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Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

Hey BIC beauties! One of my goals this year is to try to put together a makeup capsule with a handful (okay, maybe a large handful, in my case) of products that will work for me for an every day look and special occasions. Given my current collection, I won't need to be starting from scratch. 😂 So, I'm treating this capsule makeup collection challenge like a shop my stash and declutter adventure all in one. Would love for you to join me if and when you can.


If this is something that interests you or just piques your curiosity, please feel free to use this thread to document and challenge yourself to

(1) use what you have / shop your stash; and

(2) determine which products in your collection to keep, which to declutter, and which to try again another day. All with the goal of curating a set of makeup products that will help you achieve a signature look - and maybe a few additional products for other looks in your daily life, including looks for special occasions or events.

Capsule Makeup Photo 1.jpeg


Capsule Makeup Photo 2.jpeg

Every week, I will post a group of makeup products I plan to choose from (i.e., shopping my stash) for my looks during the week. The themes / prompts are guides and if you have a certain interpretation or approach you want to take with it, go for it! Not every product has to fit squarely within the theme; it can be just one item.



Week 24 (June 10 - 16) - The Repurposed Makeup Capsule and/or The Multi-tasking Makeup Capsule
Do you have a product(s) that you've repurposed for a different use or ones that perform more than one function (lip and cheek, eyeshadow and bronzer, etc.? Let's pull them out of your stash and put together a capsule with one or more of those beauties. Shout out to our marvelous @missjeanie  for the repurposed theme.


Upcoming Makeup Capsule Themes: [Updated 6.12.2024] Take a sneak peek at the themes to come.

Week 25 (June 17 - 23) - The "Welcome, Summer!" Makeup Capsule and/or The "Good Stuff" Makeup Capsule  A couple of fun themes this week. Summer is officially here (well, on Thursday)! Let's kick things off with an ode to the sunny, warm, bright & breezy days to come! Or, use this week to focus on the "good stuff" in your collection, be it one or more products you looooove or the "good stuff" that only comes out every now and again (or, maybe for some of us, for the first time this week). 
Week 26 (June 24 - 30) - The June 2024 "On Top", "On the Chopping Block" and/or "On Repeat" Makeup Capsule - Last week of the month, BIC! You know what that means. We have options! Let's shine a spotlight on one or more products from the capsules this month that's (a) one of the best products of the week (on top); or (b) something you're thinking about tossing or decluttering from your stash (on the chopping block); or (c) made a recurring appearance in your capsule all month (on repeat); or (d) all or some combination of the above. Or, curate a capsule that's been done before - a "Take 2" or "Do Over" - with or without any adjustments as you like.

WEEK 27 (July 1 - 7) - The Indie Brands Makeup Capsule and/or The Summer Vacation Makeup Capsule - Let's celebrate our indie brands for the week of Independence Day - curate a capsule with one or more products from indie brands. OR, put together a capsule with makeup you'd take with you on vacation this summer - an actual summer vacay or your dream summer vacation. It'll be fun to hear about everyone's vacation spots - do you like to go someplace warm or cool? 
WEEK 28 (July 8 - 14) - The "If I Were To Curate My Ultimate Makeup Capsule" Makeup Capsule (aka The "These are My Favorite Products" Makeup Capsule) - We're over halfway through the year, BIC beauties. Have you discovered or rediscovered any favorite makeup items from the first half of the year? Show us what products would make up your ideal makeup capsule. I know I'm curious to see everyone's most-loved or "go to" products. 
WEEK 29 (July 15 - 21) - The Sticks and (Gem)Stones Makeup Capsule - Have some stick makeup in your stash that could use a little love? Time to bring 'em out include one or more stick product in a capsule (thanks @danielledanielle missjeanie). Stick makeup not your thing? All good; in an homage to our previous Pops Of Colour theme (thank you @missjeanie), a second option for this week's capsule can focus on one or more products that add a pop of color to your look. The pop doesn't need to be a gemstone shade - I just added that hook for the sticks-and-stone theme! Feeling adventurous - curate a capsule championing both themes.
WEEK 30 (July 22 - 28) - The BIC Inspired Summer Edition Makeup Capsule and/or The Pan It! Makeup Capsule - Okay, BIC Beauties, here we go - we have a new capsule theme as well as a well loved one - assemble a capsule of one or more beauties inspired or enabled by the fabulous members of our Sephora Beauty Insider Community? Or, put together a look with one or more items from your project pan. Or, meld the two prompts together for a capsule of both BIC inspired and pan it! products!
WEEK 31 (July 29 - August 4) - The New, Old or "Is It Time For This To Go?" Makeup Capsule - Did you pick up some new (or new-to-you) beauties this month that you want to play with (or keeping playing with)? Are there one or more tried-and-true products, or sleeping beauties in your collection that you want or need to put to use? Or, are there products in your stash that need to be put up on the chopping block (such an awesome theme, @cianni)? Here's your chance to curate a capsule with one or more products from one or any combination of these categories. 

Previous Makeup Capsule Themes: [Updated 6.10.2024]

1 - The First (of the Year) Makeup Capsule
2 - The Quick & Easy Winter Edition Makeup Capsule
3 - The $20 USD ($27 CAD) & Under Makeup Capsule
4 - The "On the Go!" Makeup Capsule
5 - The Best of January 2024 Makeup Capsule
6 - The Black Owned / Founded Beauty Brand Makeup Capsule
7 - The Lunar New Year - Year of the Dragon Makeup Capsule and/or The "Things I Love" Makeup Capsule
8 - The "BIC Inspired" Makeup Capsule
9 - The Best of February 2024 Makeup Capsule and/or The "On The Chopping Block" Makeup Capsule 
10 - The International Woman Owned / Founded Beauty Brand Makeup Capsule
11 - The "One Brand" or "All The Brands" Makeup Capsule 
12 - The "Springing Forward" Makeup Capsule and/or The Pops of Color Makeup Capsule 
13 -  The Fast & Furious / Quick & Easy Makeup Capsule and/or The March 2024 "On Top" or "On The Chopping Block" Makeup Capsule 
14 - The "Do Over" or "Take 2" Makeup Capsule
15 - The Makeup-Artist-Founded Brand Makeup Capsule and/or The Sephora Spring Savings Makeup Capsule
16 - The BIC Inspired (Summer Edition) Makeup Capsule and/or The Sephora Spring Savings Makeup Capsule
17 - The "Green" Makeup Capsule and/or The Sephora Spring Savings Makeup Capsule
18 - The  April 2024 "On Top" or "On The Chopping Block" Makeup Capsule and/or The "More Play Time With My Sephora Savings Event Hauls" Makeup Capsule
19 - The AAPI Owned / Founded Beauty Brand Makeup Capsule
20 - The "Sleeping Beauties" Makeup Capsule and/or The "OMG, More Stuff From the Sephora Spring Savings" Makeup Capsule
21 - The "My Best Self" Makeup Capsule
22 - The  May 2024 "On Top", "On The Chopping Block" or "On Repeat" Makeup Capsule
23 - The Love Is Love Makeup Capsule

FAQs: [Updated 4.28.2024]


What is a capsule makeup collection?  

A capsule makeup collection is a selection of makeup products that can be used to put together different looks for a variety of occasions. For some of us, that may mean a group of essential products for your everyday look plus a few extra items for a more glam or dramatic look; and, for others of us, that may mean, a lineup of our holy grail product(s) in each makeup category. My ideal capsule makeup collection probably falls somewhere in between - we'll (hopefully) find out at the end of the year! I don't see myself as a minimalist, but I don't have an extensive collection of makeup either. I appreciate the collections of people who fall within both camps but I float somewhere in between - on the one hand, my brow product collection would earn a gold star if we were using a minimalist approach to makeup; my lip product lineup, on the other hand, would not. 🤣 It would most definitely not.  


Why have a capsule makeup collection?  

Everyone will have their own reasons for having (or not having) a more streamlined makeup collection. Over the years, I've just become more interested in having less beauty products on hand (well, except for lip products, lol) - a handful of items I use or reach for more frequently with maybe a few additional products that are go-to's for me for special events or occasions.  Don't get me wrong, I love trying new products and I don't see that changing. I just like the idea of having a simpler collection (I appreciate that "simpler" can be relative), curated to my needs and lifestyle.

Why weekly? 
A few years ago, beauty & lifestyle blogger Serein Wu, did a weekly series (on her blog and YouTube channel), Makeup Bag Monday, where she rotated her makeup bag each week with new product launches and makeup already in her collection. Every Monday, she shared the products she selected for the upcoming week and provided detailed makeup reviews on the makeup she used for the previous week. I may not post detailed reviews, but will at least try to include a weekly recap (probably at the end of the week) of what products I like and which ones didn't work for me.  If weekly works for you, great. If not, feel free to join in based on what works best for you.


What if I don't have enough products to fit the theme for a full face?

No need for your entire makeup capsule to fit the weekly theme(s). Just one will do. And, even if you don't have one that fits squarely within a theme, feel free to post your makeup capsule. We'd love to see what you're using and hear your feedback on the products as you put them to use. 

All are invited to join in this adventure, whenever and however is most effective for you. I'm excited to see what results from this experiment. 

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@ather, going through this challenge, I'm finding that I have products from a few brands from which I can put togeher a full face. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. 😬 

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@itsfi  I think that it’s a good thing! You must enjoy the brands!! 

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@itsfi  your and @danielledanielle  capsules are reminding me that I really need to try more Rare Beauty products, because I haven't tried that many yet but I really like the ones I've tried so far. I am really intrigued by the aromatherapy pen - somehow it seems to have passed under my radar whenever it was released, but it sounds really nice. Will have to try it one of these days. Lovely photo as always, love the flowers! And I hear you on the "late spring cleaning" lol, I definitely need to do some of that myself! 😅

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@caitbird, her Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Find Comfort Stop & Soothe Aromatherapy Pen 0.16 oz / 5 mL is probably my most favorite product from the brand, though I have not yet picked up that beautiful bag in @danielledanielle's capsule (a matter of when, not if). It looked great when promo photos first came out but it looks ever better seeing how much danielledanielle is able to fit in it - and her thumbs up for it doesn't hurt at all! 😍 

Thank you; I was playing with different lighting for the photo; it was interesting to see the different varietals of ranunculus and what they look like when they blossom. This particular one was fun to take photos with - in some lighting and angles, the flower can look, for lack of a better word, photoshopped. 


Except for decluttering with the weekly capsules, I have been going through phases with my decluttering - some times I'm completely onboard and just practical when it comes to what gets tossed and other times, I just stare at whatever bin is up for being sorted through and I can't bring myself to thinking about letting things go. 🤣 Doing it weekly with the capsules has helped with that latter bit. When I have the time and the mood strikes (usually influenced by a makeup capsule declutter), I'll spend an extra 10-15 minutes going through my stash to do a more extensive declutter. It's all a work in progress.

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@itsfi  *adds aromatherapy pen to loves list* 😂 not that I need any more items added to my to-try list, but it does sound really nice...

I feel like I am the same way with decluttering (and cleaning in general) - sometimes I am really focused and practical, and other times I am completely *not* focused or practical 😅 but every little bit decluttered helps, even if it's very much a work in progress!

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

Amazing! @itsfi You have a pretty rounded assortment of RB, and a lovely photo of it all. 💕 I'm sorry you couldn't find everything you wanted to pull together this weekend. Isn't that way thou? Once your not looking is when things seem to pop up. 

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@CynthieLu, thank you. This set of Rare Beauty products ended up working out very well for me. 😀 Yes, that is always the way; I'm sure I'll end up finding my other RB products in the next few days. 

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

This capsule highlights something that's so important @itsfi I had to jump back in. I love this focus and your choice for this week's challenge. 🙏

Make-up for me really is a feel good time. Celebrating my skin and my own unique self *and* having fun with products that make me feel good. 😄💙 It's a wonderful thing!

For this theme I chose:


My besties for brows, lashes and lips. They are my tried and true. 

Clairns 4D mascara in Brown

Any of TF's lippies agre with my dry skin, but this one is specifically everyday gorgeous.  TOM FORD Lip Color Lipstick 01 Insatiable (and it's a pleasure to wear. )

Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow+ Volumizing Fiber Eyebrow Pencil 3 


A make me feel good palette was the Natasha Denona I Need a Nude Eyeshadow Palette. This is a lovely palette in everyway. 🩷 


SPF that's no fuss no muss and can take the place of my skin tint is Dr. Jart+ Cicapair ™ Tiger Grass Camo Drops Color Corrector SPF 35 1 oz/ 30 mL very light and comfortable on my skin, feeling heavy isn't a fun time and this capsule is all about feeling good.


If my skin is extra dry, using Danessa Myricks Beauty Yummy Skin Glow Serum with Hyaluronic Acid & Niacinamide Juice Boost is a quick fix with a little glow 🌟 Its like a good mood boost for my skin. 😉


A last all day blush that I just tap on with my fingers and blend at edges for a quick easy look, that's the creamy side of PATRICK TA Major Headlines Double-Take Crème & Powder Blush Duo She's Blushing 💓


And it fits! 


If anyone out there is going through a hard time, you are not alone. 💙 I hope you can reach out to a friend, family member, or a help line.💙 There are people out there who genuinely care about you 🌈 you are amazing!

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@CynthieLu  Great capsule! Your comment about celebrating your unique self is exactly how I do makeup! I remember being a kid and my mom took me for a haircut at the mall where she owned a store and the lady cutting my hair told my mom who had no makeup on that she looked like a lady who owned a store here. My mom didn’t tell her that it’s actually her. 

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

Thank you for sharing that story @ather that's a good memory, and relatable. 😉 Like, sometimes with our without makeup you can almost feel like a different person and that story just hits it like nail.on.head. I guess you can get mistaken for almost a different person. Your mom played it cool. 😎


Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@CynthieLu, Natasha Denona eyeshadow palettes are lovely; some of my favorites.

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

Same here 😉 @itsfi I remember discovering ND sooo late and wow, I was seriously missing out. Lol

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@CynthieLu  love your picks for this capsule! The Yummy Skin serum sounds really nice, I would love to try it sometime. I agree with you, makeup for me is a kind of self care. It helps me feel confident and good about myself, and it's just fun to play with 😉

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

Thank you lovely lady! @caitbird 💘 

So fun too play with 😉 and it's lovely to have a place like BIC where we can all share and discuss the fun beauty things. In real life, not everyone gets it like we do 😂😅

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@CynthieLu  I agree 💯, I'm so glad I found BIC and got to know all the wonderful BIC beauties! I don't really have anyone IRL I can talk to about beauty, so it's awesome to be able to be part of this community! 💜 💞

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

You have all of us now @caitbird 💗 Anytime you want to discuss beauty things, we're in!  🫖

But, same here. I don't know anyone IRL who gets it like BIC does. Thankfully, we found this space. 🙏

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

Another Week 21 - The "My Best Self" Makeup Capsule

21 - My Best Self 2.jpg

I decided to give this combination of products a spin yesterday. I really liked how everything performed, so it'll be a repeat of the same today and probably tomorrow as well.


* Pairing Etude Sunprise Mild Airy Finish SPF 50+ PA++++ with Drunk Elephant D-Bronzi™ Bronzing Drops with Peptides adds a healthy warmth and glow to my complexion. This has been a combination I've used (and continue to go back to time and again) since summer/fall 2018. Both these products are 🐐🐐!

Gucci 24 Hour Full Coverage Luminous Matte Finish Foundation 275C - I forgot how well this works on my skin. Soft matte, soft glow. Good coverage, wears well, but no idea whether its 24 hour claim holds up. The color is more of a summer shade for me, but it can be made to work now, especially with layering the sunblock + D-Bronzi combo underneath and bringing that mixture down my neck to make the color work.

Gucci Brume de Beauté Beauty Mist 2.7 oz / 80 mL - another 🐐

* Makeup by Mario Master Mattes Brightening Pencil - Light 1 (discontinued) on the waterline has been my go-to for a few weeks now. I really like the way it opens and brighten up the eye area, making me look more awake than I might otherwise feel. It's a nice, quick & easy way to refresh a makeup look during the day.

SEPHORA COLLECTION Love The Lift Curling + Volumizing Waterproof Mascara Ultra Black 


Shiseido Eyelash Curler 


Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Mini Soft Pinch Liquid Blush Hope - starting to gather the handful of RB items I have for a RB focused capsule this weekend, inspired by @danielledanielle's fabulous makeup capsule this week. I prefer these liquid blushes in the mini size - there's still a ton of product and considering how a little goes a long way, it will last me a looooong time, but it feels like I'm more likely to use up product than with the full size. 


Tower 28 Beauty ShineOn Lip Jelly Non-Sticky Gloss Pistachio 


Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@itsfi  This is a beautiful picture! And I love this lineup! The Gucci mist bottle is so pretty! 😍 

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@ather, thank you! This is probably a good representation of what a daily look would be for me in the warmer months, even if I wasn't working on putting together a makeup capsule. Ohhh, this Gucci mist! 😍 It's definitely earned its 🐐  standing.

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@itsfi  some really nice items in this capsule! I thought about doing a kind of 🐐 makeup capsule for this past week, but ended up going in a different direction in the end. Still might have to do that capsule at some point in the future, though. I see your point about the RB liquid blush sizes - I kind of wish I had gotten the mini (except I'm not sure it was available when I bought mine), as I think the full size is likely to last me the rest of my life! 😂 How do you like the Tower 28 lip gloss? I've never tried it, but it's on my "to try at some point" list (which is very long, and getting longer all the time! 😅).

Re: Capsule Makeup Collection Challenge

@caitbird, the mini RB blushes only came out recently, maybe in the last month or 2 months. 

Ooooh, an all 🐐 capsule? 😍 It would be fun to see what everyone’s capsule would look like and to hear why certain products are included in a capsule like that. 

Tower 28 has two different types of lip glosses - one glossy and shiny and one milky and creamy. I like both, depending on the look and feel I’m going for. I like the darker shades in the milky version; they show up better on my lips, which naturally have a little more pigment to them.

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