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Foil Challenge

I know we all talked about this but I need it in writing to hold myself more accountable! I have picked out around 28 foils that I am hoping to get through by the end of Feb. that’s 1 foil a day unless I decide to stack more than one! Here’s what I’ve picked randomly! 


Re: Foil Challenge

@missjeanie, I have to put them right in the line of sight or it seems to just slip my mind. 🤣 And, even when they are right in front of me, I can sometimes pass them over. Hahaha!


I love that you keep them in your BIC box - that's fun! 💗

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi  I love your baskets! They look amazing. I like that you picked out 30 to give you some changes. I noticed my skin needed something extra today and I had what I needed on hand but I wish it was in my foil basket. So it’s smart to add extras. It’s nice to have them in your face too so you’re like yes I need to pick from this basket. I have been horrible so far only day 4 but not using masks other than my DDG mask. I need to improve. 

Re: Foil Challenge

That's great that you're using your DDG so consistently @ather! It's impressive and inspiring. 😍 It's about listening to your skin (or hair or whatever the foils are for) and doing what is best for it. 


We're almost thru 2 weeks of the February Foils and it's been interesting to say the least. One week, I'm very good with the foils - I find when I use the hair foils, I can sometimes get 2 in one day - gotta love the shampoo & conditioner foil sets. But, then, the next week, I'll be better with the sheet masks. Ha! C'est la vie. Speaking of sheet masks, I probably should cull through my basket and see what is on the menu for tonight - a new-to-me mask or a tried-and-true one? Hmmm... decisions, decisions... 🤔

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi  I am off and on with the DDG but mostly good. I do miss once in a while. So does the shampoo count as one and the conditioner another one? I counted them as one but I like this loophole!!! I am like you. I can be good one week and terrible the next but having a “challenge” helps me to be better. If I do it on my own I am not the best. I don’t mind disappointing myself lol. Even if I get through 15 in a month I’m happy!! More is better than none! 

Re: Foil Challenge

I agree @ather; more is better than none. I count the shampoo packet as 1 foil and the conditioner packet as another foil. Because what if I just use the conditioner because the shampoo has something in it that doesn’t agree with my hair or scalp. I should still get credit for using the foil of the conditioner, yes? Maybe I’ve been counting these foils wrong all along? 😝 Since they can stand alone, I count it as one. If, say, they were the Dr Jart 2-piece sheet mask where the 2 pieces are in 2 separate packs, I’d count that as 1 because they need to go together. Whereas I see shampoo & conditioner as able to go together but they don’t necessarily have to be used in the same hair wash sessions. 

Re: Foil Challenge

@itsfi  I love this!! I don’t think there’s a way to count wrong. But I think it makes sense. So I’ll count mine as 2 now!! It will make me feel way more accomplished!!! 

Re: Foil Challenge

That's a great system @itsfi

Very organized and easy to reach 😄

Good look using your foils and masks this month!

Re: Foil Challenge

Thank you @CynthieLu! I need whatever help I can give myself to stay focused!! 😆 So far, so good! 👍🏼 But we are still just at the beginning of the month. 😉 🤞🏼 

Re: Foil Challenge

Good idea, @ather. In fact this post just inspired me to check my current stash and grab a foil at random - Fresh's Strawberry Exfoliating Wash. So it looks like I'll be giving that a try tonight! 

Re: Foil Challenge

@quspork  Oooo I’m so happy I could inspire you!!! I haven’t tried that one yet!! Interested in your thoughts on it!!! 

Re: Foil Challenge

Thank you for sharing this thread @itsfi 


I'm on to a bit of foils as part of next month's pan project 😋 it feels so good to start using them up instead of it growing out of control over here 😅


This is an excellent idea for a thread @ather I think alot of us might have a collection of these lying around 😘

These are the ones I'm hoping to use up this month, 


Good luck everyone!




Re: Foil Challenge

Lots of foils of past and current loves of my own here, @CynthieLu 💗 I hope you enjoy sampling your way through some fun new skincare!

Re: Foil Challenge

Ohhhh, I see some samples pf excellent skincare items @CynthieLu! 😍 It’ll be fun to see which ones you end up loving! 

Re: Foil Challenge

@CynthieLu  Great choices!!!! I agree. I have tried so many ways to use them up or to gift my foils to family and friends but mine have gotten massively out of control. I know @itsfi  only chooses foils she will use or wants to try which I love that idea but I need to get through the thick of mine before I can be more mindful of what I choose!!

Re: Foil Challenge

I think once you see them starting to get used up, you'll feel more free with your choosing 🙂 😀 Good luck this month! @ather 

Re: Foil Challenge

oooo may have to join this to work in tandem with my pan project!!

Re: Foil Challenge

@cianni  Right! I was going to post this mini challenge in the pan it thread but I thought we might have more interest in it’s own! 

Re: Foil Challenge

@ather i go through foils mostly when i travel, to avoid over-packing (which never works, but the intention is there!!). i am actually traveling more than normal this month so i'll put some aside and take a pic for this thread and see if i make it through them this month!!


my only problem with the foils is that i've accumulated so many for so long that sometimes when i find a product i like..... it's no longer available 😑

Re: Foil Challenge

@cianni  Ahh yay. I’m with you. I use my foils when I travel which for me hasn’t been often. I know your pain I also find loved within my foils but never get to them till they are discontinued 😭

Re: Foil Challenge

I challenged myself a few year old to use up my  foils, deluxe samples and GWP. My goal was to end up with less at the end of year then I started(knowing I would get more throughout the year). 



It was fun and I did end the year with less.  I also saw how many times products repeated.  I had a lot of fresh soy cleansers.


It also made me more aware of how much of this stuff I have.  .  I also discovered some great products.


Good luck

Re: Foil Challenge

I enjoyed watching you tabulate through those samples, @CorgiMommy. It inspired me to start tracking my own, so thank you for that! Funny how you had an excess inventory of the soy cleansers. Those and the Truth Serum seemed to be in abundance for quite awhile 😂

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