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Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Things are crazy now. I think we are all trying to stay healthy and maintain sanity as well. I thought I would start this thread so folks can check in and discuss how they're doing. I want all my BIC friends to be okay. I will kick this off with a first post. Take care of yourself lovelies.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster  For sure. We are lucky we got our money back. And we are going to have lots of family time here!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster  Our state has started their version of shelter-in-place as well (though it's essentially what's already been going on since last week, I guess they're just closing the down the remaining salons and random businesses still open?!). Glad you're well stocked, I think just the IDEA that you could be missing something is stressful to people, the hoarding around here is a little intense...

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@MissPuff I understand why people are hoarding,,I just wish they would realize it's not a permanent way of life now... We will get through this soon! 🤗❣️

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Good to hear you have all that you need @lmaster I used to only use sanitizer when I left the house. Of course now, I have a bottle sitting on my kitchen counter just in case. With everyone being home these days, having hand soap/bar soap would be a good equivalent if you're concerned about running low on sanitizer.

Stay safe💖

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Thank you!! @Guessgal the kids are getting stir crazy, the weather has been too cold to even go out to play, but were all still doing good! Hope you stay well 😘

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster  Ha, a friend and I were just saying “gosh, maybe we’ll have to travel waaaay outside ‘Chicagoland’ just to find more toilet paper!” 🤣 Now that IL’s finally on official stay-at-home lockdown, I suppose we’d need to justify our travel as essential. 😄 I’m glad your area’s well stocked and things are going well with your family! 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@WinglessOne girl if you need toilet paper,,,let me know!!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster  Now I can brag to my neighbors that I have my own tp supplier. 🤣 And hooray for happy chickens! I do wish I had an egg-layer or 2 right about now. Sounds like you’re well stocked, with a good way to restock items when needed! 


I think lots of us in my building will start the barter system soon. We have an online bulletin board and I’m surprised no one’s offered up items for trade yet. 😄

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@WinglessOne I got you sweet lady!! Just let me know 😉

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@WinglessOne you will laugh though, our neighbor/husband's friend lives about a mile away, we traded 6dz eggs for 32 rolls of toilet paper 😆 I have 20 happy chickens right now laying about a dozen+ eggs a day 🙌 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster  Omg I loved that you traded eggs for toilet paper!! That’s so awesome. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@ather oh girl, we gotta do what we gotta do

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster That's amazing! I picked up two flats of eggs (2.5 dozen each) from the restaurants in our area that were closing down and needed to get rid of stock, but FRESH eggs would have been even cooler! 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@MissPuff nothing better than fresh eggs!! And I love my babies 🐔🐥 so they are very well taken care of 😊

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

LOL @lmaster  That is so cool. I admire your bartering skills.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@fatimamummy thank you so much!! 🙌

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

That's awesome, @lmaster!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@CookieGirl1 thank you darlin!! We gotta do what we gotta do 😉

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I’m so glad y’all are doing ok @lmaster! It is definitely nice right now living in a small town.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@faeriegirl thank you!! I'm not going to lie,, I'm going stir crazy missing playing with makeup!!! But hopefully by April 8 th we can finally get some normalcy

I'm glad you found everything you needed, @lmaster!

I'm glad you found everything you needed, @lmaster!
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