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Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

Hello BIC! Habit stacking is something I have been doing mindfully for the past few years now and thought it would be fun to discuss and share here. It has helped me save time, be more efficient and have more time for what is important to me (spend time with family/friends, scroll on BIC, read).


What is habit stacking?


Habit stacking is essentially exactly what it sounds like: taking a new habit and adding it to something you already do habitually. Habit stacking works by identifying a habit or a behavior you want to start doing and tacking it onto something you already do regularly.


Example (I do all of these at the same time):

First Habit - Prepping and making a meal in the Instant Pot

Second - Put a load of laundry on while the food is cooking

Third - Putting hair oil on my scalp or put a hair mask in

Forth - Work out (while I am working out, dinner is cooking, laundry is washing and my hair is getting a treatment)


I thought maybe this could be a space where we discuss our habit stacking, share ideas, support, learn and motivate eachother. 


What habit stacking did you do today? 


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I am open for suggestions for this thread. Maybe we can do challenges weekly or monthly?


Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@itsfi  Ha, same, my issue is I have too much to wear and I canโ€™t make up my mind on the spot.  so I have an enjoyable dress up session at night while itโ€™s not urgent and lay everything out neatly from the final product.  

I wish I had a capsule wardrobe at times just for the convenience but I know Iโ€™d be bored sick.  

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@heartsmyface I can totally relate to having too much...although, can you ever have too many clothes? I think I just don't have enough space and need more storage/organization systems ๐Ÿ˜… @itsfi 

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@heartsmyface, I tried doing the capsule wardrobe a couple of years ago; well, technically, it was probably a capsule wardrobe with a twist. Okay, a lot of twists. Adjusted to what I thought would work for me, which is to say that I gave myself more options than I'm sure what is intended with having a capsule wardrobe. Whoops. Instead of seasonal, I went with a monthly rotating capsule wardrobe (and felt stretched by that, too). I had read somewhere that a basic minimalist wardrobe was around 28 - 42 pieces, excluding accessories. I may try doing it again. We shall see. Roughly 50 pieces (yeah, I'm not even rounding correctly - 42 max, really?) every season seems like it might be most doable for me in the summer months, but summers here have varying temperatures, so maybe not as I say that aloud. Hmmm... could this be a project for the summer?

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@itsfi Ohh I like this addition! Lots of self care/love. I am curious about your restorative yoga routine. My current exercise routine is on my phone so I can't do the digital detox while working out. It is something I want to include in my routine. Thank you for the inspiration. I would love to hear how your new additions work for you ๐Ÿ˜€

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@Mellmars1185, I found two articles with different poses for restorative yoga - one with 6 poses and the other with 8 poses. I'll start with the 6 pose one first. ๐Ÿ˜‰  And may try the 8 pose one next month, if I'm finding restorative yoga helpful and I'm keeping up with it 2x per week. While I wouldn't have a problem with pulling up the article on my phone or laptop to do restorative yoga, I'm going to print out the pages / photos with the poses and for now, I'll use the timer on my phone until I can find my timer device - it's in one of the boxes for "kitchen tools" that I need to finish unpacking. I'm going to start out the first week with holding each pose for 3 minutes, then 4 the next week and then 5 the next. That'll bring me to 30 minutes with the 6 poses. If I can hold them longer, great, but I figured I should start off small and build my way up to the 5+ minutes per pose.


  • from fitsri(dot)com - "6 Best Restorative Yoga Poses for Beginners (and Its Benefits) by Ashish
  • from purewow(dot)com - "The 8 Best Restorative Yoga Poses for Stress Relief" by Alexia Dellner


If restorative yoga works out well and I'm sticking with it, I will likely pick up these restorative yoga flash cards I found online that has an illustration of the pose on one side and a description of how to get into that pose and its benefits on the other side. I'm going to hold off on getting the flash cards until I know it's something I can stick with - I have plenty of things I've picked up and then haven't kept up with them that I'm trying to be better about it. 


This may just be me, but I find that if you need your phone for something like your workout, an audio book, or timing yourself, it's fine. It may not be strictly a digital detox but I feel like it's fine under those circumstances.


I'll definitely be back here to post updates on how this habit stack is going, as well as the other ones I've been working on. 

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@itsfi That sounds like a wonderful routine. I have tried beginners yoga on YouTube. I will check out restorative. Holding a pose for a long period of time is not something I have tried yet. I will check out the sites. Thank you!

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@Mellmars1185, long, long ago, there was a yoga studio near my house that offered candlelight restorative yoga a couple of times per week. The purpose is to help your body and mind unwind; also supposed to be good for sleeping better. I never got home in time to attend a session but it sounded so relaxing, but I did have a few 1 on 1 sessions with one of the instructors and had asked her about that restorative class, so she had me do a couple of the poses from the class, holding them longer than usual, and it felt really good. 

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

I did a small beauty habit stack today that I thought was worth mentioning. I like to wash my makeup brushes on Sundays. Today I showered and used the K18 Biomimetic Hairscience Leave-In Molecular Repair Hair Mask 1.7 oz/ 50 mL . While it was marinating, I washed my makeup brushed with mybSephora Solid Brush Cleanser. I hope it is not discontinued. I can no longer tag it or find it.

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

 This is a great thread idea! @Mellmars1185. The whole concept of Habit Stacking is intriguing. I just played catch up on posts  โ˜• ๐Ÿซ–

I needed to read through to really get a feel for what this is. I haven't heard of this concept, but after catching up it seems to make sense to me. Though Im still vague on how I can put this into play in my own life. I think I'll need to get inspired to come up with something that will work with my life and way of doing things. ๐Ÿ˜‰


 I'm a little already doing this in my night routine I think.๐ŸŒ™

At the end of the day when I wash my face, I also brush my teeth. And then finish up with my nighttime skincare. I like to do all my bathroom things in one go.

  It's helpful because then I won't be tempted to skip anything. And I try to do this after my dinner, if I let it go to late it's hard to pull my tired self to do anything. ๐Ÿ’ค

After all that and I'm still in the skin care zone, I try to do my scalp serum ( The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum for Hair Density 2 oz/ 60 mL ) and brush my hair and put a little oil on the ends. 


Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@CynthieLu That sounds like a great routine. I like that you try to do these steps after dinner. I feel like brushing my teeth after eating dinner would help me avoid any late night snacking!

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

My friend got me a hair thingy. I am not sure what it is called. It is a device that you put on top of your and wrap your hair around it to get heatless waves/curls. So I tried it out for the first time the other night before bed so I could wake-up with my hair done...I think I need more practice. She told me to spray Hairspray in my hair next time before wrapping my hair and to do it tighter. I will provide an update if it works. I like idea that I can sleep while ky hair is doing itself. More to come!

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

What is this hair thingy @Mellmars1185 lol. I'm curious. It's it one of those satin-y rod's, or something else all together?

Definitely, any new hair tool or accessory, just needs a bit of practice attempts. I bet you'll figure it out in no time! ๐Ÿ’–

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@CynthieLu I will have to ask my friend what it is called and report back to you. She swears by them. She has one for herself and daughter. She had bought them for several friends, so I am sure she will remember the name. It is a satin piece, but is it is mmore flexible and soft and has rope like pieces hanging off that you wrap your hair around. My friend said she bought the more expensive rod type ones but this less expensive version is her favourite because she says it is comfortable to wear to sleep. 

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

OMG @Mellmars1185 ITS LIKE YOU READ MY MIND!!! I actually JUST finished reading the Atomic Habit (im so late) and he totally talks about habit staking and building up your routine. I've been trying to practice it and it's been quite easy for me because I'm a lady of routine ๐Ÿคญ


This is a habit that I've been building specifically because of the Pan It! - 2024 Challenge 


Pamper Habits 2x a week:

  • [Add new 1]Calendar reminder notifies me to dry brush at 9pm which is usually when I take a shower (built routine)
  • [Add new 2] Dry brush sits on a plant stand outside my shower which almost forces me to use it before my shower and the dry brush sits next to my body lotion so I'm staring at my lotion the whole time I'm showering (I know, it's totally a serial killer vibe). I apply my lotion the moment I dry myself or else I won't do it.
  • I get dressed and walk towards my bathroom sink where all my Pan It Challenge items sit out on a little tray [add new 3], I apply my Vegamour GRO Hair Serum for Thinning Hair 1 oz / 30 mL , my Verb Ghost Weightless Hair Oil . Skin care including cosmedix simply brilliant (I'm done with my other items so I've gained some freedom, YAY!)
  • [Add new 4] guashua


It took me a little while to get used to all these tasks/habits but now I'm like an oiled machine. It's amazing how I do these automatically and don't even think about it! I feel very pretty these days and I owe it all to this routine that no one sees ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@jaaayp I saw you were reading that book on the BIC book club! Thread, so I had to tag you. I also read that book. It helped me but I may need a refresher. I listen to a podcast where one of the hosts talks about her habit stacking. It is pretty neat to hear about what she does. 

I think your self care habit stacking is so smart. You have developed a great routine. The Pan It! - 2024 Challenge is really inspiring to use up products. I need to put the dry brush on my counter. Out of site, out of mind. I also lotion after the shower. I will forget otherwise. It is a new habit for me. Previously, I would lotion once I noticed my skin getting dry ๐Ÿคญ

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

Yaaa I took some notes from the book and habit staking was definitely one I remember @Mellmars1185 the podcast sounds like a really good refresher of the concept! You know it's funny, if I dry brush, I HAVE to moisturize my body or else the skin feels a little tight. So it kinda forces me to anyway. And yessss. Moisturizing is really something that I subconsciously avoid.... but you know, I do enjoy looking less ashy.. and my tattoos look more crisp ๐Ÿ˜‚ my tattoo artist was impressed (he always tells me YO, YOU HEARD OF LOTION?)

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@jaaayp Oh yes the tattoos look much brighter when moisturized. I only have a few but I know what you mean. I actually have to use my dry brush on one that I am getting removed. I tend to only dry brush on that area, so ths is a reminder to do it on more surfaces. Thank you!!


I forgot to ask, how are you liking the Vegamour?

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

Today I put on OUAI Hydrating Scalp Serum for Healthy, Fuller Looking Hair 2 oz / 60 mL before I did my makeup for the Re: Makeup Challenge of the Week 2021/2022/2023 so it had time to soak in and dry down. It was hair wash day today. I always seem to create my favourite looks when I am just playing around or have to wash them off. Can anyone relate to this?

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

I love the OUAI Hydrating Scalp Serum for Healthy, Fuller Looking Hair 2 oz / 60 mL it just took a few weeks to see results from daily use but it's sooooo good ๐Ÿ’ฏ @Mellmars1185 

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@CynthieLu That is amazing. I just opened mine. What type of results are you seeing?

Re: Habit Stacking Thread ๐Ÿ“š

@Mellmars1185, I love this!


I have been habit stacking just to get back on track with certain small things I used to do, but after all of life's fun changes, kind of fell off.  One example, taking my MVI and getting in some water.  I try to take my water bottle, refill it and have the MVI next to it and try to do it right after I do my dishes, since I do that every morning and it worked well today.  I chugged a whole 20 ounces without an issue, and I try to get in at least 50ish ounces of water a day.

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