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What's on your plate?

Hello there, ladies and gents!


Keeping in line with all the fun and interactive threads asking about your most recent halls, items you have your eyes on, what you're currently wearing, what's your hair routine, and more, I've decide to branch out and ask:


"What's on your plate?"


The beauty world doesn't just stop at skin care and cosmetics, it also goes hand in hand with your overall health and well-being, so with that, I'm curious to see what we're all chowing down and snacking on be it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or inbetween!


For those with apps that help count calories or to those who just want to keep a log, here's a place to share, possibly find and share some recipes, and even tips on maintaining a balanced diet.


Don't just share food items, but even drinks! I'm a huge fan of tea and at least have a cup of green tea a day (anti-oxidants) and drink plenty of water.


For lunch today, I had:


-Brown rice

-Steamed egg

-Steamed red snapper with green onion, sesame oil, and black pepper

-Gai lan (it's a type of Chinese vegetable/greens)


Now, tell me, Beauty Talk world, what do you have? 😄

Re: What's on your plate?

@Shosh85  This looks like my kind of meal!!!  Yum!!  

Re: What's on your plate?

Thank you @heartsmyface!! I really liked this recipe..... and if my husband likes it, it's gotta be good 😂

Re: What's on your plate?

@Shosh85 This looks amazing. You guys almost make me want to try to cook for real...almost. 

Re: What's on your plate?

New year's resolution for 2023 @Samtian😉

Re: What's on your plate?

@itsfi lol that is a sure fire way to not do it. 

Re: What's on your plate?

Wait a second here! Didn't you do a meal prep subscription box at one point @Samtian?

Re: What's on your plate?

@itsfi Yeah lol. Those got too pricey. 

Re: What's on your plate?

@Samtian  Hahahahah!  You can do it!  

Re: What's on your plate?


Re: What's on your plate?

@Samtian  Haha! You crack me up! 😂

Re: What's on your plate?

@Shosh85 😄

Re: What's on your plate?

@Shosh85 This looks delicious. I have tried to make a similar dish in the past but I had issues with thr sauce not sticking and being runny. This looks like perfection!

Re: What's on your plate?

Thanks, @Mellmars1185! I think it all depends on the recipe 😉 This one, the chicken was pan-seared first, then thrown in the slow cooker with the sauce.😃

Re: What's on your plate?

@Shosh85 Thanks for the tip!

Re: What's on your plate?

This looks beautiful and delicious @Shosh85 👌👍👏

Re: What's on your plate?

Thank you @blackkitty2014! I'm just happy my husband liked it 😅

Re: What's on your plate?

@Shosh85  It’s so tough finding meals everyone in the house wants to eat.  Usually we’re eating three or four different things cause no one has the same tastes or cravings 

Re: What's on your plate?

@heartsmyface  Since my boys have sensory issues and only really eat one or two specific things, it really just comes down to me and my husband- but my husband is hard enough to deal with. 😅 He's SO picky, it's a little frustrating sometimes. Plus, he's lactose intolerant and has other stomach issues, so that doesn't help. Me? I'll eat anything, so I usually just let him decide 😉

Re: What's on your plate?

Your hubby is a lucky man @Shosh85 😘

Re: What's on your plate?

@blackkitty2014  Awe, thank you! That's what I keep telling him! 😂

Re: What's on your plate?

@Shosh85 always good to remind him;) just in case. 

3 Replies