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Pet Paradise

Show off pics of your pets, tell stories, anything you want to share about those special animals in your life 🙂 Post as much and as often as you want!

Here are are my fluff babies DJ and Gunner (also called Lulu or Lou). They are mother and daughter. DJ is my baby and Gunner is a daddy's girl. They are approximately 9 years old and very spoiled!

This is DJ. She loves to be near me.

Miss Gunner Lou loves her catnip carrot


Re: RE: Pet Paradise

@kromance Oh my goodness! He is just adorable! Love his expression! 😀

Re: RE: Pet Paradise

@kromance What a pretty dog! I love his face and aren't they creatures of habits. My Gracie knows where I keep her treat and what pocket I carry them in. I know you love him alot!

Re: RE: Pet Paradise

@yankeefaithful thank you!! I'm not going to lie but I pretty much treat him like he's my first born child. lol. I can't resist his puppy dog eyes, so he pretty much gets whatever his tiny heart desires.. 

Re: RE: Pet Paradise


Beautiful Sheltie!  What a face!  That expression!  So cute!

He knows what he wants!  🙂

Re: RE: Pet Paradise

@tsavorite Thank you mama! He sure has an attitude.. thinks the world revolves around him lol 🙂

Re: Pet Paradise

Frog update everyones settled in to their holding tank  and eating well. I was able to get some better pictures. Love how tge male has random red splotches on one leg and the female looks like she is wearing pants. 20180122_130927.jpg



Re: Pet Paradise

I love the jeans! 👖👖👖 @moxiepancakes

Re: Pet Paradise

They are really nice,I love frogs.

Re: Pet Paradise

@moxiepancakes. These are so pretty and colorful! Do you have more and what kind of care is involved? I know reptiles and amphibians take a certain type of care.

Re: Pet Paradise

@yankeefaithful I have 4 of dendrobates tinctoruis azureus and a trio of dendrobates leucomelas. They do best in a fully planted bioactive vivarium seeded with microfauna like springtails. Room temerature 70ish is reasonable so lights are for uvb and plant growth not really heat. They do need high humidity like 70%+ I have an automatic mist system and a glass top on the tanks so I don't have to worry about hand misting. The food tends to be the deal breaker for most people- you have to culture flightless fruitflies.  I feed mine vitamin dusted flies every day but adults can be fed every other day. The initial set up trends to be expensive but in my opinion the up keep is easier than an aquarium.  


And also importantly they can live 10 to 20 years. 20180124_123942.jpg

 Making copiesMaking copies


Re: Pet Paradise

@moxiepancakes That is so interesting and takes full commitment to take care of these beautiful animals. I knew that feeding snakes and lizards can get gross for some people because my son has a snake and bearded dragon, and can't believe what he feeds them(by the way, they aren't in my house! My husband would croak because he hates snakes!!😉) He loves animals but that's where he draws the line. I applaud your love and commitment!

Re: Pet Paradise


Wow!  I didn't know they were so small!  They are beautiful!

Re: Pet Paradise

Love them! So tiny and cute!! Do they mind being held? @moxiepancakes

Re: Pet Paradise

@Shosh85 dart frogs are generally too delicate to hold and are sensitive to things humans may have on their hands. Occasionally with clean hands I will hand feed some of my larger species, they will eat fruit flies and bean beetles from my palm and occasionally sit on it while eating.  These new guys could sit on a penny and can hop very well they will probably be totally hands off. 

Re: Pet Paradise

That’s awesome! Thank you so much for sharing! Those are very neat little pets! Never had a frog, but I did have a turtle growing up 😉😃 @moxiepancakes

Re: Pet Paradise

@Shosh85 I love turtles as a kid we would have the the wild ones that wandered through the yard as a "pet for a day" and let them continue on their way.  Sometimes it was the same one back for some easy food. They love fruit and earthworms. 

Re: Pet Paradise

@moxiepancakes That’s so cool! I’ve never seen wild turtles before 😃 We got ours from a pet store. His name was Tad. 😉 

RE: Pet Paradise

My cat Mojo, is a feral cat that was rescued and successfully domesticated - you would never know she was ever feral 😉😀

Re: RE: Pet Paradise

@Shosh85 and @yankeefaithful,

I have had cats that were feral and were able to become the most loving pets. 

Some of my BFF kitties.

Their genes are domestic cat genes, so, it's possible, and I think that you will agree, so richly rewarding! 

Another thing, with some feral cats, we don't know their entire history, so they may have been handled earlier, maybe as kittens, and lost or abandoned before we met them as feral cats.

Re: RE: Pet Paradise

@tsavorite You are so right! Feral cats can become the most loving pet and most of the time the ones with the best personality! I actually think my most favorite cats have been feral! 🐈 I’m also a big softy when it comes to rescues..... I just want them all, lol! My husband is here to control my urges though, haha! 😂

Re: RE: Pet Paradise

@Shosh85  I understand completely! My husband said if anything happened to him, I would become one of those women who hoarded animals!!😉 It's so hard to say no.

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