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BIC book club!

Some of us here have expressed an interest in a book club, myself, @mermadelove, @LCResz, @ZombieMetroAnt, @Mcakes. If you'd be interested in joining, reply below. My initial thought was to mail the books around but if it means that some people can't participate, then I'm all for dropping that requirement. I'd love this to be a place where we nominate our favorite book and others can read it and comment. Something fun for the new year!  ETA: the booklist:

1. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (16)
1. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie (16)
3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (13)
4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (11)
4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (11)
4. Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie (11)
7. Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (10)
7. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (10)
7. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (10) Discussion begins 8-13.
7. The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck (10) Discussion begin 9-2.
11. The Fault in our Stars by John Green (9) Time to discuss 9-26
11. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (9) Now discussing below.
11. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (9)
11. What Happened by Hilary Clinton (9) Now discussing below.
11. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett (9) Start reading now.
11. The Woman on the Orient Express by Lindsay Ashford (9)
11. milk and honey by Rupi Kaur (9)
18. A Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (8)
18. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (8)
18. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (8)
18. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (8)
18. Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence (8)
18. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (8)
18. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (8)
18. The Paper Magician by Charlie Holmberg (8)
18. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (8)
18. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (8)
18. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (8)
18. The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory (8)

Participants in spoiler



















Re: BIC book club!

My favorite book, not a novel at all, but a play by John Boynton Priestley, "The Inspector's Call," as for me, is a real Nobel laureate. You can read about it here there is a great essay. The point is that the play has a therapeutic effect. And you will lift your spirits, even if you are depressed. I often read when I want to give myself a burst of energy.

RE: BIC book club!

They are great books

Re: BIC book club!

@prettyinpa I was really hoping to do some reading during all of this, but have been extra busy at work.  I stopped by my local Half Price Books, and had forgotten how expensive the books are that aren't mass market paperbacks.  I left empty-handed.


What I *would* have gotten was, "The Silver Star" by Jeannette Walls, "Celebrity Encounters from A to Z" by Kathy Griffin," and oh no - I forgot the last one!  It had a theme similar to that of an Amy Tan or Lisa See.  I might have to stop by just to refresh my memory.


I honestly can't remember if I posted about the last few books I read ages ago (I hope it wasn't so long ago that I posted about it LAST summer!).  Two by David Sedaris, "Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" and "When You are Engulfed in Flames."  "Half Broke Horses" by Jeannette Walls and "I Hate Everyone...Starting with Me" by Joan Rivers.


EDIT: Just scrolled back a little more that I'd have liked to.  I posted about reading "Half Broke Horses: 367 days ago!  Jeez!  Time flies!

Re: BIC book club!

I finally did some more reading.  I read "Calypso" by David Sedaris, and finally bit the bullet and paid $7.99 for "The Silver Star."  I enjoyed them both.  I read about 50 pages or so of Erma Bombeck's "Aunt Erma's Cope Book" as I recall @Titian06 rec'ing her work.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get into it.  Maybe one of her others is better?

Re: BIC book club!

After 1917 the movie came out I started reading The Allie by Winston Groom. I'll be honest...I just finished it last week. It took me months. Now in two days I just read The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris, which is going to be made into a movie. That's going to be a hard movie to watch. And up next I have The Outsider by Stephen King. Which might actually be the first Stephen King book I've read.

Re: BIC book club!

1917 was a great movie! @Samtian 

Re: BIC book club!

@Samtian - I haven't heard of the Allie, but I have heard of the Tatooist of Auschwitz.  It's on my list to read.  I've been reading a lot of who-dun-its and historical fiction with some out of my comfort zone thrown in to keep me on my toes.  😁

Re: BIC book club!

@Titian06 I love historicals. The Allies is about Churchill, FDR, and Stalin, from their childhood to their deaths. 

Re: BIC book club!

I need to pick this back up especially since I'm home much more now! I feel like everyone is obsessed with in 5 years and Verity right now - is anyone reading those?

Re: BIC book club!

Hi, @Kim888 @Samtian !  I haven't heard of either of these books.  I have heard of the Tatooist of Auschwitz.  It's on my list.  Currently I'm reading Al Franken's "Giant of the Senate."  After that, I'll be reading Lynda Cohen Loigman's."Wartime Sisters."  I just finished "The Silence of the Girls" by Pat Barker.  It was a disappointment after reading "Circe."  I've been reading 2 to 3 books a week pretty steadily thanks to this book club!

Re: BIC book club!

@Kim888 I haven't heard of them. 

Re: BIC book club!

This weekend I finished reading

- The Devil Wears Prada

- Next Year in Havana


Re: BIC book club!

@Titian06  Have you seen the movie, the Devil Wears Prada? I had read the book during a flight almost a year before the movie came out and am slightly obsessed with the film, one of the only movie adaptations that I greatly prefer to the actual book. Also, Meryl 🙂 

Re: BIC book club!

@MissPuff - No, I haven't seen the movie.  Sounds like maybe I should.  I wasn't impressed with the book at all.

Re: BIC book club!

@Titian06  Oh the movie is so much better and it's always on TNT or E or something, definitely a fun watch 🙂 


I too felt that the book was kinda..meh. The writing isn't terrible but the characters were all sort of unlikable by the end and the story lines totally got away from the writer. I remember picking it up at the airport because I've always been obsessed with Vogue, then finding it not as good as I wanted it to be. Also, in the age of powerful female bosses, I found myself more annoyed with whiny Andy than with Miranda, why shouldn't female bosses be as demanding in their perfection as a male boss inevitably would be?

Re: BIC book club!

@MissPuff So this comment is almost a year late but I just saw this thread. lol.


Devil wears prada movie came out when I was in college. Other than the Harry Potter request, my friends and I thought everything else Andi was asked to do was normal expectations from managers, especially senior level managers, at most prestigious companies. I don't think it is healthy lifestyle but its certainly not strange for a new grad. 


And the movie is waaaay better than the book. I read the book after watching the movie and was so turned off by it. I am still amazed to this day that they made a good movie out of that novel. 

Re: BIC book club!

@nche  Umm, I have an unhealthy love for this movie and would gladly discuss it no matter how much later the original comment 🙂 I totally agree, the book was so bad that I couldn't believe the movie salvaged the majority of the plot and then made it BETTER.


The Harry Potter book thing had me dying because I've had bosses where when you achieve the impossible once, they just find progressively more and more insane tasks for you do (which, when you somehow manage to actually complete those, makes them assume it's all a walk in the park). Would I do that job now as a full on adult? Never (who has that energy!?), but as a 20-something, just out of college...absolutely and I actually have (not in that field, and certainly not glamorous, but with a boss fairly nutty and beyond demanding).


Can I also add that Andy's boyfriend was a giant jerkface in the movie, how was he meant to be sympathetic at all?! 

Re: BIC book club!

@MissPuff Hahaha I don't seek it out but I watch this movie every time its shown on cable - which is actually quite often strangely.


It's funny because I made my husband watch it once a long time ago and he's become super into it too - maybe because it is actually a work dramedy and not a rom-com. He has a lot of opinions. Especially about the boyf. He hated the unsupportive boyf who didn't care how Andy was struggling or her accomplishments. This was hilarious to me because he loved entourage and the actor is the main guy from that show. 


I know exactly what you mean about impossible tasks. I had a boss that gave me increasing number of duties and when I finally found a new job and gave notice, he had to get 3 people to do my work. lol. And he told them my tasks are easy and when I trained the 3 PEOPLE, they were like this is not easy at all. This is so complicated. Yup, it was easy for him to review because I did the work properly. Now I'm older with boundaries (but I still say yes too much). 

Re: BIC book club!

A couple of us talked during the meetup about reading “More Than Enough” by Elaine Welteroth since we had the chance to get it signed at the NYC Color Up Close event. Im going to try and start this week. 


@clairedabear @trishavt @ElleElleG @michelleshops @unfungirl @Cyncynn @jen143xo @darkiceis 

Re: BIC book club!

I haven't started as of yet @lnum .  Would love to hear everyone's feedback though!

Re: BIC book club!

@lnum  YES I have already started!! 😄
