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Foil Challenge

I know we all talked about this but I need it in writing to hold myself more accountable! I have picked out around 28 foils that I am hoping to get through by the end of Feb. that’s 1 foil a day unless I decide to stack more than one! Here’s what I’ve picked randomly! 


Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi Great progress. Masking daily would be wonderful. I find i only fit it in on the weekends.

Re: Foil Challenge

Getting in time to mask whenever you can is a great way to go about it @Mellmars1185! Are you finding that you reach for the same mask(s)  every weekend or do you have a mix of them that you choose from as the mood (or your skin’s mood) dictates?

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi I am masking usually after running my errands and cleaning on the weekends. I usually wash my face in the mornings and use serums and spf. Then i have to wash them off to put the mask on. Then i wash my face again before bed. When I think about it, I feel like I am wasting product. Maybe it would be better to do as part of my bedtime routine so there is less washing and rinsing off product. The type of mask I use dependss on my mood lol. I am still trying to figure out my skin as it is unpredictable.

Re: Foil Challenge

Yeah @Mellmars1185, finding a good time in your routine to get it in can be challenging. If you're using a sheet mask, would you have time to use one after your serums and before your SPF?

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi Yes I can. Great idea. I can make that adjustment in my schedule. Thank you 😊💓. I will try that tomorrow. It is Family Day tomorrow where I live, so we have a long weekend. Self care Monday!

Re: Foil Challenge

Yaaay for long weekends! Happy Family Day to you and yours @Mellmars1185! I hope you have a very restful and rejuvenating self care Monday. Pamper away! 😍

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi  wow you are doing amazing!!’ Ahead of the game is the best place to be!! I bet it feels so good to be ahead of the game. 

Re: Foil Challenge

Thank you @ather! 😊 More than half of the samples are of products I’ve used before so it’s been easier to incorporate them into my routine without worrying about how they will interact with my skin or other products that are staples in my routine. This last half of the month will be a little trickier. There are a couple of foils for products I’ve never used before so I need to figure out how to put them to use and minimize the likelihood that I will have a bad reaction to it, if that’s possible. 😆 

Re: Foil Challenge

So since today is the 14th and there’s only 28 days in February this year I thought I would count my halfway progress!! I have 10 used. And thankfully thanks to @itsfi  I have 2 more in the shower!! So I’m around 12. I also did a mask the other night so I guess I could count 13!! I don’t think I found any loves that need to be purchased yet. I had some reactions to a couple and I have a breakout right now. But I’m pleased I am using up my foils!! 


Re: Foil Challenge

Sorry to hear that you had reactions @ather 😔 That is such a bummer! 


I hope that your skin clears up and recovers soon 💗




Re: Foil Challenge

@CynthieLu  Thanks. It seems to be getting better! I’m going to dig through my mask foils and see if I can find a good one for tonight! 

Re: Foil Challenge

@ather Oh no!  I'm sorry you had a nasty reaction to a few... I guess silver lining is that you now know you don't want any of those as full size!  I'm going to go use an exfoliating foil now and will have to count where I'm at. 

Re: Foil Challenge

@missjeanie  That is exciting!! I am going to use another DDG peel set and see if it helps me. I have so many breakouts! 

Re: Foil Challenge

Ooooh, look at those skincare foils! 👀 @ather, ruh-roh! I’m so sorry your skin had a reaction to some of the samples. Do you think it was the sample(s) themselves or a combination of samples? Or your skin not being accustomed to different products all around the same time? I hope your skin is healing and gets back to normal quickly. 

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi  The breakouts could be a multiple of things. I’ve been eating horrible this past week and it could be from that maybe the foils. The reaction was just super watery eyes so nothing horrible but still saying don’t use this anymore lol 😂 

Re: Foil Challenge

Oh, watery eyes are not comfortable at all @ather. So sorry. Steering clear is an excellent idea. 👍🏼 Maybe the product can be repurposed on another part of the body. Or, just tossed. 🗑️ 

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi  I used the whole foil on the belief so if I have more I’ll use it as a neck cream! I had a foil of Summer Fridays Mini Cloud Dew Oil-Free Gel Cream 0.5 oz/ 15 mL  which is one I use so I’ve been using it and no issue! 

Re: Foil Challenge

@ather Great progress! In a way it is good to discover what products don't work in sample size vs full size. Sorry to hear you are having a reaction. I am also experiencing something similar. I have been using a new foil cleanser. My skin feels really smooth after using. I noticed I am breaking out between my eyes. I have never had a break out there before so. Keep up the great work.

Re: Foil Challenge

@Mellmars1185  Oh no! Very odd spot!! Hope it gets better! 

Re: Foil Challenge

@ather uh-oh, do you know which ones caused you problems?

Re: Foil Challenge

@CookieGirl1  The belief for sure which is strange I used it years ago and was fine. The others are hard to say. I use the DDG often so not that one. 

2 Replies
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