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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

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So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: yes, I usually hand wash them at the sink @gonerogue. I h...

@Lazybeautybeast the cinema secrets is so good though! If you have it, I suggest you use that to wash your brushes. Super quick and easy and no drying time is involved!

Re: yes, I usually hand wash them at the sink @gonerogue. I h...

Itโ€™s safe on natural hair brushes @gonerogue? Iโ€™ve used some other brush cleaners and didnโ€™t like how my brushes felt afterward. Right now I use the beauty blender solid cleaner and like how it makes my brushes feel, but yeah, the waiting to dry part stinks

Re: yes, I usually hand wash them at the sink @gonerogue. I h...

I have been doing the same thing lately @Lazybeautybeast! It feels less daunting when I wash my brushes every 2 days than when I wait until the weekend. Plus, I don't have the drying space for all those brushes. 


I have the Lilumia on my Christmas wish list! I hope it lives up to the hype! 

Re: yes, I usually hand wash them at the sink @gonerogue. I h...

I'm going to add that to my wishlist too @sephoraaddict918! I saw that Costco has it and I would feel comfortable getting one from them because of their return policy. 

RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

MOOD. I know I need to wash my brushes, theyโ€™re just sitting there staring at me because they KNOW they need to be washed. I just have 0 patience to wash them, but Iโ€™ve told myself it has to be done tonight.

Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@IttyxBittyxMe I just turn on an audiobook and sit in a comfy chair. Somehow audiobooks help me get through all the tedious tasks of my life lol ๐Ÿ˜„

RE: Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

My little arms are to short to sit in a chair. ๐Ÿ˜ญ But I popped on some music and watched two episodes of an anime so Iโ€™m good now.

Re: RE: Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

OMG @IttyxBittyxMe! You poor thing! I've been there before...its the worst!

Re: RE: Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@IttyxBittyxMe what a collection you have there! Have you considered using Cinema Secrets Makeup Brush Cleaner 8 oz/ 237 mLfor a quick, effortless way of cleaning your brushes? That's what I've been using for a while now and I no longer have to spend half an hour washing my brushes and a whole day drying them!

Re: RE: Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Well, the size of your brush collection may be part of the reason you dread it, @IttyxBittyxMe๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™ve never thought to prop up a fan to speed up the drying...learned something new tonight;)

RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ever since the anti vaccine post kat von d made there has been a crap storm around her and her products. She has always been my number one brand and her colors usually sparked my interest along with her packaging, its aesthetically pleasing to me. I donโ€™t agree with anti vax but i respect her choice. What i donโ€™t like is even if people respectfully ask her something and what her point of view on something us due to something to do with anti vax she will block you. I read that somewhere from a girl. She removed my favorite artist in her artistry collective team from her personal insta, an artist she loved soo much, i donโ€™t know the full story but she now works for someone else, is that why she did that? I am not sure i like someone who treats you as a sister one second and the minute you disagree you are out of here. I bought her fetish palette, and these feelings i have kind of made me open my eyes a bit, not in a โ€œyou are anti vax i wont supportโ€ kind of way her palettes kind of feel boring to me. The shade that sparked my interest was the green and the mango shade. I feel i am getting over her makeup line. It feels she only accepts pictures of pale skinned people and if they dont fit her aesthetic then they wont do. Lets not forget her inclusivity of someone not normal to the human physique, like she thinks embracing it makes her this awesome person. I dont know if that bit makes sense. I embrace anyone, i see color diversity and i embrace it, but t feels she does it just to be โ€˜coolโ€™ and edgy โ€˜gothโ€™. Sorry guys, i still buy her makeup but these thoughts have been weighing on me. Everyone needs to be a perfect cookie cutter goth to be in her good graces.

Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Blackwhiskey I have no idea whatโ€™s going on in the background with KVD, apart from what sheโ€™s said about her anti-vax stance. 


But I will say that my enthusiasm for her releases has waned significantly. I feel like there have been a lot of colour repeats in the last two years. Also, I donโ€™t care for big, fanciful packaging that isnโ€™t easy to use, or shadow layouts that are headache inducing. Maybe Iโ€™m just too boring and uncool for her brand ๐Ÿ˜‰

Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

her packaging looked cool but isnt practical. there's a problem when trying to open the lid if you grab it by the wrong part then you could unglue the top part of the lid. i bought one of her most recent releases which is the bloodmilk eyeshadow which i had been wanting for it to be a single, funny how that appealed to me more than her eye palette. idk. i try not to get too much into people's point of views and just let people do their own but when you start getting blocked for having an actual concern/opinion that's whatn i'm like..really? 

Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@BlackwhiskeyI didn't know she blocked people when they asked her something... that's not right. How are people supposed to have decent conversation about things. This is the problem today... avoiding conversations on topics people find controversial. This is why both sides of an issue just keep screaming at each other instead of talking it out and trying to see the other's point of view.


What is Kelseyanna??? I've loved her brand for a long time but lately I'm also not feeling it. I'm not sure if it's because that's basically how I feel about makeup in general lately or because of the products she comes out it. And selling a product to get feedback so the product can then be finalized is just weird. No words...

Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Blackwhiskey Nothing of hers has appealed to me so I've never bought any of it.  Her liquid lipsticks all made me look dead, and not in a good way (and people said such great things so I wanted to love them).  The anti vax declaration tuned me off completely but I was already not interested.  Which puzzles me because that was my style for many years.  I think you're right about the lack of inclusivity in the brand's look.  There are many people who wear her makeup that do not have that goth or alternative aesthetic.  I have a more conventional look now due to employment but I would go with other lines anyway.  I also think she always stirs up controversy intentionally and don't like that kind of dramatic gesture for attention.  I think you're right to enjoy her stuff and be wary as well.

RE: Re: RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Her lipsticks work fine for me but the gluey scent they have turns me off lol i was iffy about the saint and sinner palette but it did have more shades that appealed to me, this one really doesnโ€™t. Some colors are nice to make an look with but if i want to use more than 2 shades it turns into a kind of darker look, so not neutral friendly which is fine i have a lot of neutral palettes but other than using one shade i donโ€™t see the creator herself going all out on the eyeshadows. I saw some makeup tutorials they recently put up on the tube and only 2 of them were fine but not really original, and the original look was kind of crap. I feel bad for saying that but man.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The DR. JART+ - Premium Beauty Balm SPF 45 has been reformulated, and I'm pretty much screwed when I run out of my current tube.

Check out Tjmaxx.

Check out Tjmaxx.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@suzyo  I just saw your post!! I can't believe they would change the formula!! This is the first BB cream that would work for me!! Thanks for the heads up and will look for old formula to purchase!! Crap!!!๐Ÿ˜ค

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@suzyo really? What's different? Also, I just realized they added a deep shade, but it's online only.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@makeitup305 I posted the old and new ingredients below. I plan to go in store during the Rouge sale to try and find a bottle of the old formula.

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