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Post in Acne-Prone Skin

Pimple Hole

So I got this massive pimple on my chin, its one of those where its under my skin.

I tried to pop it and obviously failed and now I have this hole where the pimple is.  I know skin will eventually grow back over time but I seriously have issues with scars let alone a hole 😞

Wanted to know if anyone has ever had a pimple hole and/or you could suggest some good skin serum/cream/etc. that will assist with the skin to come back.


Re: Pimple Hole

@AmandaGarcia6 You may want to consider applying the teeniest bit of Neosporin.  Good luck1

Re: Pimple Hole

hi @AmandaGarcia6 !


firstly--and i know this goes without saying--don't pick at it anymore. 🙂


secondly, keep the area hydrated and nourished. this will help the scar from getting worse. do you have a facial oil you can dab on the area as it heals ? 


thirdly, once the skin has begun to heal and the texture has evened out again, you can do a vitamin c treatment that should help with 'brightening' the area and taking away the discoloration. check out the clinique 7-day vit c system. you can add this pure vit c  to your cleanser or moisturizer. it will help your other scars you mention you have as well.

Re: Pimple Hole

I currently use the morning serum from Kheils which does have some citrus in it.

Will definitely look into the Clinique 7-day Vit C product.


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