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Post in Beauty Confidential

What are you wearing today?

Was asked to post an updated thread. Let's continue the fun shall we?


What are you wearing today?


1. nars sheer glow foundation, mont blanc

2. perricone md no bronzer bronzer

3. urban decay eyeshadow primer potion, original

4. too faced chocolate bar palette

5. benefit theyre real mascara

6. rimmel london stay matte powder, natural

7. benefit dallas

8. nars blush, sin

9. buxom full on lipstick, las vegas

Re: What are you wearing today?

Oh that would have been cool! I'm not sure if I want to grow mine out yet. It's growing but I might cut it again? lol Always on the fence 😛@heartsmyface

Re: What are you wearing today?

@heartsmyface OMG, I love it! That blue wing is insane and compliments your hair so well. And your skin is an absolute glowing perfection. I'm glad you had fun with the challenge.

Re: What are you wearing today?

@TKLJ Thank you darling:). All that glow is just my skincare not quite soaked in yet.  It always looks it's shiniest after a peel and product drenching.  


I've been in a rut just like you've been, but it's more out of a need to be quick with the beauty stuff everyday.  A weekly challenge around here sounds like it would be a great idea to keep the creative juices flowing if you don't mind starting one:). I wouldn't be able to participate everyday but would certainly love contributing to a weekly challenge thread. We could pm you with theme ideas;);)


Re: What are you wearing today?

@heartsmyface Oh man, I'm no good at running challenge threads. I only participated in Karen's IG challenge because the first one was something relatively easy and with few "rules." The second week's challenge is a more definite look, so I need to put in more effort to figure out what I'm gonna do. One cool thing, though, is that she's basing these challenges off looks she liked in magazines. So we could all do our own personal challenges where we go through magazines or Pinterest and actually try to recreate looks or put our own spin on them, instead of just bookmarking the image and never looking at it again. (I'm not the only one who does that, right? My Pinterest is a graveyard of pictures I'll never look at again.)

Re: What are you wearing today?

@TKLJ Ha, well, I suck at keeping threads alive.  Everything I've ever started I got bored of or distracted by something else and I let it dwindle away.  Maybe I have deep seeded commitment issues. 😄

Youre not the only one who does that!  Mines a graveyard of mostly hairstyles and recipes.  Cooking and hairstyling are the two things I do the least but want to do more of.  


i really do need to be challenged so maybe I'll make a resolution of posting my inspiration picture and then whatever evolves from it.  Once a week.  I'm certainly not getting any better by doing the same neutral look everyday.  

Re: What are you wearing today?


I haven't posted in this thread in forever because I mostly just wear the same kinds of looks—really, the only thing that changes is my lipstick color, which is why I hang out in Lipstick Playground. But I did this last week and had a lot of fun. Karen from Makeup & Beauty Blog is devising weekly challenges on IG, and her first one really inspired me: a single bold element on clean skin. It broke me out of a rut, got me to be creative, and made me get over insecurity about my skin (breaking news: I'm a human with pores, redness, and other imperfections). 😉 The challenge's hashtag is #mbbinstachallenge, and I'm thinking about how I'm going to complete this week's look. Come play!





Glossier skin tint in Light

Becca Under Eye Brightening Corrector (I usually wear Nars RCC as well, but thought that would be too much for this "clean" look.)
Tarte blush in Celebrated
Nars contour in Talia (only the light side, and with a very light hand)
Glossier highlighter in Quartz



Tom Ford cream and powder shadow in Golden Peach

Glossier Boy Brow in Blond



YSL lip stain in Rouge Remix applied messily with my finger and then blotted way down to a stain, then topped with Glossier Coconut Balm Dotcom

Re: What are you wearing today?

That's a really elegant way to do something bold and unique - you look so lovely @TKLJ!

Re: What are you wearing today?

Thank you, @Libellules. It was really fun. 🙂

Re: What are you wearing today?

Glowing! Your eye colour really pops! ❤️ Werkkkkk 😃

Re: What are you wearing today?

Haha, I applied so much highlighter stick. @jesscheems

Re: What are you wearing today?

I'm really feeling this!!!  This look is utterly stunning in its simplicity!   I really hope makeup takes a turn in this direction as a general trend:) 

Re: What are you wearing today?

@heartsmyface You are so sweet. Heart

Re: What are you wearing today?

really feelin' it. i love these tones on you. i love this lip, too ! what fun.

Re: What are you wearing today?

Thanks @jemly. It's a little Bowie-esque ... but, like, for those of us who can't draw lightning bolts. Bowie after he removed 90% of the makeup. 😄

Re: What are you wearing today?

Hm I'm really digging this! I'd join but I'dforget and be lazy by the first day 😛 But I'll be cheering you on!

Re: What are you wearing today?

Thanks, @Blackwhiskey. I'll be honest, I'm not really looking forward to this week's challenge, which is "kitten flicks and glitter lips." I just don't wear eyeliner well, and can't do a cat eye. But I'm gonna make myself ... somehow. Maybe I'll only photograph one side of my face, since my wings are never even. 😄

Re: What are you wearing today?


Re: What are you wearing today?

Your skin looks GORGEOUS! and i LOVE the colour on your eyes. I love seeing looks like this because I can get stuck in a rut too, even though I play with different colours I still tend to use the same techniques so this inspires me to push the boundaries of my comfort zone more!

Re: What are you wearing today?

@EmmyLove I know what you mean about using the same techniques. I basically do some sort of smoky eye daily, because it's easy to blend out mistakes. 😄 Thank you.

Re: What are you wearing today?

You're so luminous and dewy! Very pretty and fun, you look great @TKLJ !

Re: What are you wearing today?

Thanks, @vegchililover78. 🙂

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