibility 😄

RE: Ulta GWPs

When does the beauty deals go live everyday? Midnight EST or in the morning?

RE: Ulta GWPs

@ohheyitscindyk @RGbrown Thank you ladies! I meant central time but mistyped

Re: RE: Ulta GWPs

@RIslander to confirm what @ohheyitscindyk said, midnight central is absolutely correct!


The previous day's deals don't end until 2am central, so there's also a two-hour overlap if folks want to combine orders (doesn't really matter for platinum since we get free shipping anyways, but it could be useful for non-Platinum folks looking to hit $50 for fs) 😊

Re: RE: Ulta GWPs

@RIslander I believe it's usually midnight Central time, so 1 a.m. EST & 10 p.m. Paciific time 🙂

Re: Ulta GWPs

Is anyone else not getting free shipping with the beauty steals?

Re: Ulta GWPs

@ohheyitscindyk seems to be working fine for me in the app with a too faced marker. Are you logged in (since it's only for Platinum)? If you are, which item in particular are you having issues with? I'd be happy to double check on my end...could be a glitch on a certain item?

RE: Re: Ulta GWPs

@RGbrown Oh I think you're right, it may be a glitch.. I tried checking out on the app & it didn't work either. It's the Cargo Waterproof Mascara Top Coat. Thank you! 🙂

Re: RE: Re: Ulta GWPs


I'm not sure what to make of that's working for me?





Re: RE: Re: Ulta GWPs

@RGbrown Wait, I just tried logging out & then back in & it worked haha!

Re: RE: Re: Ulta GWPs


Whew, congrats! I was worried Ulta was starting to hand out secret demotions or something hahaha 😛

Re: RE: Re: Ulta GWPs

@RGbrown Huh how strange. Come on Ulta, take my money 😄 Thanks for checking!

Re: Ulta GWPs

Check your accounts for 3x or 5x (for platinum) points multiplier...just in time for the goodies I have been eyeing 😁
