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Pet Paradise

Show off pics of your pets, tell stories, anything you want to share about those special animals in your life 🙂 Post as much and as often as you want!

Here are are my fluff babies DJ and Gunner (also called Lulu or Lou). They are mother and daughter. DJ is my baby and Gunner is a daddy's girl. They are approximately 9 years old and very spoiled!

This is DJ. She loves to be near me.

Miss Gunner Lou loves her catnip carrot


Re: Pet Paradise

Great pics and caption, @jaaayp !  With where I live, you can be squirrel, leaf, or rabbit as well.  Isabella would chase those leaves like there was no tomorrow...except they were on the otherside of the patio door!

Re: Pet Paradise

LOL I love that @Titian06 !! I do think they're a little bummed from not being on the first floor (I have 3 floors) so they're not as close to leaves or people walking which is a shame (my older one, Bandita, got a lot of foot traffic when she was little and we lived on a first floor). Have I seen Isabella?!??!

Re: Pet Paradise

@jaaayp - Isabella passed away 6 years ago this past Memorial Day weekend.  She looked just like Ivan, but with long hair.  They had the same father but different mothers.  Ivan was the only short hair in the two litters and Isabella was the only female.

Re: Pet Paradise

Oh nooo. I'm sorry to hear that @Titian06 I'm 12000% sure Isabella had an amazing life ❤️ thats really cool! Step siblings! Does Ivan have another friend now? Omg honestly, I can't even fathom losing a family member 😔 😭 

Re: Pet Paradise

@jaaayp - Ivan is an only child now.  I wasn't sure what to do at the time.  Since he was already 12 yo and had health issues, I didn't want to upset his world even further.  If I'd known he'd still be around 6 yrs later, I may have made a different decision...who knows.  Now that he's 18 with failing kidneys, anemia, and hyperthyroid, I'm definitely going to wait. 😄  Of course if a situation comes along that I just can't pass up, that will be different.

Re: Pet Paradise

I feel like they are watching the latest dramas, DON'T DISTURB THEM @jaaayp 

Re: Pet Paradise

Omg you get it @danielledanielle I always tell them "you guys want TV time?!" Before I open them windows. Then once I open them, its like I dont exist.. 😂

Re: Pet Paradise


 this is Bailey she is a yorky sichoe mixe


 and this is Comet he is a mixe of a bunch just to name some German shepherd, and Golden retriever just to name some.

Re: Pet Paradise

@kristleann ,


Bailey and Comet!  Such wonderful dogs!

Re: Pet Paradise

@kristleann  they are both so cute! Bailey is adorable, and Comet is so handsome! 

Re: Pet Paradise

So adorable @kristleann ! Love them. 

Re: Pet Paradise

Hello to your sweet puppers! @kristleann 🩷🩷

Re: Pet Paradise

Bailey and Comet look adorable,  @kristleann ! 💖🐾💖

Re: Pet Paradise


 This is my best friend’s new dog he rescued today! Her name is Hazel and she is blind. She is an older dog but it is so sweet how she tries to know where everything is. She love pets so much and am so happy he rescued her right before she was going to be put down.

Re: Pet Paradise

@stellazoo ,


This is the most heart-warming news!  Yay for Hazel and for your wonderful friend who adopted her! 

Re: Pet Paradise

@stellazoo  how wonderful that your friend rescued an older and special needs dog and gave her a second chance! She sounds so sweet!

Re: Pet Paradise

This is the best news to hear @stellazoo , amazing and what a cutie. They do adjust don’t they. Great. 

Re: Pet Paradise

That's a beautiful thing he did @stellazoo 💖

Re: Pet Paradise

I'm so glad your friend chose to rescue an older and challenged animal, @stellazoo ! 🥰  Thanks for sharing! 

Re: Pet Paradise


Re: Pet Paradise

@winsomeg ,


Beautiful kitty!
