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What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

We're blabbing about everything else these days, I figured I'd check in and see what people are watching when it comes to TV shows and movies!


It would be foolish to think that this thread could remain spoiler free, so let's be courteous to one another and be sure to spoiler your spoilers. If you don't know how, it's that super adorable little yellow button on the toolbar, located to the right of the bold/italic/underline/strikeout buttons. 


DONT FORGET: If you happen to be the most recent post, your first sentence or two of your post will show up EVEN IF ITS IN A SPOILER. So please take care if you're going to go dropping spoiler bombs. 


Anywho... I just saw the movie PHOENIX last night and it was absolutely spectacular. Like Academy Award spectacular. If you're fortunate enough have showings in your area, I cannot urge you enough to go see it. 


So whatcha'll watchin' these days? What are you anxiously waiting for to start back up? 

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Watching reruns of Parks & Rec, every single day. Also trying to catch up on latest season of It's Always Sunny. And dyyyyiiiiiing for Penny Dreadful to come back. Why do they make me wait so long?

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Parks & Rec, Season 3 Ep. 13 - The Fight is one of my favorite episodes of any show ever. Possibly only behind Friends - The One With The Embryos (more commonly known for guys vs. girls trivia/lightning round).

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

That is in my top five episodes etscore. I watched it twice, back to back, a few weeks ago. It's some of the funniest drunk acting I've ever seen.

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)


Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

My husband and I quote P&R constantly. Our favorite line is "Go to bed Jimmy" from Ron & Tammys 4.2

We say it to each other and our spaz dog pretty much every day. 

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I know what I'm doing for the next 22 minutes. 


I'm also annoyed that I can't find the gif of when they're all piled into Donna's car...

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I love that scene. Donna says something like "where am I taking you guys" and Leslie blurts out "your Mom's" 😄 I laugh every single time!

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I thought I remembered that line, but when Donna asks where she's going first Leslie goes, "You're mom's bu tt!"  

"Ann took a cab, Tom's in the trunk, Jerry's on the roof..."


God, I love that cast. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Omg you're right!!! Your mom's butt! 😄 How could I forget?


ok, I kid you not when I tell you this. Ron Swanson looks exactly like my dad. My dad has twenty years on him, but they are the same person. Talk about doppelgänger. Same hair, same cocked eyebrow, woodworker, both laugh at Canada (so sorry!!), wear the same clothes, same facial expressions, political beliefs, I mean everything. I kept trying to get him to watch the show and he just shrugged me off. So for his birthday a couple years ago, I sent him a t-shirt with the Pyramid of Greatness. 




He he can tick a lot of these boxes. He has no friends, but had some family members over for a barbecue. One of them said, you know who you look like?  He said wait a minute, went into the house and came back with this shirt 😄 They all died laughing. I would post his picture but he would seriously kill me if he ever found out his face was on the Internet. He is a very private person, just like Ron. But he finally started watching and he loves it. 

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

That's so hilarious! I was going to ask if he was "off the grid" like Ron! Hahahaha!


I love that he's married to Megan Mullally in real life - it only makes they're scenes together that much funnier!

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I can't believe I left this detail out...he had a longtime girlfriend named Tammy!!!  When he started watching the show, he called me and said "That's it, someone has cameras in my house!"  She was nuts too. When they broke up, she stole everything in the house 😄

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Oh my gosh, hilarious!!!! (Not the reality part, obviously!)


My ex is pretty spot-on for Ben, and has been told by multiple people. 

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

That's pretty awesome etscore! Ben is such an awesome character, love him. I just hope your boyfriend didn't do anything crazy, like try to build Ice Town LOL!

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