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Pet Paradise

Show off pics of your pets, tell stories, anything you want to share about those special animals in your life 🙂 Post as much and as often as you want!

Here are are my fluff babies DJ and Gunner (also called Lulu or Lou). They are mother and daughter. DJ is my baby and Gunner is a daddy's girl. They are approximately 9 years old and very spoiled!

This is DJ. She loves to be near me.

Miss Gunner Lou loves her catnip carrot


Re: Pet Paradise

@LisaCraftMom ,

My heart goes out to you and your family.  Many of us know how this feels, at least how something very similar felt to us.  Hugs to you!  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love goes on.


Re: Pet Paradise

@tsavorite, thank you for your kind words.

Re: Pet Paradise

😞 I know how that feels.  Love to you and your family!

Re: Pet Paradise

I'm so sorry to hear that @LisaCraftMom! My heart goes out to you and your family. It's always a hard decision. 

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you, @HelenBT. Yes, it was a very hard decision, but I'm glad we had the strength to make it.

RE: Pet Paradise

My heart goes out to you guys it’s so terrible to loose a member of your family and it’s always a hard call to make : (

Thank you, @RoseCharlie. It took us a while to make the d...

Thank you, @RoseCharlie. It took us a while to make the decision.

Re: Pet Paradise

@LisaCraftMom I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and your family!



Re: Pet Paradise

@RebeccaBT, thank you for your kind thoughts.

Re: Pet Paradise

@LisaCraftMom I’m so sorry! It really is a touch decision to make. Copper was so lucky to have spent a long life with you and your family, surrounded by so much love! ❤️❤️

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you, @cianni. That's very nice of you to say. I really appreciate your kind words right now.

Re: Pet Paradise

@LisaCraftMom Oh my heart goes out to you and your family!! I know Copper was a special part of your family and you'll always have memories to help you through this difficult time!! Thoughts and prayers to you!!😔🐶

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you so much, @yankeefaithful. You're right, we have to remember the good times with him now.

Re: Pet Paradise

@LisaCraftMom  I’m so sorry for your loss.  You made a tough decision with love. He was lucky to have such a wonderful friend and life long home. 💔

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you, @Indy701. That's very sweet of you.

Re: Pet Paradise

I am so sorry @LisaCraftMom

Thank you, @faeriegirl.

Thank you, @faeriegirl.

Re: Pet Paradise

I am so sorry @LisaCraftMom that you and your family had to say goodbye to Cooper ☹ It is truly heart breaking. 

Thank you so much @GG84! Pets really are part of the fami...

Thank you so much @GG84! Pets really are part of the family, aren't they.

Re: Pet Paradise

After a series of delays for surgery (during the process our diligent vet discovered a heart issue, liver issue AND diagnosed hypothyroidism.....), we were able to solve all underlying health issues and my Frankie was finally able to have his procedure. He’ll always have to be on thyroid medication, but he’s in optimal health when he takes it and we have no problem sneaking it to him in his food. He’s so much happier already, and back to his normal self 🤗🤗278E6618-57D4-4AFB-AE2D-B9579F5EC5B8.jpeg


Re: Pet Paradise

@cianni ,

That's great news for you and your cute doggie!  🙂
