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Pet Paradise

Show off pics of your pets, tell stories, anything you want to share about those special animals in your life 🙂 Post as much and as often as you want!

Here are are my fluff babies DJ and Gunner (also called Lulu or Lou). They are mother and daughter. DJ is my baby and Gunner is a daddy's girl. They are approximately 9 years old and very spoiled!

This is DJ. She loves to be near me.

Miss Gunner Lou loves her catnip carrot


Re: Pet Paradise

I love looking at pics of your fur babies, @caitbird ! 🥰 You can never post too many as far as us, your fellow pet enthusiasts, go! 🤣  The pic of Scout standing up looking through the trees is wonderful, and the eye roll in the next pic...😄


Fabian and Freida are adorable!  Their accessories are spot on. 🌹🎩  

Re: Pet Paradise

@Titian06  thank you! I love my babies so much, I will take any excuse to share about them, so I am glad people don't mind 😅

Re: Pet Paradise

@caitbird Oh my goodness. What adorable fur babies you have! Scout's eyes in the lat picture are priceless! You kitties are so cute. They look super proud of their accessories. My they have grown... but they will always be your babies 🥰🐱🐱🐶

Re: Pet Paradise

@Mellmars1185  thank you! Yes, they are definitely my babies 💜 and thankfully they don't seem to mind being accessorized, because I love it 😅

Re: Pet Paradise

This is a few of my favorite pictures of our sweet rescue kitty Molly,


We adopted her 2 years ago during Covid. She was severely underweight and sick with Jaundice. Against terrible odds she fully recovered and is enjoying a healthy life as queen of our apartment 💕 


She is the most gentle and sweet thing 😺💖











Re: Pet Paradise

She is darling and what fantastic pics @CynthieLu ! 😍 Never enough for us on here! 🥰

Re: Pet Paradise

@CynthieLu ,


Molly is beautiful!  I'm so happy that you found each other!  

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you @tsavorite 🩷

She was the best thing that happened to us during the the crazy covid times 😻

Re: Pet Paradise

She is a beautiful cat and lucky to be in your family @CynthieLu 😻

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you @Cissy63💗‌ ‌😊‌ She's such a sweet heart 😻

Re: Pet Paradise

@CynthieLu Molly is adorable and sweet! She is lucky to have such good owners. 🥰 Glad she is doing better now.

Re: Pet Paradise

We're so lucky she is a fighter, it was a really tough time.

It's a very hard thing to see, when your kitty is sick 💔

This girl thou, is a blessed little creature. She surprised everyone 🤩

thank you sweet @Mellmars1185 



Re: Pet Paradise

@CynthieLu  what a beautiful girl! I'm so glad she is doing well and happy in her forever home with you 💜 these are great pictures too!

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you 💗 I take soooo many pictures of her @caitbird. I try to make them look interesting and not to similar 😅 I think eventually she did get tired of me trying to photograph her lol

Re: Pet Paradise

She's so gorgeous and healthy! I'm so happy you rescued her, @CynthieLu

Re: Pet Paradise

We love her to pieces @curlychiquita 💗💕💖 

Re: Pet Paradise

She is beautiful @CynthieLu!

Re: Pet Paradise

I agree thou I am biased @faeriegirl I love her smushy little self 💖 🥰

Re: Pet Paradise

I am in love, @CynthieLu ! 🥰  Just don't tell Ivan! 😄  Molly is super lucky to have her new forever home with such loving parents as you!

Re: Pet Paradise

She is a very sweet girl, super patient with kids and sooo gentle. And she loves love soo much 💗 were so happy we found her. 

The vets here were amazing with her. Jaundice is a risky one and she's a fighter and pulled through. I hope she has many happy and healthy years ahead of her @Titian06 ❤️  lol we won't tell Ivan but we can love lots of these sweeties 😉




Re: Pet Paradise

