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Post in Trans is Beautiful

Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Hello everyone! I hope everyone’s week is going well, especially during transgender awareness week. 


I wanted to provide a space for everyone to check-in and connect. How is your journey coming along? If you’re doing well, let us know! If you need to vent or let something out, we’re here for each other too. And if you’re an ally, you’re also welcome to show your support in whatever way you can! 🩵🩷🤍



Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In


Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Hey @AvocadoGurl! Welcome! 

If you haven’t already, please feel free to say hello on Introduce Yourself: New Member Monday 


Also, a quick tip for navigating BIC: Use @ when replying to someone. It doesn’t automatically inform other when you’ve replied. We use this as a workaround so that messages don’t get missed. 🙂

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Congratulations on being transgender @JoSometimes 🥂

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Thank you @missaa8! It feels a little strange to be congratulated for just being me. I wouldn’t go so far as to identify myself as trans, I’m more gender-fluid and I dabble on both sides of the gender spectrum. I appreciate the sentiment though! 😊

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Selfless acts of love are worth celebration, @JoSometimes 💕 thank you for your guidance!

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

@JoSometimes , happy to see this post and glad you're embracing all of yourself, fully.

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Thank you @danielledanielle! I was just thinking to myself earlier today that I don’t really fit into typical categories and I’m totally okay with that.

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

In the beginning, it's hard when you're not in a category, but ultimately it's the best @JoSometimes 

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Thanks for posting and sharing some insights and updates in your life and beauty journey! I’m very happy for you and have enjoyed getting to know you through BIC. @JoSometimes 

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

@sister13 It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be part of BIC. Thanks for being part of my journey and a source of inspiration! 🤗

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In




I’m starting to allow my masculine and feminine sides to overlap more. More women’s clothes have made their way into my closet and I wear them regularly, even to work (the professional ones at least). I’ve also recently begun wearing makeup even when presenting masc, which has really helped me improve my makeup skills. As a bonus, wearing makeup keeps me from touching my face during the day, which might also be helping my skin heal. And I came out to my wife about it! She has been super supportive so far (and even stolen a lippie from my stash and a blazer from my closet. I can get the blazer whenever she’s not using it but I’ll never see that lippie again… )


I feel really happy with where I’m at right now. I know not everyone’s story is a happy one. I’m sending you positive vibes and I hope you’ll find some happiness! 

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

I am so happy for you @JoSometimes !  It is great to hear that you have support at home❤️

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Thank you @faeriegirl! It’s so hard to imagine life without her. 

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Dearest @JoSometimes it brings me so much joy to see this thread! ❤️ I know your transparency, insight and openness has been helping so many people within the BIC community (and your wider, local community) more than you will truly know. It warms my heart to hear about the love and support you are receiving from your wife after coming out 💕 Thank you so much for openly sharing with all of us, and I am so beyond excited to see you continue to flourish throughout your journey. 🤗

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

@QueenMarceline Awww thank you! Your reply brings me joy! 😊


You, along with everyone else here in BIC, have been so helpful and supportive and I’m so glad to have you in my corner. Taking makeup, skincare, and even nails with you has been a blast!


Having my wife support me in all of this has been really amazing. We have a Christmas gala we’re attending in a few weeks and I caught her going through some of my eyeshadow palettes and trying some looks with them. “I love this! It’s like having a girlfriend too!” is what she said to me. 

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

You are very lucky to have a supportive wife. 😊 

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

@terrim235 She’s the absolute best! I hope you have some great people in your corner too!


Also, quick tip here on BIC: We use @ to tag people in messages. Sephora doesn’t automatically notify other when you’ve replied so we use it as a work around. This way messages don’t get missed. 🙂

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

@JoSometimes So glad this has been a happy place for you ❤️ and awww, your wife seems like an absolute gem :')

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

This is a beautiful update @JoSometimes I hope it inspires and comforts anyone struggling right now. 🩵💜🩷

I love hearing how happy you are, and that you found a safe community here in BIC. You belong here and we love having you 🫂 😘

Re: Transgender Awareness Week 2023 Check-In

Aww shucks @CynthieLu! Thank your for making this a safe place to be a part of. You’ve had my back since day one of me posting on BIC and when I was internally freaking out about trying out makeup in guy mode. I couldn’t ask for a better skincare twinsie in my corner!

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