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Chanel Updates


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Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

@TraceyEB That sounds amazing! Good Chanel haul! And I bought lips 2 and 3! I must like the blue reds and u the more neutral tones one eh?! 😀 I kind of liked the eye palette too but it got such icky reviews I went nah. I did get a few of the new TF singles so will see how they are. Will it ever end! I keep thinking I’m done and then something else drops down from makeup heaven that I seem to not be able to resist. Good grief! I need therapy or an intervention I’m pretty sure!

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

Stay strong, @Sunnysmom! Too much temptation at this time of year. Yes, my preference is for warm/neutral reds. (Blue reds do nothing for me.)

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

@TraceyEB Ha yes I will try to stay strong! Tomorrow is a challenging day ( or right now even I guess!). lol. U seem like you look great in blue reds but maybe they are more neutral and harder to tell in pics. In any event they all look great on you. And did you see the new Fenty red. I may or may not have picked it up. 😳🙃

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

Thank you for the lovely words, @Sunnysmom. I've not picked up the Fenty red lipstick but curious if the shade is truly universal.

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

@TraceyEB I’m curious about the color too. I’ll let you know when I receive it and swatch it too. I take horrid pics so I won’t subject you to it! Wish I took better ones! Lol 

Anonymous Insider

Whaaaat? Sephora is getting Chanel makeup? I have been as...

Whaaaat? Sephora is getting Chanel makeup? I have been asking them to carry it. Hooraaay!

Re: Whaaaat? Sephora is getting Chanel makeup? I have been as...

No @Anonymous Sephora only carries Chanel perfumes 

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

Is that a bronzing powder or...? It looks so light..

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

@AnneMCC I saw it in person - my SA said it was a finishing powder

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

Thank you @TraceyEB! I might pick up the silver highlighter. I’m not sure about the blusher though. They released similar design but different colors some years ago and they was pretty bad. Hope this wasn’t the case this year

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

Hi @blackkitty2014, I, too hope reviews are stronger for this blush. I didn't realize until I read a review for the 2014 Camelia blush release that this LE blush contains half the product as a regular Chanel blush. I'm also interested in the white gold highlighter.

Upate: I added the shade description from Chanel's website: featuring Espiègle and Malice shades.

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

@TraceyEB I purchased the Peche when it was released in Canada a few months back and can vouch that it is a lot smaller than it looks and is not domed like the regular blushes.


its interesting that it’s a mix of existing shades - they made no mention of that when it launched here

Re: Chanel Direct Release Dates: Signe du Lion & Blush Camelia Peche

Hi @Mochapj, I do recall that, so went back through your IG to take a look. The blush seem light to me.  I was surprised to see the reference to existing blush shades. I'm sure that info wasn't there when the blush was first posted.

Re: Chanel Updates

@KatieBT, can you please ask the team to take a look at this thread.  It is not showing up on the main page.  Thanks a million 🙂

RE: Chanel Updates

Swatches of the Libres holiday collection, including the blush and ombré premiere cream

Re: RE: Chanel Updates

I’m so torn. While searching for No 3 in store last night, I swatched it. It is very buttery and smooth and very beautiful. Now I want it. Ugh

Re: RE: Chanel Updates

Ooooohhh!! The skintone in the swatch of So Close is pretty close to my own and the swatch is swoon-worthy!! It's a must buy for me. (Frantically looks for a sale.)

RE: Chanel Updates

Another holiday collection?

Chanel Collection Libres 2017 featuring Numeros Rouges now live on Chanel Direct

Chanel Collection Libres 2017: Numeros Rouges now live on Chanel direct.

Re: Chanel Collection Libres 2017 featuring Numeros Rouges now live on Chanel Direct

@TraceyEB And anyone else here is new 

No 3 and quick comparisons to a few in my stash. It’s so pretty. Same velvet formula and seems a bit more cherry red. Love!! No 3No 3



Top left Velvet La Fascinante, right Pirate, bottom Velvet No 3Top left Velvet La Fascinante, right Pirate, bottom Velvet No 3





Re: Chanel Collection Libres 2017 featuring Numeros Rouges now live on Chanel Direct

I dont know how i missed all these actions on Chanel.  I was telling myself i'm going to look the other way this holiday then the evil Bloomingdale sent me a 10% off coupon that can be applied for Chanel ;).  I cant resist but order No 3 and the fall quad Road Movie quad.  Thx for posting all the swatches @Sunnysmom@Mochapj and @TraceyEB.  Ugh, @Sunnysmom, i resisted No 3 until i saw your swatch.  You!!! lol

9 Replies