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What's on your plate?

Hello there, ladies and gents!


Keeping in line with all the fun and interactive threads asking about your most recent halls, items you have your eyes on, what you're currently wearing, what's your hair routine, and more, I've decide to branch out and ask:


"What's on your plate?"


The beauty world doesn't just stop at skin care and cosmetics, it also goes hand in hand with your overall health and well-being, so with that, I'm curious to see what we're all chowing down and snacking on be it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or inbetween!


For those with apps that help count calories or to those who just want to keep a log, here's a place to share, possibly find and share some recipes, and even tips on maintaining a balanced diet.


Don't just share food items, but even drinks! I'm a huge fan of tea and at least have a cup of green tea a day (anti-oxidants) and drink plenty of water.


For lunch today, I had:


-Brown rice

-Steamed egg

-Steamed red snapper with green onion, sesame oil, and black pepper

-Gai lan (it's a type of Chinese vegetable/greens)


Now, tell me, Beauty Talk world, what do you have? 😄

Re: What's on your plate?

@CookieGirl1 Looks amazing. What is the toppings on your sweet potato casserole?

Re: What's on your plate?

@Mellmars1185 it's just a very basic streusel with maraschino cherries.  The cherries definitely add something!

Re: What's on your plate?

@CookieGirl1 Sounds excellent. I would like to try making that!

Re: What's on your plate?

These look so yummy and special @CookieGirl1 excellent holiday breakfast! 😄

Re: What's on your plate?

@CookieGirl1 ,

These look wonderful!  I'm drawn to those biscuits!  Yum!

Re: What's on your plate?

Nice! Holidays are a lot of cooking (and cleaning) but so delicious!! @CookieGirl1 

Re: What's on your plate?

@sister13 Truth! So much prep and clean up 😋

Re: What's on your plate?

@CookieGirl1  Looks very festive!  And smart thinking.

Re: What's on your plate?

We did a lot of eating on our trip to American Samoa and Samoa, and then we both got sick traveling home, so we haven’t been eating too much this week. But, today I was craving spam fried rice for some reason, I guess because we traveled through Hawaii? I didn’t have green onions or many vegetables, but I had shallot, garlic and leftover steamed broccoli. 

Anyway, it turned out pretty great! 



Re: What's on your plate?

@sister13 That dish looks amazing. Thank ypu for some needed inspiration!

Re: What's on your plate?

Aww, you’re welcome!! @Mellmars1185 

Re: What's on your plate?

@sister13 ,

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. It seems like everyone who travels is getting sick lately.  Your Spam Fried Rice looks delicious!  I have never had this version, but, Fried Rice is a favorite!

Re: What's on your plate?

Thank you! I‘ve gotten better at my fried rice. I think I used to add too much soy sauce.  I just can’t add too much spam because it’s very salty. We had the leftovers for breakfast the next day and it was almost even better. @tsavorite 

Re: What's on your plate?

I'm sorry that you got sick, @sister13!  Hope that you're feeling better for Christmas 🙂

Re: What's on your plate?

Thanks, we are doing much better, thank goodness! @CookieGirl1 

Re: What's on your plate?

@sister13  I hope you're both feeling better!

Re: What's on your plate?

Definitely better now, thank you! @Ispend2much6 

Re: What's on your plate?

Last night I made greek bowls. It included rice, chicken, cucumber, tomato, feta and tzatziki. Mix and voila!


Re: What's on your plate?

This looks so yummers! 👌 😁  @Mellmars1185 

Re: What's on your plate?

@Mellmars1185 ,

That must be good!

Re: What's on your plate?

@Mellmars1185 Love an easy meal that you can throw into a bowl and be done!

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