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Empties - V2

Seeing product empties is so satisfying 🙂


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Re: Empties - V2

March Empties!


I have been using my tried and true this month since I had some breakouts from using all the foils. I can really see a difference when i use the products I know work for my skin! 


I already have a back up for all but the cleanser which I am using the new Rhode one! 

Re: Empties - V2

@ather  Good to hear your skin is getting better ❤️‍🩹.   I find that I want to try a new product to see if it works better, but it doesn’t always work out.   You sound like you enjoy rhode products.  I have not tried any from that line.  But they sound like they have very good quality ingredients.  

Re: Empties - V2

@Cissy63  Thank you! 😊 I think it’s good to stick to what works! I checked how many foils I have used this month and it’s only 3 so I think it’s so true. Using all the foils may be what caused all my issues or maybe it was something else. But I am enjoying my clear skin!! 

Re: Empties - V2

@ather How do you find the shipping with Rhode?  I'm tempted to try some of their products but I'm horrible for direct ordering and waiting for things to clear customs.  But... it looks like you're really loving their stuff....

Re: Empties - V2

@missjeanie  I really love the products! I don’t mind at all. Of you spend so much you get free shipping so I always order enough for the free shipping. And it does take a little time to get here but I think it’s worth the wait!! I’ve had no issues at all! 

Re: Empties - V2

Good to know @ather ... I think it may be one of the brands I try to explore a bit this year.  I've been hearing so many good things. 

Re: Empties - V2

@ather great job! I can't do many foils, either, my skin will totally freak out. I usually end up giving most of my samples away.

Re: Empties - V2

@makeitup305  Aww that’s to bad. I know what you mean tho. 

Re: Empties - V2

@ather Awesome job using up what works for you. I feel like I am always on the hunt for skincare that works.

Re: Empties - V2

@Mellmars1185  I do too. And I end up with meh products and I always force myself to use them up. So now I want to just use what works! 

Re: Empties - V2

Amazing job! It’s always nice to see things improve, beautiful empties ❤️ @ather 

Re: Empties - V2

@peculiarzmakeup  Thanks! I guess that’s what happens when I’m trying too many different products at once! Last week and this week is a great reset for my skin since I’ve been off and not wearing makeup much! 

Re: Empties - V2

So glad to hear that ❤️ @ather  

Re: Empties - V2

I’m glad your skin is doing better @ather

Re: Empties - V2

@faeriegirl  Thank you!

Re: Empties - V2

I hope your skin is all calmed down now @ather I love when we know something is a safe option and a win for our skin. 👌 I Agree, tried and true is a good thing. 😀

Re: Empties - V2

@CynthieLu  It’s way better!!! I need to start eating healthier again! 

Re: Empties - V2

You're so right 💯 @ather Eating healthy really does help our skin out.  My skin let's me know when I've been not eating the best. 😅

Re: Empties - V2

@CynthieLu  Same or when I have had more coffee than water 😳 I’ve been good the past week since I’ve been off but I know once I go back to work next week I may need to be better. 

Re: Empties - V2

Oh same here. @ather I need to drink more water and consume less sugar usually when I start breaking out. I have a weakness for sweet. 🫣

Re: Empties - V2

Great job!! Nothing wrong with tried and true 🙌 @ather 

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