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Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Things are crazy now. I think we are all trying to stay healthy and maintain sanity as well. I thought I would start this thread so folks can check in and discuss how they're doing. I want all my BIC friends to be okay. I will kick this off with a first post. Take care of yourself lovelies.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I keep reminding myself of the same thing @ShortErica . I repeat that the grass is NOT greener there are only weeds.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I know and that's why I struggle a lot with it in my mind. I'm not happy where I am but will I be less happy elsewhere @Loretta55 🤔

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I feel you @ShortErica .

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I'm trying to professionally strategize how to approach my feelings with my boss. Every few years I get these feelings but usually review time is around the holidays and is more relaxed and I get a good review and it's like, oh everything's okay. But then I start feeling this way again. It's a vicious cycle. Thanks for sharing how you feel too @Loretta55. Sometimes it feels lonely but I know others feel this way too.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@ShortErica I feel you 😞

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that @SportyGirly125. Good to know I'm not alone but sad because I don't want anyone else to feel this way cause it sucks. Hopefully it improves for both of us.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I am going stir crazy, and am emotionally drained. My long distance lives in the USA and I live in Canada. It is making things very very difficult. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I'm doing fine. As a recent dialysis patient, I have to go out three days a week to clinic. I don't mind cos I wear my mask, clean/sanitize and social distance. Before sheltering in place became a thing, the only places I went were Walmart, dollar store, mall, the grocery store, doctor's appointments and to visit my parents, so the change hasn't been too drastic for me. I try not to worry about getting the virus. All I can do is what I'm doing.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Just taking time to be mindful of small enjoyments and allowing for a mental rest while enjoying a favorite face sheet mask. I have a renewed appreciation for black nail polish - personal fav is OPI We're In The Black. And hand masks are a great way to unplug and just stop for 20 minutes with absolutely no screens. Also, just be kind to everyone and try to remember we are all doing the best that we can and if we are doint the best we can do, then it has to be good enough. I truly hope everyone stays well. 

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

One positive thing that came out of this quarantine is that I've realized how important it is to experience things and live life.  We all get so caught up in work and daily life that we forget to live.  This year has really put that into perspective for me.


I always travel with friends or family and have never traveled alone.  I'm planning on traveling alone to Maine to visit someone for the first time in a few years or once it's safe.

I also got my first 2 tattoo appointments by celebrity tattoo artists Daniel Winterstone and Romeo Lacoste!  Being Asian, my parents always told me not to since in ancient Japanese culture, only gang members get tattoos.  I've really thought about the design and wanted to get it done for 4 years in memory of my late boyfriend so I really think it's time.  Both artists are based in Los Angeles and are taking appointments for 2022!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I totally agree @RAWRitsRED ! ❤️ I hope your tatoos are amazing! 🙂

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@RAWRitsRED I totally relate to the racial part of having tattoos. I'm a young black woman with multiple tattoos, so I understand the stereotype of people assuming you're a bad person based on looks. Meanwhile, growing up, I've never been sent to the principal's office and never broken the law to this day. I don't care what people think anymore because they literally don't know what they're talking about and it really just makes THEM look bad for assuming nothing they know nothing about. I don't mind if people ask, but assuming/jumping to conclusions are a no-no. I think tattoos are so beautiful and tell a story about you without having to tell others. Also, it's a great conversation starter. I would compliment a persons tattoo and ask about it, then that's how a cool conversation happens for me to get to know them. I have Vietnamese friends (women) who have tattoos all over their body and they dye their hair red and some blonde and I still love them. They are sisters and they know how to braid and perm all hair types, including ethnic hair, they do it as a side job. But just looking at someone, you wouldn't know that. Also, a secret is that I am a hugeeee anime otaku since maybe 9 or 12 years old when I first started watching anime, that I know some basic Japanese phrases. Once again, if people judged my looks and tattoos, they wouldn't know that. I'm sorry to hear that, but do whatever makes you happy because it's your life. I don't listen to imperfect people telling me how to make my life perfect. LOL!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

I'm super excited for the Tatcha virtual class today!  I've been working a lot since last month so this will be a good break for me.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

So it's been 4.5 months and we're all still here.  Give yourself a pat on the back!  I didn't think I was going to make it longer than 2 weeks when we first started quarantine.  


I've been reading some of the posts about personal brushes with covid.  I'm keeping everyone in my thoughts.


It's a little crazy to think that we're all going to be quarantining for awhile longer.  I feel bad for my friend who's son is having his 1st bday at the end of the month.  It breaks my heart thinking we won't be able to have a 1st bday party for him, or to have a first bday party for my son.  I'm sad for him that his social sphere is so small!  It's not the end of the world though.  


I also wanted to share an insane story.  My boss was talking about office space we could use, and told us to coordinate with her before coming in.  Then she segued into a story about how she had covid a few weeks ago and "it's not that bad".  My jaw dropped.  Even worse, she had been coming into the office daily prior to that.  Even worse... we work in a hospital.  We're admin, we don't see patients, but honestly, it ticks me off that she was coming into work every day and that she's trying to normalize coming into work.  Even though *she* made it ok, there's no telling how many people you may infect by not quarantining. 


I just wish people would think of other people more.  Instead of advertising office space, I wish she was telling people to stay home.  We really don't need to come into the office to do our work.  Patients who are coming to the hospital don't have an option.  I'm thinking of all the poor moms coming to the hospital to deliver.  I know ER visits are down.  But you know, there's people who come to the hospital because they don't have an option.  Staying out of the hospital, limiting your interactions with clinical staff, that is the considerate thing to do.  Showing up to an office to score imaginary brownie points is absolutely lousy, outdated, and an incredibly selfish mindset.    

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@itscarin remember when everyone thought that the pandemic would be over by the summer? 😳

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@rosegoldlovely Vaguely. I remember saying I had like two weeks of isolation in me. But here we are, 6 mo later. 2020 has officially been cancelled for some time now. There’s no thanksgiving, no Xmas, and no first bday for my little one. 😩. Although sometimes the pressure of the holidays suck maybe that’s the silver lining!  😂

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

Wow about your boss @itscarin! It feels like a million years since I've played sports or been very active. I feel bad for everyone having milestones too. Hopefully people will use a little common sense and whatever time we still have to quarantine will go by quickly.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins



It's been difficult staying inside and missing summer.  I always go to the beach in the summer but didn't this year because of covid 😔 For me, I think the first few months were hardest and I've gotten more used to being quarantined.


It's tough to live or work with someone who selfishly goes about their daily lives like nothing is happening.  I really appreciate all the hard work of all essential workers and I want them to stay safe as well.  My coworkers and I made and donated masks to our local hospital!  Thank you for sharing your story with us!

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@RAWRitsRED Man, I miss the beach!  I'd really love to take my kid to Panama as soon as things are safe to visit family and the beach.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins



I miss traveling too!  Panama sounds amazing!  I was planning on going to Spain and Germany this year but cancelled.

Re: Health and Sanity Check-Ins

@itscarin it's definitely sad to see everyone missing out on big life moments that we all want to be together for! I have a friend getting married later this year and the shower and bachelorette are already not happening and I'm sure there's a million stories like that 😞


Your boss sounds crazy!

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