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Post in Best Hair Ever

Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Hair Challenge Thread Image.jpg

Pocket Hairstylist is HERE and making its big debut on the Sephora App and at ! If you haven’t heard, Pocket Hairstylist is a step-by-step guide to creating different hairstyles specific to your hair type.


Because experimenting with new hairstyles can be tricky but oh-so worth it once you’ve completed your masterpiece, I thought it would be fun to attempt some of these looks with a new challenge! (or all of the looks, up to you!) Welcome to the Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!


Each week for the next month I’ll try a different look (see spoiler), snap a picture (or three!) and share to this thread. I hope you guys will join me! Feel free to mention any product or tools used, your hair type and any tips you have for achieving the look.



Here’s the schedule:

9/14 – 9/20: Beachy Waves

9/21 – 9/27: Fishtail

9/28 – 10/4: Air Dry Style

10/5 – 10/12: Top Knot

I left out Dutch Braids (I’m scared lol) but if you try it out show it off!


Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

More gorgeous looks! I'm so glad you shared!  Your hair is so pretty air dried and omg that braid looks like an expensive formal updo!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Gorgeous @trishavt! I'm glad you came by to post your looks 🙂 Really impressed by that fishtail!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

@KatieBT @kso1225  @fatimamummy @jesscheems 

Thank you for your kind comments. I logged off after posting since I was abroad and didn't have long term access to internet so reading your replies is a nice surprise 🙂


I'm feeling a bit jet lagged but Ill work on my bun today. I just hope I can pull off a top knot as well as the puppy in the photo @KatieBT posted 😉

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

@trishavt the best we can do it try!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Very pretty! You have gorgeous hair!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Top knot time!


To prep, I sprayed my entire scalp with Living Proof dry shampoo… Glad it was a step in the process because I love this stuff and was very oily this morning! Next, I added volume and texture with Living Proof’s dry volume blast, which smells marvelous and did add a lot of volume! After prepping, I got to top knotting! I wrapped my hair into a bun using an Invisibobble, wrapped the hair around until I was able to hide my ends and adjusted the bun to add texture and evenness. If anyone hasn’t used an Invisibobble before, it seems to hold the hair in place without tugging or causing breakage like a normal hair tie. It also feels like I’m wrapping a keychain attachment into my hair but I can get over that 😉


As you can see, @candacebt and I both completed this look! She will chime in with her experience 🙂 


Top Knot.jpg

If your hair is long we highly recommend wrapping your bun until you reach your ends. It makes the bun look more polished than “textured” but those of us with long hair have to work with all that length! 


Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

I know I am super late but you two look amazing with your top knots!!!! I love it! I also love @candacebt's headband! I recently did "the big chop" so no top knots for me for a while, but I will live through you! 

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

You both look very cute in top knots! This is kind of my Permanent hair style. LOL

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Lol twins! Does the volume last with the dry volume spray or is it just temporary @KatieBT?

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

@to90 #TopKnotTwinning LOL


Since I threw my hair on top of my head after applying volume blast I'm not 100% certain. I want to try it out with my hair down to see the full effect!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Super cute! Both of yalls hair is so nice and I def need to check out the invisibobble now that you've shared your experience with us. I spend time doing a bun and it falls apart easily or fast but would like to put it up and forget about it. Hopefully this product works for me 🙂


Have either of you tried any more looks with the invisibobble? @KatieBT @candacebt

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

@trishavt we both have clear Invisibobbles so you can see them if you're throwing your hair into a ponytail. (Not as Invisibobble as you'd think!!) I'll stick to top knots and messy buns so I can hide it but do think they're worth a try! Hair ties pull on my hair, leaving my head sore and I didn't have any discomfort using the Invisibobble AND it stayed pul all day. I feel like I'm always shedding so hoping this will help keep my hair attached to my head!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Hi guys! So I wear my hair in a top knot at least once a week so to call this a "challenge" is a bit of a stretch :). But I do appreciate that my go-to mom style is now on trend!


As @KatieBT said, since I have pretty long and thick hair, I generally just put all of my hair up, twist the whole pony, and then secure it with a hair tie. Full disclosure, I didn't do anything differently this time. But I did discover some new products I liked! I used the Living Proof Dry V Volume blast to add a little more texture (I love love love the smell of it), and the Invisibobble to secure the whole thing. The invisibobble is literally the wonkiest little product ever (and to Katie's point, it looks like a key ring), but it's awesome! Usually I've had to redo my bun two or three times by the end of the day, but the combination of the spray and the bobble has kept it secure! I'm sold.




Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

So pretty! ❤️

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

You both look adorable 😍 @candacebt @katiebt 


Now this is a look I sport all day everyday esp with lil ones..I am sure candace can relate lol. 

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Lol yes the top knot is definitely is my go-to mom look! Let's see yours!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Very chic and pretty! 

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Thank you @jesscheems!!

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Is this only for Android? I have an iPhone and I can't find it.

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Nope @MargauxTia but I also had a hard time finding it on the app after the launch so I've found it's easier to go directly to the site here:

Re: Pocket Hairstylist Challenge!

Pssst! Top Knots week starts tomorrow 😄 


12 Replies
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