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What’s in your cup?

A companion thread to What's on your plate? 


I thought it would fun to share what we’re all drinking. It could be your favourite tea or show of your crowd pleasing cocktail recipes. What’s in your cup?

Right now, I’m enjoying a nice cup of ginger peach tea with milk and honey. It’s nice and calming before bed. 



And shout out to the original thread  I kinda found out too late about this and it’s been far too long since it was updated. 


Re: What’s in your cup?

Matcha Horchata 



Re: What’s in your cup?

Oh yum!! @SportyGirly125 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@SportyGirly125 I am jealous, one of my favorites 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Sounds amazing @SportyGirly125 faaaaancy ❤️

Re: What’s in your cup?

Impulse buy at TJ Maxx, this Torani syrup. I don’t usually make flavored coffees,but this sounded so good. I made a Nespresso latte with the brown sugar cinnamon syrup infused milk/foam in one of my favorite mugs from the old Teavana.



Re: What’s in your cup?

@sister13  I just ordered this from Amazon today!  I should have taken a short ride instead. 🙂  I'm hoping to match (nearly) Starbucks' Brown Sugar Cinnamon Oatmilk Espresso.

Re: What’s in your cup?

Oh great!! Let me know how it goes!!! @Ispend2much6 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@sister13 Torani syrups take me back to my days working as a barista. I didn’t know about this particular one though. Sounds yummy!

Re: What’s in your cup?

I was glad to try it for TJ Maxx prices! @JoSometimes 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Oooh oooh! I think you and I have similar tastes @sister13 ! I have this syrup! Not a huge fan of cinnamon but I find the brown sugar pops more so I enjoy it 😉 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Oh nice! @jaaayp 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Torani makes yummy fun syrups @sister13 that sounds like a great one. 🙂 nice find!

Re: What’s in your cup?

Yes, it was good to try for a lower price! @CynthieLu 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@sister13  sounds like a peaceful way to start the day

Re: What’s in your cup?

It was, mostly! @CorgiMommy 

Re: What’s in your cup?

That sounds really good, @sister13 !

Re: What’s in your cup?

It was good, though actually a bit more like a red hot/fireball type of cinnamon than real cinnamon if you know what I mean. I was expecting more of a real cinnamon flavor, which I would have preferred, but it was still good. @Titian06 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Too bad, @sister13 !  That is not cinnamon in my book! 😝

Re: What’s in your cup?

I've been making a lot of drinks at home in effort to save some coins 🤣 this the perfect thread!

I am a huge caffeine addict so I always have 2 or 3 or 4 shots of espresso in the morning and maybe another shot or two in the afternoon. BUT I've been opting out to a matcha latte. I use ceremonial matcha with a cup of oatmilk with 1 tsp of sugar and a splash of vanilla.




Re: What’s in your cup?

Ooh yum. @jaaayp, That's a great idea to save a bit of money and you can enjoy it at home whenever you want. 😄

Re: What’s in your cup?

I love matcha lattes! Nice! @jaaayp 

3 Replies
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