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Post in Besides Beauty

What’s in your cup?

A companion thread to What's on your plate? 


I thought it would fun to share what we’re all drinking. It could be your favourite tea or show of your crowd pleasing cocktail recipes. What’s in your cup?

Right now, I’m enjoying a nice cup of ginger peach tea with milk and honey. It’s nice and calming before bed. 



And shout out to the original thread  I kinda found out too late about this and it’s been far too long since it was updated. 


Re: What’s in your cup?

Re: What’s in your cup?

@happyskincare  That looks incredible! I've never heard of an Affogato.

Re: What’s in your cup?

This looks so good, @happyskincare ! 😋

Re: What’s in your cup?

Thanks it was strong for me though but still tasted amazing!❤️❤️❤️

Re: What’s in your cup?

@happyskincare @That looks delicious 😋 

Re: What’s in your cup?

It was such a treat @SportyGirly125 ❤️

Re: What’s in your cup?

@happyskincare  this is the cutest thing ever how was it? It looks so yummy!!! 🌻

Re: What’s in your cup?

It was amazing @peculiarzmakeup ❤️Very strong😅  I ended up having a caffeine crash😂️ but it was well worth it the taste made up for it ❤️

Re: What’s in your cup?

I can imagine! lol it gives me throwback vibes to when I worked at Starbucks caffeine crash lol 😂 I hope it was tasty 😋 it looks so tasty!!! @happyskincare 

Re: What’s in your cup?

👀 ohhh, you most definitely had to @happyskincare! Well done! Your affogato looks absolutely delicious! 😋 Love your photo. The “extras” add a great touch, visually and I’m sure as far as taste went! ♥️

Re: What’s in your cup?

It was delicious definitely more of a treat then a coffee😅️ the only thing is sadly I had a caffeine crash😂🤍 but it was well worth it @itsfi 🥰

Re: What’s in your cup?

Ouch, sorry about the caffeine crash @happyskincare! Glad you were able to treat yourself though. 

Re: What’s in your cup?

Stopped by Starbucks for a sugar-free vanilla oat milk latte. They barista put this cute little sticker on the lid.


I’m taking this as a sign.

Re: What’s in your cup?

@Ispend2much6 That's so cute!

Re: What’s in your cup?

@PrettyPaint    It is!  I went this week but my sticker wasn't quite as cute.

Re: What’s in your cup?

@Ispend2much6  That drink sounds delicious first of all and the sticker is so adorable I would buy a drink just to get that sticker 😂

Re: What’s in your cup?

@peculiarzmakeup  I understand!

Re: What’s in your cup?

@Ispend2much6 - That puts a smile on my face just looking at it! 🙂

Re: What’s in your cup?

Me too! @Titian06 

Re: What’s in your cup?

@Ispend2much6 so cute. 

Re: What’s in your cup?

My mother and I were recently gifted some Oreo shake sets. mmm love shakes. So we finally got around to making them! ...she didn't exactly leave me any whipped cream though 😑



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