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What's on your plate?

Hello there, ladies and gents!


Keeping in line with all the fun and interactive threads asking about your most recent halls, items you have your eyes on, what you're currently wearing, what's your hair routine, and more, I've decide to branch out and ask:


"What's on your plate?"


The beauty world doesn't just stop at skin care and cosmetics, it also goes hand in hand with your overall health and well-being, so with that, I'm curious to see what we're all chowing down and snacking on be it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or inbetween!


For those with apps that help count calories or to those who just want to keep a log, here's a place to share, possibly find and share some recipes, and even tips on maintaining a balanced diet.


Don't just share food items, but even drinks! I'm a huge fan of tea and at least have a cup of green tea a day (anti-oxidants) and drink plenty of water.


For lunch today, I had:


-Brown rice

-Steamed egg

-Steamed red snapper with green onion, sesame oil, and black pepper

-Gai lan (it's a type of Chinese vegetable/greens)


Now, tell me, Beauty Talk world, what do you have? 😄

Re: What's on your plate?

I'm thinking as a glaze but what did you decide on @heartsmyface ?

Re: What's on your plate?

Nice challenge! I almost bought some tapenade at the store yesterday and then told myself NO, NOT  YOU EAT SOME OF WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE! I’m obsessed with various bruschetta mixes and pestos! @heartsmyface 

Re: What's on your plate?

Pear and pork match really well, and if you sprinkle a little blue cheese on top it is even better @heartsmyface 

Re: What's on your plate?

@heartsmyface All great ideas! I think a marinade and a brie topper is a great idea. Are you having a cheese tray soon? Do you think it would be a nice addition to a home made salad dressing?

Re: What's on your plate?

Today I prepared a chicken and vegetables soup using chicken broth that I prepared by boiling the whole roasted chicken leftovers. It was delicious!



Re: What's on your plate?

So delicious! I love making homemade soup and freeze some! @Saradestin

Re: What's on your plate?

That’s exactly what I have done @sister13 😄. As I hate cooking so much, I always cook more so I can freeze and have an extra meal to use later on. 

Re: What's on your plate?

@Saradestin That looks absolutely delicious. 

Re: What's on your plate?

Thank you so much @AznAngelLiz ! It was delicious 

Re: What's on your plate?

@Saradestin My mouth is watering. That looks so delicious, hearty and healthy.

Re: What's on your plate?

It looked and tasted so good! I was really pleased with the results @Mellmars1185 ! 

Re: What's on your plate?

@Saradestin  Fresh chicken soup (day 3) is one of my favourites!!!   is there anything more comforting  (besides a bowl of Chili) ?  I think not. 

Re: What's on your plate?

I agree with you @heartsmyface ! Specially in winter! It warms you up from within.

Re: What's on your plate?

@Saradestin ,

Your chicken soup looks homemade delicious!  The very best kind!

Re: What's on your plate?

Thank you so much @tsavorite! It came out delicious! 

Re: What's on your plate?

Yum!  @Saradestin   How did you get the broth to be so yellow- I think that makes chicken soup look so much more appetizing.

Re: What's on your plate?

I didn’t add anything @Ispend2much6 , only the chicken broth, vegetables and herbs de Provence. Maybe it was the olive oil from drying the vegetables (including the carrots)? I di t really know, but I agree, it was looking quite yellow 

Re: What's on your plate?

@Saradestin @Looks so yummy 

Re: What's on your plate?

It was so good @SportyGirly125

Re: What's on your plate?

I had an epiphany moment the other night while  taking a masterclass from an olive oil sommelier for work the other night.  I had NO idea I was supposed to be removing the husks from chickpeas when making houmous.  I learned a lot of olive facts as well but omg this whole time🫣!!!  I thought I hadn’t been blending my chickpeas or cooking them long enough.  Hahaha.💡!!!!    
Here’s a houmous using lemon infused olive oil, fresh tahini, caramélisés garlic, cumin, cayenne a squeeze of orange and salt.  Topped with Madagascar black pepper infused olive oil cayenne and orange peel stuffed olives.  Smoooooooth!!!!   


Re: What's on your plate?

That looks so amazing! @heartsmyface 
