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Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

For as long as I can remember, I've had these tiny bumps that gather around the inner corner of my eye and along my dark circles. I really, really hate them! They kind of look like chicken skin, but they don't really feel bumpy or anything. I've seen pictures of milia, and that is definitely not what I have. These little bumps don't ever go away and they never move. Some people say that they've started to notice this chicken skin under their eyes as they aged, but I'm a Sophomore and I've had this problem my whole life! I've done a little research, and so far all of the fixes have been really complicated and confusing. Please give me a solution! I like to take good care of my skin, but I'd much rather just buy a lotion or something than see a dermatologist. Thanks for all your help!

2 Replies

Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

Can’t tell if you’re real or just a Sephora bot that promotes their products here. 


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

Well... I’m real. I have no reason to promote other than that the results actually worked. 

Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia


Salicylic acid and BHA are interchangeable terms; salicylic acid is the only BHA of any consequence used in skincare. I can't say whether that poster might have meant the serum instead...just wanted to make sure the name of the active involved wasn't the source of confusion 😊


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

I know this post is slightly old BUT, I also have these bumps and I was using my blackhead vacuum for my face last night & I suctioned over these little bumps a few times on a low setting & it got all the buildup out and pretty much all of them are gone!! It literally looks like I just erased them! Definitely recommend! (There’s several blackhead vacuums out there and they all work AMAZING) *Edit - I use the device weekly on my face to clean my pores and it shrinks my pores tremendously! *if you do end up buying one, start with the low/medium setting to get your face used to it otherwise it will leave hickey like marks on your face 😂


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

Do you have any recommendations for a specific brand that works well? 


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

I wouldn’t do this.  No chance. 

Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

I know nobody asked for this opinion, but it needs saying: remember that NOBODY, absolutely NOBODY will ever look at your skin as closely as you will. If you become a celebrity and people start criticizing you in this much detail, you'll be photoshopped to bits anyway. PLEASE do not become obsessed with perfection to the point of finding minor perfectly human conditions tragic disfiguring flaws. This can become extremely unhealthy and lead to dangerous self-destructive behaviors. If your skin is so lovely that you are reduced to complaining about milia, YOU ARE BLESSED. I know it's difficult and often impossible, but try not to criticize your own face more closely than you would criticize someone else's--your best friend, for example. I learned a long time ago to never look at myself in a magnifying mirror, because NOBODY needs to look at you that closely except your doctor. There is a reason salespeople use lighted magnifying mirrors for makeovers, and it is to literally magnify your imperfections to sell you products to fix them. Staring at yourself in a magnifying mirror will only get you depressed and/or addicted to plastic surgery. It's not necessary, and it's not kind. Be at LEAST as kind to yourself as you would be to your best friend, your significant other, your mother. Treat yourself like someone you LOVE and see beauty and health. I don't want to minimize health problems, because those do matter very much. I'm asking you not to create health problems. Enjoy your beauty, enjoy your youth, enjoy your health. All those things will be lost eventually, and what a shame it would be to lose them without ever enjoying them. Do not let self care become self harm. ❤️

Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

You have some serious problems. 


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

I really needed to hear those words today, and I'm sure they were encouraging for many other readers too.. it's always great when someone puts things in perspective in a kind way.  Thank you!! ❤️

Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

I'll throw my hat into the ring.  My white bumps are on the waterline of my lower lids, and inside the lower lid.  My doctor told me they are clogged pores, and to apply a warm washcloth and press the bumps against the nearby skin to release the clogged pore.  I haven't tried it yet.  I rarely wear makeup under my eye so that was not the cause.

Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

Long time reader, first time responder… old school 🎵Delilah🎵 flashback LOL. I used to get these frequently, thankfully industry products/methods have improved greatly 

(stage actor=intense makeup=gnarly/painful removal process … especially if latex prosthetics were involved). Lord knows how many ‘ABUELA’S GOLDFINGERS’ are out there now of my fellow Thespians, cast and crew members (makeup/SFX trailer had roster of crew volunteer guinea pigs to try new methods/products just for fun or out of curiosity; ex. “Richard, NKA: teeth/mouth; Terra, NKA: eyes/full face”
*NKA = no known allergies 


ABUELA’S GOLDFINGER, Family Method: Rub SOLID gold rig on jeans or similar fabric, the friction will heat the gold without damaging it, then apply it to the clean stye/bump. Do it 3x per day, 3x per session. 


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

Me too @Ispend2much6 . I have some there and other spots as I’ve gotten older too. Lovely lol. I wondered if my lash serum could’ve been a factor also. A facialist told me to see a dermatologist as they were only ones to safely remove them etc. Worth an ask anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

Hi guys. I have read this post a while ago and I found something that works so I thought I’d share because I stumbled upon this by complete accident! I have the annoying little small bumps along my dark circles but I need heavy concealer because of my tired eyes but the dots become way worse. I have been using trilogy certified organic rosehip oil on my face for other concerns but I was completely surprised and happy to find that it zapped all my stubborn little under eye bumps. I mean like smooth and I have only used it every day for a week. Super blown away and happy. I got mine at Whole Foods for like 23 bucks it’s in a red box. I use it at night by itself (no moisturizer on top) 


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

the same thing happens to me! i cant even use foundation/concealer to cover because it makes it 100x worse

@Gnatalie97 wrote:

For as long as I can remember, I've had these tiny bumps that gather around the inner corner of my eye and along my dark circles. I really, really hate them! They kind of look like chicken skin, but they don't really feel bumpy or anything. I've seen pictures of milia, and that is definitely not what I have. These little bumps don't ever go away and they never move. Some people say that they've started to notice this chicken skin under their eyes as they aged, but I'm a Sophomore and I've had this problem my whole life! I've done a little research, and so far all of the fixes have been really complicated and confusing. Please give me a solution! I like to take good care of my skin, but I'd much rather just buy a lotion or something than see a dermatologist. Thanks for all your help!


RE: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

First of all, I am not an MD but have heard that the bumps can be related to high cholesterol. Check it out with a dermatologist or your general MD. NM

Re: RE: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

“High cholesterol bumps” called: Xanthelasma usually do not show up underneath the skin of the eyes. They are usually yellow and on the eyelids. 🙂

@naomus wrote:
First of all, I am not an MD but have heard that the bumps can be related to high cholesterol. Check it out with a dermatologist or your general MD. NM


RE: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

I posted something in regard to this separately, but I think it got deleted because it had a link in it, so I’ll post again here without the link. I was looking through the photos and descriptions of what a lot of posters have and I seem to have the same thing (that’s how I stumbled across this post). Something else i came across, however, may have the answer. I read an article from a facialist (that’s the link that got my post removed) who has the same problem. He explained that they are just sebaceous glands which show because the under eye skin is thin. This would make sense for me, since I have had the bumps and thin under eye skin (read: genetic dark circles) my entire life. Hopefully this info is helpful to at least some!

Re: RE: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

I just want to thank you for summarizing this. Dark circles run in my family. I have these bumps along my dark under eye bags and have spent over a decade researching why I wake up daily with swollen, dark eyes but never linked it to the bumps. It finally makes sense, I have thin eye skin there which causes all of it. NEVER in any of my Google research did they once suggest that something so simple might be the case. 😂 Thank you again 

Re: RE: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

This is very helpful! I suffer the same, and it's miserable. Thank you again!

@JulianaD wrote:
I posted something in regard to this separately, but I think it got deleted because it had a link in it, so I’ll post again here without the link. I was looking through the photos and descriptions of what a lot of posters have and I seem to have the same thing (that’s how I stumbled across this post). Something else i came across, however, may have the answer. I read an article from a facialist (that’s the link that got my post removed) who has the same problem. He explained that they are just sebaceous glands which show because the under eye skin is thin. This would make sense for me, since I have had the bumps and thin under eye skin (read: genetic dark circles) my entire life. Hopefully this info is helpful to at least some!


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia


Re: Under Eye Bumps, NOT milia

Mine look the EXACT SAME! This whole conversation thread has been SO awesome, I feel a lot less alone and it's kinda cool to see everyone working together to try to solve the mystery of the pesky eye bumps. It's like the group project we all deserve but never got 😂👌