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Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Things are crazy now. I think we are all trying to stay healthy and maintain sanity as well. I thought I would start this thread so folks can check in and discuss how they're doing. I want all my BIC friends to be okay. I will kick this off with a first post. Take care of yourself lovelies.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Samtian @lmaster yes it’s part of Trumps plan that he passed. I got mine already.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@SportyGirly125 that's a blessing

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Samtian oh I did not hear about that!!!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster Yep! I think it lasts until end of July, not sure. But every week you file you get an extra 600 added. And they waived the waiting week. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Oh my gosh, ok that's for unemployment, gotcha! @Samtian that's wonderful

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster Oh yeah unemployment sorry.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

That's great for those on unemployment @Samtian what a huge relief

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster For those who are getting it yes. My self-employed friends who are supposed to be getting it are not doing so good right now. It's a big mess in my state.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Samtian oh that's not good,,,I hope they can stay positive during this hard time

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster They are trying. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@Samtian  I’m glad you have the internet back!! I’m sure it helps with this isolation!! It’s awesome you were able to get a new mattress. That’s amazing!!! Hopefully you don’t get screwed out of your unemployment. I really hope they get it right!!! 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@ather Thank you so much!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Just received confirmation yesterday,,, schools in Illinois will not finish out the school year 😢 I'm sad for my kids,,, they miss their friends and teachers so much,,,


Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

That sucks for the little ones that like school and seeing their friends @lmaster 😞 My son is 16 and he is overjoyed that he is out the rest of the year. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@faeriegirl I would of been too 😆 my daughter is 13 and she hates not going to school either,, eLearning, she wants to be active and do her sports

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster Yea we heard about it in March that they wouldn’t finish the school year and hopefully be back by summer school. We have been doing trials of remote learning and having teacher conferences on zoom 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Same with the zoom @SportyGirly125 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster Oh no. That’s so sad. I’ve got so much respect for all the parents out there. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I would be losing my mind if my youngest had school work,, thank goodness he was only in Pre-K @ather my 6 year old needs me to sit with him the entire time 😳

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@lmaster @ather It really is tough. I’m glad I can finally start focusing on my kiddos more since I got furloughed. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@SportyGirly125  That’s awesome!! I went part time in January so I could spend more time at home with my little guy and I’m loving being home with him more. 

4 Replies