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Pet Paradise

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Here are are my fluff babies DJ and Gunner (also called Lulu or Lou). They are mother and daughter. DJ is my baby and Gunner is a daddy's girl. They are approximately 9 years old and very spoiled!

This is DJ. She loves to be near me.

Miss Gunner Lou loves her catnip carrot


Pet Paradise

here's my furbaby family! First one is Koda (4yrs), new baby Zoey (10 weeks) and the "old lady" Kira (7 years)

Re: Pet Paradise


You have such cute doggies!  Koda, Zoey, and Kira are all darling!  🙂

Re: Pet Paradise

@Mickieemail What a beautiful family!! I bet there's never a dull moment at your house!! 

Re: Pet Paradise

She's beautiful!  Congrats!  Corn chip paws are the weirdest yet cutest thing.  

Re: Pet Paradise

@michelleshops my Frenchie had them too, I love that smell haha

Re: Pet Paradise

Hi @makeitup305,


Thank you for sharing these photos! Mia is a cutie! She looks very lovable. I love how you mentioned your dogs paws smell like corn chips (LOL!) - I'm thinking the same thing with my husky. 🙂


Best Regards,


❤️ Raquel 

Re: Pet Paradise

@makeitup305  Your dog is so pretty!! Love her coloring!! When she pees indoors, are you able to clean it up with an enzyme cleaner. That's the only thing that will completely take the smell out so they will stop peeing. Of course, sometimes it's a nervous habit, if they had just been outside!! About the yeast, my beagle used to lick her paws all the time and she had allergies. A fairly new allergy pill, Apoquel, worked wonders on her allergies and helped with her ear infections!!  Mia is so lucky to have someone to rescue her and love her!! Enjoy your special little girl.!!😍

Re: Pet Paradise

@yankeefaithful I don't think she has allergies, I haven't noticed any paw licking which I've seen before with my previous dog. I think it's just her smell, not too yeast-y. I also think she pees indoors when she's mad at us or she thinks we're not giving her the attention she's due lol I'm trying to give her water primarily after meals and walks to reduce overdrinking. She's gotten a little better with that and with positive reinforcement when she goes outside. She's technically still a baby almost so I can't be too mad.

Re: Pet Paradise

@makeitup305 . How adorable!!  I've had a couple dogs that have had the corn chip smell.  In their case it was due to overgrowth of yeast.  You may want to have it checked out as it can be very irritating for them (licking paws, can get crusty).  In my most recent dog that this happened to, it was due to his diet.  Now, he no longer smells like corn chips and he's much happier.

Re: Pet Paradise

@b3autygrl I think it's just a puppy smell but it reminds me of chips. I took her to the vet recently and she didn't notice anything but I'll keep an eye on it just in case. Thanks for the heads up!

Re: Pet Paradise

@b3autygrl How was the dog tested for yeast? I always said that my do smells like popcorn. Also what kind of food does your dog eat?

Re: Pet Paradise

Hi @Loretta55!  I took my dog to the vet and I told him he smelled like corn chips and he looked at his skin and he said he had an overgrowth of yeast.  I also then researched online and it seems to be pretty common.  My dog is a bit of a special guy, he's allergic to a bunch of stuff (rice, beef, corn, potato, pork, and too many to list but you get the idea).  He was having a ton of skin issues, always getting hives, was red all over, and constantly scratching.  Once I found out what he was allergic to (via lab test), I started making his food with ingredients he's not allergic to which are (wheat, barley, chicken, spinach, carrot).  There are a few other ingredients he can eat but ends up being too expensive like fish, shell fish, venison, rabbit).  Also, if his diet is too high in sugars (ie. I was at one point making his food with sweet potato but using way too much) it would also cause his skin to become yeasty.  The vet saw him recently (he was limping and he diagnosed him as having arthritis in his elbow join) and commented how great his skin looked (he's hairless, his breed is Xoloitzcuintle).  We still have some skin issues on occasion (with all his allergies) but he's in a much better place today than he's ever been.



Re: Pet Paradise

He's so handsome!  How dare anyone say anything less than that!  Interesting tidbit about the yeast overgrowth @b3autygrl 

Re: Pet Paradise

@b3autygrl  What a great dog!! He looks so intelligent and is so lucky to have someone to take care of his special needs!! Do you have to worry about sunburn? I have a friend who has a hairless cat and she has to worry about letting him sit too long in the window! So glad he is doing better now!! Enjoy him!!😊

Re: Pet Paradise

Thanks @yankeefaithful!  He loves the sun!  Any chance he gets, he likes to layout in the sun.  I don't really have to worry too much because he's indoors most of the time but the few times that I have taken him out when it's been really hot, I do have to make sure we're not out for too many hours.  If we were going to be out for an extended amount of time I would put on sunblock.  That smart look is actually him trying to ignore me since he hates taking pictures.  

Re: Pet Paradise


Your dog is beautiful!

Re: Pet Paradise

Thanks @tsavorite!  Interestingly enough when he was a puppy I would get really rude comments about him, asking what happened to his hair, someone even said he looked like a "ghost of a dog". 😞  I always thought he was cute, which of course I would since he's my pup.

Re: Pet Paradise

Omg @makeitup305, sooooo cute!  She's still young, so I'm sure the housebreaking will improve. Enjoy the puffy puppy cuteness in the meantime 🐕

Re: Pet Paradise

@makeitup305  Congratulations on the new family member, she looks adorable and so happy to be with you.  Her smell of corn chips is too cute 🙂


I can see for what she really is, a total bed hogger.  Good luck sleeping at the edge of the bed, you'll get used to it (many of us have) 😄

Re: Pet Paradise

@darkiceis haha she totally is! She doesn't sleep in the bed with us an night, just when we're watching TV or hanging out. No way we'd all fit unless it was a California King mattress. She's got a huge comfy bed that she stretches out on at night with a soft towel.

Re: Pet Paradise

She is exceedingly cute @makeitup305! Congrats on your new addition!
