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BIC book club!

Some of us here have expressed an interest in a book club, myself, @mermadelove, @LCResz, @ZombieMetroAnt, @Mcakes. If you'd be interested in joining, reply below. My initial thought was to mail the books around but if it means that some people can't participate, then I'm all for dropping that requirement. I'd love this to be a place where we nominate our favorite book and others can read it and comment. Something fun for the new year!  ETA: the booklist:

1. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (16)
1. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie (16)
3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (13)
4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (11)
4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (11)
4. Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie (11)
7. Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (10)
7. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (10)
7. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (10) Discussion begins 8-13.
7. The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck (10) Discussion begin 9-2.
11. The Fault in our Stars by John Green (9) Time to discuss 9-26
11. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (9) Now discussing below.
11. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (9)
11. What Happened by Hilary Clinton (9) Now discussing below.
11. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett (9) Start reading now.
11. The Woman on the Orient Express by Lindsay Ashford (9)
11. milk and honey by Rupi Kaur (9)
18. A Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (8)
18. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (8)
18. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (8)
18. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (8)
18. Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence (8)
18. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (8)
18. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (8)
18. The Paper Magician by Charlie Holmberg (8)
18. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (8)
18. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (8)
18. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (8)
18. The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory (8)

Participants in spoiler



















Re: BIC book club!

David Grohl The Storyteller is a great book. I really enjoyed it. I listened to it on audio book. 



Re: BIC book club!

Thanks for sharing, @AMK721 !  I will have to add this one to my list!

Re: BIC book club!

Just finished these 2. I can see Holmes, Marple and Poe turns into a TV show someday. Camino Winds is as good as the first one Camino Island. I will definitely pick up the third book sometimes after it got released. Good reads in both. I like these 2. @itsfi 

Re: BIC book club!

James Patterson.. @blackkitty2014 ❤️

Re: BIC book club!

@blackkitty2014, great to hear the Camino series has been to your liking. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 you enjoy the upcoming 3rd book in the series.


Holmes Marple & Poe sounds like a good one. Do you think these books would make for good audiobooks? I enjoy having a book in my hand but am thinking about giving audiobooks another go - not as my only vehicle for books but in addition to physical books. 

Re: BIC book club!

@itsfi @I haven’t tried audiobooks yet but if you are commuting to work I would think this is a great way to go. Bonus Holmes, Marple and Poe would be no different than listening to a Sherlock Holmes short stories I would think 😘

Re: BIC book club!

i am interested!🥰

Re: BIC book club!

@kaitgahagan @kenbb Please jump right in whenever you’re ready. I don’t think we have any strict rule. I normally just list out whatever I finished and what I think about the book etc etc. I got really good recommendations from reading everyone comments in this thread. 😘

Re: BIC book club!

@kaitgahagan, I 2nd @blackkitty2014's comments. Join us when you can. It's been great to hear about what others are reading and also to ask questions if someone's read / is reading a book I am interested in.

Re: BIC book club!

Hey, I would love to participate! 

Re: BIC book club!

@kenbb, we'd love to hear about books you're reading or that you've read. I echo @blackkitty2014's jump on in when you're ready.  

Re: BIC book club!

Just finished these 2. 
I bought Storm Watch when Amazon offered a good discount. It’s okay not as good as the previous ones in the series. I reserved The Exchange from my local library along with another 2 books and had waited for months. They was finally available one day after each other so now I have to hustle up 😂🤣 The Exchange, oh what to say about it. It is a sequel to The Firm but seems liked The Firm has all the glories and The Exchange has all the failures. Good writing as always but the story is such a disappointment to me. 

Re: BIC book club!

Hmmm... I'm thinking I may pass on The Exchange @blackkitty2014. Or, perhaps move it further down the list. Sorry to hear you were disappointed with the storyline. 

Re: BIC book club!

Yes don’t buy @itsfi . See if you can borrow from local library. The whole time I keep thinking how are they gonna make this one into a hit movie. The first third of the book has so much promise but the rest of it seems liked doing the same thing back and forth of 1 action (try to not giving away any spoiler 😘). I hope his new novel Camino Ghost (coming this May I think) would be a good one. Camino Island (1st of the series) is not as the same level of his iconic The Firm but still a really good read and short (I like short novel). I have Camino Wind and will start to read once I finish the 2 books I borrow from public library.  If you do read The Exchange please do let me know what you think 😘

Re: BIC book club!

I'll sit tight to hear your thoughts on the Camino series @blackkitty2014. I have several books (and just found another 2) that I still need to start on and then some others waiting in the wings to swap with some friends. 

Re: BIC book club!

Hi I would like to participate after my final exams. Let me know if I could join in May. Thanks

Re: BIC book club!

@ccslin200 welcome! post whenever you can! Good luck with all your schoolwork!

Re: BIC book club!

@ccslin200, you can join anytime! Welcome!


Jump on in when you're ready to share what book you're reading or have finished reading. Good luck with your final exams - and the prep time beforehand. See you soon. 

Re: BIC book club!

I have a Kindle Unlimited subscription and it gets a lot of use. Idk how many books I read in a year tbh. I mostly read fluff, though (YA, Romance, Fantasy, etc).  I just finished a novella from Kresley Cole which was ok. I also read The Edge series (4 books) from Ilona Andrews, who is one of my favorites, but this series I would skip. I’ve really enjoyed everything else they’ve written, though. Almost all the books I’ve read lately have been sequels and honestly none of them have really gotten a 5/5 . I have some more sequels coming up that I’m hoping will be better. 

Re: BIC book club!

@makeitup305, that's awesome that you're putting your kindle to good use! Not all books can be 5/5 - it's alright; it makes the ones that are stand out even more. i hope the other books on your reading list are better.

Re: BIC book club!

Oh wow I just noticed this thread is active again. In good old days when it was started, that year I was most disciplined in my readings and actually dipped into many different genres. 


I'll be happy to jump in again but just heads up, I read a lot of YA books 😅 so most of my recommendations might be childish for you guys.


Let me explain, as kids get older, I feel the need to be more creative to find common interests. Luckily everyone in my household (except my husband) loves to read and they also like to discuss books after finishing them so they are always talking me into reading their books. 


Last month I read "Arc of Scythe" series from my son's collection and it was actually quite interesting. If you like dystopian books and don't mind YA fiction, this series is a good read. 


For last few days I have first book of "The Inheritance Games" series sitting on my side table because my daughter wants me to read it. It needs to wait a little. I will start after Ramadan. 


Now I hope after re-joining the book club I may start reading some grown ups book again. Looking forward to see what you all are reading.

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