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Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Things are crazy now. I think we are all trying to stay healthy and maintain sanity as well. I thought I would start this thread so folks can check in and discuss how they're doing. I want all my BIC friends to be okay. I will kick this off with a first post. Take care of yourself lovelies.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@heartsmyface That's exactly what I was going for--the coronavirus, but make it prettier!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@txcatx   Haha, perfect cause that’s the first thing I thought of when looking at them!  I love your sense of humour and how eventually people will do a double take if you decide to display it.  

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@heartsmyface  I think there may be a market for ironic quarantine art... 🙂

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

We live in an area that attracts a lot of tourists.  We are shut down, but not ordered to "stay at home," or whatever the more severe form is called.  Testing is slow to get started here, and slow to receive results.  I honestly think that a lot of people may have had the virus in Dec. and Jan.  Pneumonia cases just exploded, and everywhere I went the majority of people I ran across were coughing.  The coughing seemed to just stop a couple of weeks ago.  Just an anecdotal opinion (except a doctor of mine agreed with me.)


What that means for the length of our area needing to quarantine,  I have no idea.  I'm concerned about people from all over coming here to "escape," their possibly more severely affected hometowns, especially when the weather gets warmer.


I'm glad that the federal government is postponing the tax return and payment dates to July 15.  I'm thoroughly annoyed that our governor won't do the same for the state taxes, since "they have a budget to meet and can't start next year in a deficit."  They could, but don't want to pass a new law to do it.  Pulled the same stunt last year with the new tax rates.


I wonder why it's okay for the many people who are out of a job to not make THEIR budgets and be in a financial deficit.


Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Ispend2much6 I am definitely with you about the state taxes.  I also think a lot of people had this in December and January.  My entire office seemed sick over Christmas and New Years.  I hope you don't get a lot of people bringing it again to where you live.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@curlychiquita  I remember when you and your family were ill; I'm glad everyone recovered well!

I read an article today that was pretty interesting regarding the mortality rate.  Some countries that have very high mortality rates may have their percentages skewed because they are only testing people who are critically ill (or worse)  rather than testing as many people as you can.  Of course, you have to have tests available to do that.

That kind of makes sense- if you test ten people, and have one fatality, then the percentage is higher than if you test 100 people and have one fatality.

I'm still not taking any chances though.  Except mail order. 🙂

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

On a business note, This is a great reminder to everyone in the US - your state taxes may not be delayed just because the federal ones are, please check! 

on a more personal note, I totally get it. I’m also in a high tourist area with lots of cases and I’m definitely worried that even if we get it under control, in a couple of months everyone will be coming here for trips and could bring it from elsewhere and restart things! Even our governor is saying now that it had to be going on well before March for the numbers to be where they are 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Kim888   Ugh. Sorry to hear you're in that situation also.  I'm honestly surprised we had a huge event that was supposed to be held in April was canceled.  Our local government makes questionable decisions to promote financial gain, in my opinion.

On the bright side, we did our taxes right away and got our refunds, both federal and state, in a few days. 🙂

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Ispend2much6 totally agree with you on the tax situation. It's so frustrating. While I'm envious that your area doesn't have quite as strict of a lockdown, it's not great to risk going out and getting pneumonia, either. Tough times, girl.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@CookieGirl1  All of our businesses except essential are closed, so really there's no place to go except outside, fast food drive-thru, grocery store, and medical places. Oh, and ABC stores.  Is that similar to your shelter in place?

I'm kind of waiting for the bomb to drop once we get more tests in, which are also taking ten days to come back.  I don't know if my kids should go back to work (one works at a car spa, the other at a fast food restaurant that is only doing drive-thru.)  Being immune compromised it's a little terrifying to have to make that decision. My husband, for now,, is able to work at home so having everyone home for two weeks was a relief.  My kids don't "have" to work, but it is good for their psyche.  So, so tough- you are right.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Our town and the available businesses sounds similar to yours, @Ispend2much6.  It sounds like your entire family is pretty up in the air about everything (which is very unnerving).  That's nice that your hubby can work from home, at least--small consolation.  Hope you all stay safe :).

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@CookieGirl1   You too. 🙂

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Ispend2much6   Yeah I too wonder if a lot of people had this one or two months ago. I had what I assume is influenza A. My daughter tested positive. Everyone took tamiflu. But I definitely felt like I was sick. Then several weeks later my daughter had another virus. Low grade temp. But mostly a horrible cough that went on for about 10 days. She only had a fever one day. She stayed home one day due to excessive cough, this was several days after last fever. I had sudden onset of sore throat and maybe low grade fever. I don’t always get High temps when sick. I have a primary immune deficiency so when I started feeling bad on March 7. I started antibiotics on March 8. I started coughing up lots of nasty stuff. I had lots of chest tightness and some shortness of breath. I assumed it was bronchitis and took antibiotics for like 7 days. I think lots of people probably have had this but fought it off. I hope they get a lab test soon to see if you have had it or have antibodies. I don’t have definite answers just speculation.  I’m just now feeling like the chest it almost back to normal. I run about 5 times a week so am in good shape. Sure makes you wonder. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@jen81 @Ispend2much6   interesting you say that because our whole family got sick right before Christmas and right through the new year.  It started off as a cold which progressed into fevers for everyone at alternating times which then turned into pneumonia for me but a lingering cough for everyone else.  We just thought we had rhinovirus or the flu.  I suppose only an antibody test would tell for sure.  

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@heartsmyface @jen81 @Ispend2much6 I wish that we knew for sure if you really did build up enough antibodies that you wouldn't get the virus again. I haven't been sick at all lately but it would almost seem worth it to get it just to ensure that I wouldn't get it again and not have to worry about being in this state of "quarantine" !


Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@CookieGirl1   It seems like the antibody test is close to being ready.  That would make the "next steps" of this quarantine a little more clear, I think.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@heartsmyface   It sure sounds like you all had it.  I think it was here in the states much earlier than January.  A family member of a direct contact of my husband (trying to be vague here, although no one knows me or my family, but my husband didn't want me spreading this,) was in contact several times with the same Chinese national who was over here for business in October/November.  This person developed the worst "flu" this person ever had. The Chinese national also became ill upon return to China.  There was no publicity of COVID at the time this person was ill.

Fast forward to the time it became known, on a news show this person was watching, and this person said that the COVID symptoms were exactly what she had.  This person's doctor agreed.  I was encouraged because this person is my age and recovered well.

Although this might be anecdotal, I had read where some epidemiologists calculated that the earliest it would have first occurred was October 31, the latest December 31.

How could it not have spread around December?  It was already widespread in China, and there is so much international travel between countries it seems likely.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@jen81   You guys are tough- I hope you stay healthy the rest of the year!  I've read a lot of instances where COVID patients only had a 99 something to 101 fever.  Sure sounds like you had it.

An anti-body test is supposed to be ready soon.  It would be really useful.  Stay safe!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Well, i must say if it weren’t for not being able to leave my house, I would have never started anxiety painting.  I’ve had a lovely pink sitting around waiting for me to feel ambitious for longer than I want to admit.  I plan to put gold trim on the doors  next. I emptied my beauty room.I emptied my beauty room.


Painted and redecorated.Painted and redecorated.


Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@heartsmyface ,

I love that shade of light pink paint on your walls!  What a great use of your time!

Your room looks awesome!

Wow, that looks so nice @heartsmyface Way to turn a negat...

Wow, that looks so nice @heartsmyface Way to turn a negative (staying at home) into a positive one!
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