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Where are my samples and deluxe items???

Is anyone else missing samples from their orders? I NEVER get the samples I chose anymore. Do the people packing my items up have a brain? You would think if the warehouse is out of a sample they would replace it with something else...They are not. Why Sephora??? Also I have not gotten a deluxe sample in a long time. The most recent was the SPLURGE promo. Okay so you ran out...why didn't whoever packaged my stuff up replace it with something else? Come on! Sephora you should keep your customers happy...especially the ones spending thousands of dollars a year at your store. I'm sure other stores that actually send the gifts customers are owed would LOVE to take my money.

Re: Where are my samples and deluxe items???

YES!  They use to deliver the exact samples I choose, but they never do anymore! I'm really confused to why this is.  I would contact customer service and they should compensate you in reward points.  I hope they start paying attention to this issue!  It's somewhat disappointing when you don't get the samples you choose and sucks when you don't get any.. I know they're free, but it's something that makes online shopping on sephora more enjoyable.

Yes, the order i got today had no samples, none listed or...

Yes, the order i got today had no samples, none listed or substituted. No deluxe item, im so disappointed and see from this it is now a common occurence. Never considered ULTA before.

Re: Where are my samples and deluxe items???

Hi @JupitersGlow


While sample substitutions may occur, they should not be outright missing from your orders and I apologize that this has been happening. I will send you a private message shortly. 

All my best, 



Re: Where are my samples and deluxe items???

Hi Megan. 

I got your PM on Friday and answered all of your questions but I haven't heard anything back. I hope those at Sephora are taking this issue seriously. Those samples and promo code items are the only reason I shop exclusively at Sephora, without those I will shop else ware.

Re: Where are my samples and deluxe items???

Me too, I just ordered and didn't get any the samples I selected. 😞 sounds like a lot of people are having this issue. 

Re: Where are my samples and deluxe items???

Hi @TheShortAzn & @DefyTheOdds


Please note that sample substitutions may occur and that this is called out on our website. Our sample inventory is limited and changes frequently which results in orders being packed with different samples. If your order is missing a promotion or point reward, please message a moderator here so we can look into that for you. 


All my best, 



RE: Where are my samples and deluxe items???

I've been getting wrong samples for a while now😐 I wanted the kat von d deluxe sample. I got a Lancôme mascara. I'm happy either way but I couldn't imagine not getting anything at all.

Re: RE: Where are my samples and deluxe items???

I wish they would just substitute my promo code item and samples but I have been getting nothing at all with my purchases. I'm disappointed every time I open my Sephora box. 😞

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