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Love for Brushes

I'm developing a love for brushes of all kinds.  I bought a few higher end brushes and they are amazing.  They are incredibly soft and my makeup glides on like a dream.  There are so many interesting shapes. I am really interested in creating a beautiful brush collection.  Show your brushes and share any cleaning and storage tips and let us know which ones are your favorites.


Tom Ford Brushes.jpeg




Re: Love for Brushes

This seems like the perfect place to ask this! I'm a bit new to actually taking the time to do my makeup and I'm looking for a good, inexpensive fan brush for highligter. Anyone have any recommendations? TIA! 😃

Anonymous Insider

Re: Love for Brushes

Hi @GingerCupcake

I have the Real Techniques Fan Brush, it came out in their contour/sculpting set which had 3 brushes.  I haven't found it by itself yet, but the Harmon's and Ulta by me have no idea what restocking is so it's probably just from that.  I really like that brush, its synthetic but it's really soft so it doesn't work that well to blend out cream or liquid very well unfortunately.  But it's really good for powder.  


Also if you go to the Morphe Brushes website you can easily find a fan brush in almost every size from natural hair to synthetic and the prices can't be beat.  There aren't any reviews or very good descriptions on the site but I've never had any issues with their brushes.

Re: Love for Brushes

Hello my sisters (and brothers) in brushluv!


I too love looking at, feeling, researching, purchasing, collecting, talking about brushes!


I want those Japanese brushes so badly.  I don't have any HIGH end brushes in my current collection.


I own the usual lines, RT, IT cosmetics, ulta, sephora, crown brush infinity line (LOVE THOSE) etc.  I also have some of the Royal and Langnickel professional line.  It's just ok.  


I really want to try the Zoeva line as well.  They are so pretty!  But the shipping is a killer!  LOL


For those who are loving the Morphe brushes, they are from Crown Brush.  You can cut out the middle man and get them cheaper straight from Crown Brush.  There's a YT video by Stephanie Nicole where she breaks down the line.  

Re: Love for Brushes

Oh hello, thread and fellow brush lovers! I will try to get a pic of mine tomorrow. Like most of you I have a healthy mix of low, mid and high end - but I still don't have any HIGH high end like the exquisite Japanese brushes. I don't know that if I ever spent that kind of money on a brush if I would ever be able to sully it with product!


I have a good range of Make Up For Ever, Marc Jacobs, MAC, Nars, Top Shop, Real Techniques, Jouer, Morphe, Smashbox, Too Faced and lots of the no-names you can buy for a few bucks. I just bought a FABULOUS Eco Tools duo fiber brush that is so good for bronzer I can't believe it was under $10. Oh, and I would love to get my hands on a full set of Zoeva but...$$$.

Re: Love for Brushes

Here's what I have out on my desk. I think I counted 88 but I know I have some stashed in various makeup bags and the brushes that came with various palettes are still in those, so it's probably closer to 100 - which is more than enough. All those brushes and I STILL haven't gotten around to buying a MAC 224 after all these years. So by the end of the summer it's going to be at least 101!!!


As you can see I'm the laziest brush washer. Yeesh!



Re: Love for Brushes

I have about 30 from 2 different sets and some one-offs. But I really want a big set of crazy colored ones like from Spectrum, but I probably shouldn't drop $150 on brushes just because they're pretty. I am looking at a set from Coastal Scents that is a third of the price, but I've never used CS brushes before so I don't know if they're worth it.

Re: Love for Brushes

I have way too many brushes. I am so lazy to wash them  so it's nice to have so many lol. But washing them altogether...well now that's another story. I have brushes from Tarte, eBay, Real Techniques, Sigma, ELF etc...


I find I love my ELF brushes and RT!! I store them in a 3-drawer smaller plastic container/tower thing-a-ma-bob lol I ought to count my brushes..I haven't done so... 


Oh and IT Cosmetics brushes..I have a couple of those and find them really soft and nice. I have my faves though which I reach for including: Sigma E40, BH Cosmetics fluffy crease brush, and my ELF brushes (the studio line)!!

Anonymous Insider

Re: Love for Brushes

I definitely have a love for brushes.  I took a picture but for some reason it won't upload.  I'll see if I can upload one later on.  


I have sooooooo many brushes, from so many different companies.  Sephora, Ulta, Morphe Brush, Cown Brush, IT Brushes from Ulta, Real Techniques, Tarte, Urban Decay, and some others that I don't know the names of. I also have a few Beauty Blenders and some random sponges.  


I did a count a year ago and I think I counted something like 115 brushes 😕 and I've only gotten more lol.  I may have an addiction, maybe.  But I'm also an MUA and I'm always testing what brushes I like for clients and switching them out.  My favorite brushes are from Morphe and an eye brow brush that I got from crown brush.  They're super super affordable and high quality.  Mine have lasted so much longer compared to ones I have that are 5x as much.  For example my eye brow brush with a spoolie on the end was $2 and the ABH one I think is like $18.   

Re: Love for Brushes

HA! It looks like you're the fluffy brush type 🙂 

I've been thinking just lately that I want to step up from my random brush situation and was looking into Sigma brushs. So I have some Sigma brushes that I read are Joclyn Hill's favorites in my B Gowing shopping cart right now because they had a 25% off but not sure if that's still going on.... 

Re: Love for Brushes

I recently was given a Kevin Aucoin brush and fell in love with it. 1 second prior to feeling that brush on my face I would say brush-love was insane/silly-pants.


I take it back. I take it ALL back.

Re: Love for Brushes

Which brush was it.... @Insomniacmuffin ? I've developed a recent need over the past year to collect brushes. I've been buying almost all Sephora Pro but I find they're missing some shapes I'd like in a higher end brush. (Sidenote Sephora Pro #79 is beast mode!) trying to find some other brands to try out..... Preferrably with similar handles to the Sephora line. Because I like matchy matchy.

Re: Love for Brushes

  • Just in time b-glowing DOT com has 20% off brushes. They have Kevyn Aucoin and they ship international as well.


Re: Love for Brushes

Oooo thanks for sharing.  I'll have to check that out.  Yes, I have several fluffy brushes lol, but I think part of the reason for that is because I haven't found that holy grail fluffy powder brush yet so I keep trying more.  I only have one blush brush and it's great... it's a Sonya Kashuk I bought from Target. 

Re: Love for Brushes

@AMK721, my holy grail fluffy brush for setting powder is the Koyudo White Kinoko (Mushroom) Brush. For finishing powder, I use Chikuhodo Z-1. Both are a bit pricy but they do a bang-up job.


P.S. I love makeup brushes!

Re: Love for Brushes

Speaking of Sonya Kashuk.  Looks like she re-designed some of her brushes.  I have the original #29 but this is the new one.  Looks nice 🙂



Sonya Kashuk 29.jpg

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