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YSL Love / Updates

Seeing threads for lots of other lovely brands, with my love for YSL growing, I found it only fitting to start a YSL Love / Updates thread (if I missed an existing one, please let me know)!


Please feel free to share any updates about the brand, reviews, YSL looks,  or general love you feel like sharing 🙂


Dangerous Seduction Couture Palette - Neiman Marcus Exclusive


Mon Paris - Nordstrom Exclusive




 New Vinyl Lip Creme14052360_536238183232026_500020802_n.jpg



Rouge Pur Couture Lipsticks - new releases to match Vinyl Creme




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Re: YSL Love / Updates

Thanks for posting those! Really lovely!  I'm probably going to end up with a few more shades.  

Re: YSL Love / Updates

I also received my 401 and 402, thanks Sephora and YSL! I promise to do a more in depth review once the nasty zits on my face go down a bit. 


1st impression: I already played with these in store before I was contacted to receive the gift and was absolutely in love with the packaging. Sleek and hefty, loved the glossy black outer case! 


I swatched 401 and 402 on my hand and wiped after just a couple of minutes and both left a very noticeable stain. Surprisingly, the stain from 402 was fairly orange. 


The smell reminds me of the regular Pur Couture lipsticks. Scents in lipsticks don't bother me (as long as it's not mint) and this one is no exception. 


The applicator is very interesting. It has kind of a chevron pattern on it. I have the Kiss & Blush and they seem to be a similar shape but the K&B applicator has a little raised circular bump in the middle of the applicator which catches onto and holds extra product so you don't have to keep dipping the applicator into the container. For the vinyl lip cream, extra product holds onto the "indents" from the chevron pattern. 


I am going to wear 402 on Saturday (a bit too loud for me to wear to work) and will report back!

Re: YSL Love / Updates

Congrats and well deserved! They picked the perfect pouts to test these out 🙂

Re: YSL Love / Updates

What an exciting gift to receive, congrats!! 😊

Re: YSL Love / Updates

I've really been enjoying seeing swatches and reviews of the vinyl lip creams! Sephora graciously sent me the shades 401 and 402 like everyone else! I agree with most everything that the other lovely ladies have said so I don't have much to contribute. These lip creams are a bit thinner than most of the liquid lippies I have which isn't a bad thing as the color is very rich and glossy. The smell is slightly alcoholic, syrup like. It reminds of the flavored liqueurs that were popular in the 90's...sour apple pucker, cherry pucker and the like. The recent YSL promo and these lippies are all I have from the brand. I like what I have though and could definitely be tempted to try more. Thank you Sephora and YSL!

Re: YSL Love / Updates

Congrats!! What an awesome gift to receive! 😊

Re: YSL Love / Updates

Swatched these in store today. The new vinyl lip creams. All the shade #'s are supposed to be 400- something


L to R: Carmin Session, Electro Orange, Corail NeoPop, Rose Mix, Burgundy Vibes


@k617 #7 is the Carmin shade 😉


Anonymous Insider

Re: YSL Love / Updates

Thanks for this.  I'm now interested in 8 and 12!

Re: YSL Love / Updates

😍 412 is such a pretty pink! Thanks for the swatches.

Re: YSL Love / Updates

If anyone happens to buy 406 or 407, I would love to see   more swatches or it on the lips. My stores don't have them, so I can't go swatch them for myself 😞


Swatches and lip pictures look great so far so thank you to those who have posted them!!


Re: YSL Love / Updates

#6 is really pretty! I may like that! 

Re: YSL Love / Updates

I ordered 9 (and the Scandal palette) the other day, now I'm extra excited. 7 may have to find it's way to my home, too. They're all gorgeous. Great swatches! Thank you!

Re: YSL Love / Updates

I almost picked up #9 instead of 401 "sight unseen" as it's hard to decipher color from a website - which is why everyone's reviews and swatches are much appreciated! Glad I didn't as I own a color similar to #9 already. Thanks for the swatches Mocha!

Re: YSL Love / Updates

Ohh yeah! I swatched 6, 7 and 8 too! Also 11 which I think is another red. They didn't have 9 but that looks like a good one! 12 wasn't there either but doesn't look like my cup of tea though.

Re: YSL Love / Updates

Shade 402 - this one didn't seem quite as glossy as 401 straight from the tube.


it looked the same upon application as it did after my first meal and drink, but after a second meal (6 hours after application) it pretry obviously started breaking down in the centre of the lips.  Still, 6 hours for something glossy is pretty decent.


same texture and comfort level as I mentioned for shade 401.


Re: YSL Love / Updates


I tried shade 401 yesterday and it was quite lovely.


The product itself is thin in texture and sort of wet feeling, not thick or sticky like a lip gloss.  Once it's applied to the lips, it has the same sensation I get from Shiseido Lacquer Rouge or Gloss, and Armani Flash or Ecstasy Lacquers - it feels like it is hugging the lips. It clings well, is not sticky and transfers minimally.  I don't know that I'd say it's hydrating, but it isn't drying, either.


As you can see in the first frame it is very, very shiny, but even after eating, drinking and 4 hours it was still very glossy looking and mostly intact.  It didn't move around much, and I like the slight muted glossiness of it at this stage, too.


When I removed it before bed, there was a definite stain. This morning when I woke up, there is still some staining evident.


Overall, I'm a fan of this new line.  I'm going to test out 402 today and see how long it wears, since I didn't get a true sense of that yesterday.  As others have mentioned, these are scented, which is something I generally abhor in lip products.  The scent reminds me of the smell of YSL mascaras and you can slightly taste it when you lick your lips.  It's not a super strong scent like MUFE lipsticks, but it's still definitely there.  


Despite that, I could see myself picking up the orange and coral shades of this line.


Re: YSL Love / Updates

@Mochapj,  Wow! - Excellent Review! 🙂

Re: YSL Love / Updates

@Mochapj thanks for the review, I  like the morning after stain too! Just top up with tint in oil and good to go! I think I need to try some newer ysl, I only have 3 of the oil tints and I love those. 

Re: YSL Love / Updates

Loving all the swatches and mini reviews coming in! Can't wait for my gift to arrive 😄 


I swatched these a couple of weeks ago when I saw them in store, I already know I like Carmin Session (407?)


Sephora, you might have just started a love affair! 😄

Re: YSL Love / Updates

I received my YSL gift today. Thanks, Sephora and YSL! These are absolutely gorgeous! Both colors are totally me ( I, too, received 401 and 402 ), so that's really nice.


I'm currently having 401 on, and loving it. Very comfy on lips ( I keep forgetting it's there ), not slippy one bit, no icky/sticky/yucky thing going on at all! No moving around. I am so very pleasantly surprised by this. ( Those who know me know that I love my mattes, and don't care much for anything else. ( Mainly because I can't stand anything on my lips that moves around and makes mess. Glossy and shiny lip products usually make me nervous, because that usually means - whole lotta mess, in my experience! Well, not this one! ) ) Can't wrap my head around how glossy it is, yet it stays so perfectly put. Well, it transfers. A lot. But, that's normal for this kind of product.


They are scented. I do not like fragrance in anything that goes on my face, but this one is not really that offensive to me. It's kind of... yummy. 🙂 Smells like berries to me. And, I love berries. Yes, I'd prefer no scent at all... But, it's not a biggie.


Oh! This one is hubby approved, as well. That is very important to mention, right? He went "Ooooh!" and "Ahhhhh!" and "I like!". So cute. 🙂 He likes reds on me, so that was not really a surprise. But, I just love his reactions to my new pretties. It's priceless. 🙂


I went in with a lip pen just around the edges of my lips after I already applied the lipstick, as I was not happy with my application. I suck at applying liquid lipsticks. So, I tried to fix it a bit. And, I think UD Rock Steady did a good job. But, it definitely needs to go on first!




More after I give them a proper test drive. So far... I really like this one.


( In the Lipstick Playground thread is about the other one! )

Re: YSL Love / Updates

What a gorgeous pout!! I need to check these out they look so amazing on everyone!

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