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PLEASE find a different service other than Fleet Optics

I've never had so many unnecessary difficulties in delivery than with Fleet Optics, please find a different delivery service. They have failed to deliver my parcel THREE times, regardless of me answering the call panel and buzzing them in. Thrice they have said that it was a failed attempt, no one answer EVEN THOUGH I BUZZED THEM IN AND TESTED THE DOORS WHEN I GOT HOME. They failed the simple logic of literally opening a door, and the customer service still puts the onus on the customer. 


You may ask, did they call you? Yes they did and I answered only to be hung up on and no one talking on the other end. This is a horrible service and customers who spend $50+ on one little item should be able to receive a seamless service. 

Re: PLEASE find a different service other than Fleet Optics

Hi @bnorthey I'm so sorry to hear about this and thank you for sharing your feedback with us regarding Fleet Optics. I will share this with the appropriate teams. I will also send you a PM. 

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